Chapter 113 You are simply a roundworm in my stomach!!

“Don’t get me wrong, I just have a song and want to hear Wenhao’s opinion.”

“Borrow me first, and return it to you later!”

With that, Xue Ziqian pulled Su Wenhao to the lounge.


Yang Mi blinked suspiciously.

How to use it?

Haven’t I heard that Xue Ziqian is bent?


Won’t bend my family Su Wenhao, right?

Yang Mi followed worriedly, and just took two steps before the phone got up.

After seeing the caller ID, she couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

The commercial department of Jiaxing company?

In the lounge, Xue Ziqian took out the printed lyrics and handed them over: “The music scores are all here, you give some advice.” ”

Su Wenhao took over, the score is very complete, and it has been almost completed.

He looked at the name again.

“Read? “Ugly”? ”

Xue Ziqian smiled and said, “Sounds a bit like swearing, right?” ”

“The score has been written, but I always feel that there are still some flaws, and I want to revise it but don’t know where to start.”

“I see that your creative talent is quite high, so I want to hear your opinion.”

Su Wenhao looked at the lyrics again and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, what Xue Ziqian let himself help watch was the song “Ugly Eight Monsters”

Before crossing, it was also a song of Ou Xue Ziqian.

Especially the song “Ugly” often points to the dead party.

This song is almost created, and it is estimated that there is no system mall.

But he was able to sing it in its entirety, and now that he has [top singing skills], he can come back to interpret the song better.

“Give me a few minutes.”

As he spoke, he took the lyrics, half leaned back on the couch, and sang the song silently in his head.

There are some small differences in the lyrics.

“I’ll change the lyrics.”

Su Wenhao asked for advice.

“Yes, of course. I’m looking for you to chat alone, just to help with some amendments. ”

As Xue Ziqian spoke, he took out a pencil from his bag and handed it over.

I am also curious in my heart, can I propose amendments so quickly, is it really capable, or is it deliberately perfunctory to me?

Su Wenhao took the pencil, recalled the lyrics, and then began to revise.

After revising, I compared it with what I had in my mind.

“This is probably my revision, Teacher Xue, take a look.”

Xue Ziqian took it in disbelief.

“It’s too soon, how old will it be for me to modify it in a while?”

With doubts, Xue Ziqian looked at the revised “Ugly Eight Monsters” from beginning to end.


The more he looked, the more surprised he became.

Good, great!

Although he only revised a few words, it was more concise than his original.

“Wenhao, you are simply a roundworm in my stomach!”

The corner of Su Wenhao’s mouth twitched.

“Look at your adjective, can’t I be a person?”

Xue Ziqian sneered, “I’m a little excited!” ”

“What do you think of the tune? Is there anything I need to change? ”

Su Wenhao thought for a while: “Otherwise, I’ll sing it directly, and if you listen to the lecture, do you need to revise it in detail.” ”

Xue Ziqian nodded approvingly: “Good, good, then you can sing and watch.” ”

Su Wenhao then took the lyrics and began to sing with the tune in his memory.

When he sang, Xue Ziqian listened very carefully.

The expression became more and more excited, almost like a pupil earthquake.

After Su Wenhao’s singing ended, he clapped excitedly: “Good, great!” ”

“This is what I imagined the song to look like!”

“Just saying that you are a roundworm in my stomach is wrong, you should be another doppelgänger of me!”

Su Wenhao sneered: “It’s not a good word anyway.” ”

With that, he returned the lyrics and dark son in his hand.

Xue Ziqian took it, his expression still irrepressibly excited: “Wenhao, I have thought it through. ”

“When I release a song, I must put your name on the song!”

Su Wenhao thought for a moment, and then smiled and waved: “Even if you add a name, after all, I didn’t make much effort, just helped change some words and expressed my personal opinion.” ”

“If you really want to thank me, the next game will work for you!”

As one of the three judges, being able to win him over will definitely help him.

Originally, Su Wenhao was unwilling to do this backdoor thing, but how could he refuse to send it by himself?

And in the competition of “Children of Tomorrow”, the power of the judges is too great, as long as two people occupy one at the same time, then they will advance, otherwise they will be eliminated.

If everything is fair and just, the problem is not fair! Flower dust rain is a prime example.


After listening to Su Wenhao’s suggestion, Xue Ziqian pondered for a while: “I can’t agree to your request, because it’s unfair to other contestants, and I, as a musician, will definitely not bend the law for personal gain on this.” ”

“But I can give you a guarantee, as long as your performance can impress me and is really good, even if it is PKI with the people on my track, I will vote for you,”

“However, in fact, even without my vote, you are very safe.”

According to the format.

After the first round of PK, three judges will vote, and the contestants who get two or more votes will advance, and the losers will enter the pending area for the first round of PK.

In the second round of PK, it does not depend on the opinions of the judges, but on the share of votes.

Compared to this, Su Wenhao is not afraid.

More than 60% of the votes are more than four times higher than the second place, even if the second round of singing runs away and loses the tone, you can easily advance to the second place.

Su Wenhao sneered: “If that’s the case, don’t I have to prepare two songs?” Don’t want to be so troublesome. ”

“And I don’t let Teacher Xue favor my side, as long as I don’t want to use sheep to treat me.”

Xue Ziqian shrugged helplessly: “No matter what industry you are in, there will be people who are jealous and capable, which is normal.” ”

“I promise you, I will not bend the law for personal gain, and I will not favor the king!”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Okay, then one word is a decision!” ”

“The matter of helping Brother Qian change the lyrics just now is two clear, and I look forward to your song “Ugly Eight Monsters” online.”

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