Chapter 115 I’m 6 years old and 20 years old!!


Yang Mi’s question made Su Wenhao not expect.

Where is the Spring Festival Gala held?

He hasn’t been here, how do you know? Look at the building in the shape of large pants.


“Shouldn’t it be in…”

Yang Mi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: “That’s right, it’s ~ in the pants… Crotch! ”

“Let’s go, let’s go in and take a look, and see what is the intention to let you come to the national stage.”

Then Yang Mi took Su Wenhao and the two walked in side by side.

There were many people coming and going in the lobby on the first floor, and Yang Mi showed the invitation code in the text message at the front desk.

The front desk of the national station has seen the world, and is well-trained, and he is very indifferent when he meets various leaders.

Although Yang Mi and Su Wenhao are, they can only let the young lady look at them twice.

“This is an elevator card for two, please go up to the 19th floor from elevator room No. 2, children’s channel reception room.”

What? Kids Channel?

Yang Mi and Su Wenhao looked at each other blinded.

“How old are you?”

Yang Mi asked curiously.

Su Wenhao thought for a while: “6 years and 20 years. ”


The well-trained young lady couldn’t help but laugh after hearing this reply.

Yang Mi frowned.

“Why is the children’s channel looking for you?”

Su Wenhao shrugged: “How do I know this?” ”

“Men are teenagers to death, probably they know that I am still a pure child paper at heart, right?”


Yang Mi sneered twice: “I can’t ask you anything.” ”

“Let’s go, let’s go to the children’s channel and ask.”

According to the young lady at the front desk, the two took the elevator to the children’s channel, and as soon as they got out of the elevator, there was a young lady wearing a ribbon waiting.

“Hello two, just now the front desk has called the inside line to tell me, please follow me, and then she took Yang Mi and Su Wenhao to the reception room.”

After the young lady bowed very politely, she closed the door and left.

Chief Director?

Su Wenhao was completely confused, and his head was full of question marks.

Isn’t it a reward for catching up sonar?

Why did those who fished in Hainan run to Yanjing to give prizes?

Why come to National Television?

And still a children’s channel?

Now a chief director has popped up?

“What’s going on?”

Su Wenhao couldn’t help but ask.

Yang Mi shook her head in the same confusion: “I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be bad news, right?” ”

When the two were staring at each other in confusion, there were footsteps outside, and soon the door of the reception room was pushed open.

A middle-aged lady appeared at the door.

“Sorry to keep the two of you waiting.”

“Please sit.”

“Hello two, I am the chief director of “June Day Gala”.”

June Day party?

Su Wenhao’s face was full of doubts and puzzlement.

“Hello, my name is Su Wenhao, I don’t know why I came here?”

“Is it the wrong person?”

Specially, Lao Tzu is an adult, or a contestant of “Children of Tomorrow”, why did he come to the children’s channel?

Why is the person who received me still the general director of the June Day Gala?

I haven’t been past June Day for many years, why did you suddenly find me?

The chief director smiled and said: “That’s right, I have seen your performance in “Longing for Life” and “Children of Tomorrow”, how can you find the wrong person.” ”


It seems that there is no wrong person.

Yang Mi asked curiously: “I don’t know what you have to do with Wenhao?” ”

The chief director smiled and said, “You know, tomorrow is Children’s Day!” ”


Is it?

Su Wenhao didn’t pay attention to this festival that he couldn’t fight with himself, even on June 1st, he just treated it as an ordinary day.

“Sorry, but you still look like someone who can celebrate Children’s Day?”

Yang Mi also said: “The phone I received here said let’s come over to receive the certificate.” ”

“Because when Wenhao participated in “Longing for Life” before, he fished out a sonar from the sea.”

The chief director smiled and said, “That’s right. ”

“Regarding the rewards and certificates for sonar, the above has been approved, and I originally thought of giving it directly to Wenhao, but later found out that he is a public figure, and he is still a little famous.”

“So I plan to spread the word and get more fishermen to actively participate, because they have been working in the sea for many years, and they can often fish something out of the sea, and some measuring instruments are fished out in this way.”

“As the saying goes, sonar has no copper, it is useless to fish, but there is money in the department handed over.”

“At the same time, I also want to use this matter to carry forward positive energy and let more young people follow Su Wenhao’s example.”


When he heard these two words, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but straighten up, and a sense of righteousness arose.

But he didn’t say anything, and Yang Mi also chose to shut up.

Because, what does this matter have to do with the children’s channel and Children’s Day?

The chief director continued with a smile: “The original plan was what I just described, but then I thought that it would be Children’s Day, and it just so happened that our children’s channel was planning the June Day party. ”

“As you know, children are the future of the country, and their values are very important.”

“Therefore, the above wants to give Su Wenhao the opportunity to give the prize, so that the country’s children can also absorb some positive guidance.”


Speaking of this, Su Wenhao suddenly realized.

“So it is.”

“After I came to the children’s channel to receive the award, I was shocked and didn’t know why I came here.”

“I didn’t expect this arrangement.”

The chief director nodded: “Actually, in addition to awarding, I personally have a little idea.” ”

“Wenhao, you are a singer-songwriter, I have listened to all the songs you wrote, they are very good, and writing songs makes me a middle-aged person deeply touched.”

“So I was like, can you make a song for Children’s Day tomorrow?”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment: “Write a children’s song?” ”

“Although I don’t know if there are children’s songs in the system mall, even if there is, let him sing children’s songs to a 26-year-old person?”

“Can this open your mouth?”

“That’s not how you dress up!”

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