Chapter 116 Or shall I sing the Ten Forbidden Songs?!!

The chief director smiled and waved his hand: “In fact, it doesn’t have to be a children’s song, as long as it can guide the values of teenagers.” ”

“Of course, the ones you sang before will definitely not work, children have no life experience, and they can’t experience that mood.”

“It’s even more impossible to love and love.”

Yang Mi asked curiously: “Tomorrow is June Day, since the party is going to be held, I believe that many programs have been arranged.” ”

“Even if Wenhao can write it, there is no chance for him to appear, right?”

The chief director said with a smile: “Not really, don’t forget that I am the chief director, and I can call up the time until the official broadcast.” ”

“What’s more, our children’s channel is more flexible in many aspects, not as strict as the national one and second channels, and it is not possible to broadcast anything bad at what time.”

“The programs of the children’s channel, especially the June Day Gala, will continue for five minutes, ten minutes, and no one will pursue it.”

“But the premise is whether Wenhao can create a suitable song before tomorrow!”


After hearing these words, Su Wenhao pondered a little.

Singing on the Kids Channel is really unexpected, but it is also a good opportunity.

Although the June Day Gala will not be broadcast live on the Internet, it will be broadcast live on TV, and there will be many children watching the program at that time, and there will be parents to accompany them.

In this case, maybe he can reap another wave of prestige.

Maybe the prestige of children is better obtained, after all, they are very simple, and liking is liking.

The question is singing children’s songs? It’s a bit embarrassing.

If you don’t sing children’s songs, then what to sing?

“It’s a bit of a tight schedule, but I’m willing to take it on.”

“Children’s song, this has not been tried before, you can try it!”

After careful consideration, Su Wenhao finally gave a reply.

After you go back, look through the system mall to see if there are any suitable songs, if you don’t have it, you won’t appear on stage.

If there is, then this opportunity must still be seized.

Promise to come down first.

The chief director was very satisfied with his answer: “That’s really good, you don’t have to put too much pressure, children’s songs as long as the melody is beautiful and catchy.” ”

“After you give me an answer tomorrow, I will check with you the specific details of tomorrow’s June Day party.”

“Including how to receive the award, how to perform on stage, how long it takes, etc.”

Su Wenhao nodded politely: “Okay, thank you for the recognition of the chief director, I hope I can create a work that satisfies you.” ”

“Then I’ll go back to conceiving it now.”

The chief director smiled and stood up: “Looking forward to your work.” ”


After entering the elevator, Yang Mi couldn’t help but be happy: “Little friend Su Wenhao, what song are you going to sing tomorrow?” ”

“Or may I give you a suggestion? “Counting Ducks”, “Mud Dolls” and “Catching Loach”, these are very good works! ”


Su Wenhao sighed: “Then I might as well sing the top ten forbidden songs.” ”

Yang Mi blinked: “Top ten forbidden songs?” What do you mean? ”

Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in a somewhat gloomy voice: “Have you heard of “Red Wedding Dress”? ”


Yang Mi couldn’t help but shiver.

“Red Wedding Dress”, almost every high school student has heard the name of this song, but few people have the courage to listen to this song, in the middle of the night, when there is no one.

“In fact, this song is almost lethal for children who have little knowledge, they can’t hear anything.”

“Moreover, you can’t pass the pass at the chief director, and you can’t confiscate your awards and certificates.”

Su Wenhao was happy: “Are you stupid to me?” How is it possible to scourge the flowers of the future? ”

“Find a hotel later, calm down and create.”

Yang Mi nodded approvingly: “Okay, I still have to ask Xiao Guo to rebook my ticket.” ”

“Since you are going to prepare for tomorrow’s work, then I will not accompany you.”

“But after the end of the June Day party, you will also return to Hengdian as soon as possible, and I will take you to visit a distinguished guest.”


Su Wenhao’s curiosity was hanged: “Your distinguished guest? Who is it? ”

Yang Mi smiled and shrugged: “I said that you don’t know either…”

“The most important thing right now is tomorrow’s June Day party.”

“Although it is a children’s channel, it is also a national station, which can accumulate a wave of popularity and popularity for you.”

“You are still a newcomer, you must seize every opportunity that can be exposed.”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Don’t worry, I didn’t plan to deal with it at will, I must plan it well!” ”

The elevator door opened as he spoke.

Yang Mi put on her mask again and walked outside with Su Wenhao.

After receiving instructions from Yang Mi, assistant Xiao Guo had already called a special car.

“Behave well, tomorrow I will watch the children’s channel for you.”

“Sister Honey, I also have a Children’s Day!”

Yang Mi sat in the back seat of the car, lowered the window and explained.


The corners of Su Wenhao’s mouth twitched, why is Sister Mi always mother-in-law and mother every time she separates?

Complaining in his heart, his mouth still responded very politely: “Okay, I will try my best to behave.” ”

“But if the other person can’t watch my songs, it’s also a helpless thing.”

“It’s too hard for me as an adult to write children’s songs.”

Yang Mi smiled softly: “See you in two days.” ”

Su Wenhao waved lightly.

After waiting for Yang Mi’s car to leave, Su Wenhao opened the group purchase APP on his mobile phone and found a nearby hotel to stay in.

I forgot to ask just now, did today’s accommodation give shares a sale? Forget it.

There are still hundreds of thousands in your pocket, as long as you don’t open a presidential suite, it’s still no problem to pay for a room.

In an express hotel, Su Wenhao quickly checked in.

He didn’t have much luggage, so after casually putting it in the corner, he sat down by the window, looking at the scenery outside, and became contemplative.

Nursery rhyme.

Nima, what song is Lao Tzu going to sing?

You can’t really sing “Counting Ducks”, right?

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