Chapter 117: You can’t be a miser, let alone a loser!!

After thinking for a while, Su Wenhao decided to go to the system to take a look, and he unfolded the system panel with a slight movement of his mind.

Host: Su Wenhao

Ability: Top singing voice, top fitness, top cooking, top instrument, top ventriloquism, junior acting

Prestige: 1900, 2587


Why is my reputation only 1.9 million? Hey?

No, look less at the decimal point.


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but cry out.

19 million?

Is my reputation so high now? If you think about it, it’s understandable.

Because after the last lottery, he signed up with five music platforms to release songs, and it was free for listeners to listen to.

There are many short videos during this time, all with his songs as background music.

Many streamers will also cover his songs.

These are conducive to the spread of his songs.

Of course, how to charge for these commercial uses, Su Wenhao does not have to worry, how will they deal with penguin music, just sit and wait to collect money.

Reputation value is not equal to the number of people, including popularity, popularity, love and other comprehensive considerations.

Everyone can contribute a lot of prestige points, and how much they can contribute depends on Su Wenhao’s ability.

The more fans love him, the more they contribute.

Su Wenhao held his chin, looked at the eight-figure reputation value in front of him, and couldn’t help but fall into thought.

It seems that increasing exposure, increasing the transmission rate, this is a very important thing.

Participating in the Children’s Channel’s June Day Gala sounds a little nonsense, but think about it from a different angle.

This is a national station!

How many children will tune in to this channel, especially tomorrow’s June Day party.

Such a large group, if you perform well, you should be able to gain a lot of prestige points.

For him, an adult singer, the young age is a blind spot, which has not been considered before.

Now it’s time to plan well.

But before that, he got a draw prize to cool himself up.

19 million, you can’t be a miser!

“System, I’m going to pump… Draw out…… Five prizes! ”

Originally, he wanted to come 10 times.

But on second thought, you can’t be a miser, let alone a loser! Squander all the prestige points, in case of need, won’t you be stretched?

What’s more, as the old saying goes: one life, two luck and three feng shui.

Luck is a quantitative thing, and it can’t be consumed too hard.

“Dingdong, deduct 5 million reputation points, the system lottery begins!”

A stack of golden cards appeared, and Su Wenhao adjusted his sitting posture, just like the gambling god in Hong Kong films.

Anyway, now it’s just him in the room, and it’s nothing in the second grade.

After careful consideration, I finally chose a card.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: System Upgrade Shard×1!”


The system broadcast in his mind made him a little confused.


What is this?

He quickly looked at the relevant introduction.

[System upgrade fragments: Collect 10 pieces to upgrade the system! ] 】


Can the system be upgraded? Oh yes.

He suddenly remembered that the system had been upgraded once before, and the lottery function was turned on after the upgrade.

This upgrade, I don’t know what functions will appear.

But you need to gather 10 pieces.

emmm…… Why does this routine feel so familiar?

“System, shouldn’t you have gone to Penguin for further study?”

Su Wenhao quipped in his heart.

In his impression, in the various games produced by Penguin, he likes to use the function of fragments, especially skin fragments, in order to obtain satisfactory skins, the player’s wallet is about to be squeezed dry.

However, the system did not answer Su Wenhao’s question.

Su Wenhao did not continue to ask, his eyes looked at the stack of cards.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: System Upgrade Shard×1!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: System Upgrade Shard×1!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Junior Pilot!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for getting: thank you for your patronage!”


When the last card was drawn, Su Wenhao, who was drinking water, almost choked.

Thank you for your patronage?

Actually made an empty prize!

However, four of the five draws are drawn, and the 80% winning rate is also okay.

Beginner driving: You can now be proficient in driving non-motor vehicles, including but not limited to unicycles, bicycles, and motorcycles. PS: The system will give away a motorcycle driver’s license! 】

Wheelbarrow? What kind of wheelbarrow?

Su Wenhao fantasized in his mind that after he appeared on a wheelbarrow in the crowd waiting to cross the street, he stood out from the crowd.

As well as riding a wheelbarrow on the road, after overtaking the Rolls-Royce, he raised his middle finger at the other party.

Although it is quite windy when you think about it, it seems to be very low.

The flow of information poured into his mind, and after sorting it out, Xie Yihao probably understood this ability.

Although many people can ride bicycles, including himself, he often commutes by bicycle, but the level of cycling is also divided into three or six nine.

[In the hands of ordinary people, this is a means of transportation. 】

590 in the hands of bicycle enthusiasts, this thing can be ridden across provinces, even around the country, through the Gobi Desert.

In the hands of acrobats, many unique feats can be performed.

And Su Wenhao mastered all these application paths, whether it is a bicycle or a motorcycle, he can now play with words.

Simply put.

Even if A San saw him, he had to bow to the point of being downwind.

Then he moved his mind slightly and showed the motorcycle driver’s license in the system space.

Now many places to drive motorcycles, you need to use this certificate.

The documents given by the system are legal and compliant, and you can drive directly on the road.

Well…… Su Wenhao thought for a moment.

“System, I want to upgrade [Junior Driving]!”

“Dingdong, deduct 1 million reputation points, and the system capabilities begin to upgrade!”

A progress bar appeared in front of his line of sight and loaded from 0%.

It took a moment to load 100%.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host, [Junior Driving] has been upgraded to [Intermediate Driving]!”

Intermediate Driving: You now have a C1 license and are proficient in driving the vehicle in question. 】

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