Chapter 118 It seems that the Monkey King has come to Huaguo Mountain!!

Su Wenhao’s heart moved slightly and he showed the C1 driver’s license.

Then the corners of his mouth rose.

In the original world, he could drive, but in this parallel world, he had not yet had the opportunity to get a driver’s license, and now that he has a C1 driver’s license, he will be more comfortable going out in the future.

Host: Su Wenhao

Skills: Top Singing Voice, Top Fitness, Top Cooking, Top Instrument, Top Ventriloquism, Intermediate Driving, Junior Acting

Item: System Upgrade Fragment (3/10)

Prestige: 1401,2566.

Looking at the extra [Items] column on the system panel, Su Wenhao is also full of good ideas and wonders what changes will occur after the upgrade.

However, at present, it seems that it is not possible to upgrade for the time being.

Then he opened the system mall and began to browse carefully.

What song is suitable for singing on Children’s Day?

He really had no clue about this.

Looked through it for a long time.


This song seems to work.

By the way, that song should work.

“System, the songs I redeem, if I don’t sing them, but someone else sings, then can I still get reputation points?”

Su Wenhao seemed to have thought of some plan, and consulted the system in his mind.

“Dingdong, back to the host, as long as the work is exchanged from the mall, you can get reputation points, but the effect will be discounted by five!”


After listening to the reply, he nodded silently.

It doesn’t matter if you get a few discounts, the point is to get prestige points.

There are some songs that he is not suitable for singing, but can be sung by others

Although the prestige is only half the effect, it is still acceptable! Su Wenhao then spent 2 million reputation points to exchange for two songs.

I’ll watch these two songs tomorrow!

The next morning, Su Wenhao took his things to the national station.

Now he is already familiar with the road, report to the front desk lady and then take the elevator card to watch the children’s channel.

In the reception room, the chief director took the materials and USB flash drive handed over by Su Wenhao.

“Two songs.”


“Did you leave yourself an alternate song?”

Due to the review mechanism of the evening, inappropriate works will be eliminated.

Some artists will prepare a few more works.

Su Wenhao shook his head.

“No, yesterday I was inspired to write one more work.”


The chief director is a little comprehensible.

Do people talk about it?

Although she is a director, she still knows about the creative side.

Many creators rack their brains for months to write a song.

This guy is good, write two in one night?

Even if you write a saliva song, it’s not that fast, right?

Su Wenhao responded with a smile: “After my evaluation, I think that the song “Young Xia Guo Said” is very suitable for me to sing. ”

“This song “Listen to Me Say Thank You” seems a little childish, and it is somewhat inappropriate for me to sing it as an adult.”

“But I think this song is good, and it would be a pity if it was scrapped, (so I thought I could find a children’s singer to sing it.”)

The chief director looked at the two songs in his hand and couldn’t make up his mind for a while.

“In this way, we are rehearsing in the studio, you go to the stage and sing both songs, and let the teacher on the scene give some advice.”

“If they agree, then we will arrange the timing of your song If you don’t agree, I can only apologize!”

Su Wenhao nodded: “It should be so!” ”

Then he followed the chief director to the studio.

Pushing open the door, Su Wenhao seemed to be the Monkey King who had come to Huaguo Mountain.

Looking over, on the stage in the studio, off the stage, there are all children.

“Follow me!”

Led by the chief director, he came to several adults sitting in the audience, and after speaking, a lady stood up.


Su Wenhao frowned slightly, why do you think this woman is a little more familiar? The lady walked up to Su Wenhao and greeted with a smile.

“Hello, I’m Bright Sister, the host of the children’s channel.”

“Sonar is what you fished, it’s really amazing, I’ve heard of fishing, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it being so high-tech.”

“Tonight’s award ceremony, you have to speak well!”


Bright sister?

Su Wenhao suddenly realized, no wonder it looks so familiar, how many people grew up watching her show.

It’s just that as an adult, he has long stopped caring about which children’s hosts are

But it was those who were impressed.

Cockchafer, Dong Hao, Ju Ping and so on.

Su Wenhao returned with a polite smile: “Hello Bright Sister!” ”

“I am Su Wenhao!”

He wanted to say that I grew up watching your show, but then I thought that it was in the original world, where Bright Sister looked only a little older than him.

Now 26 years old, what he said was somewhat inappropriate, so he changed his words.

Bright sister smiled and looked at him.

“Real people are much more handsome than on TV, no wonder there are so many female fans.”

Su Wenhao arched his hands.

“Prize and prize.”

Bright Sister continued.

“Actually, I hope you can perform at the June Day Gala, I proposed this matter.”

“Because I see that you are very creative in “Children of Tomorrow”, I want to see if your arrival can add some special features to our evening,”

“Just now, the chief director told me, you prepared two songs?”


Su Wenhao knew in his heart that it turned out that Sister Bright proposed to let him sing.

“Yes, I accidentally wrote too much when I created yesterday.”

“The chief director said, let me sing both songs and let the review teacher see if I can pass the test.”

Sister Bright pointed to herself: “The audit teachers are just a few of us.” ”

“Our this is not as formal as the Spring Festival Gala, the first trial, the second trial, the final trial, the rehearsal, that set of processes down, it takes three calendar months.”

“As long as your songs make us feel good, then there is no problem.”

What’s more, Su Wenhao’s current popularity is very high, and from the personal perspective of Bright Sister, she is very willing to appear Su Wenhao.

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