Chapter 119 I’m here for you to watch the children’s channel for the first time!!

On the stage, a child’s piano solo had just finished rehearsal.

The staff was about to remove the piano, and Su Wenhao quickly walked onto the stage: “Don’t withdraw it yet.” ”

“Then I’ll use this piano and play these two songs aside, right?”


Sister Yue Liang raised her eyebrows curiously: “I knew you could play guitar, but I didn’t expect you to play the piano?” ”

Su Wenhao smiled slightly and said, “It will be a little!” ”

“Listen to it, these two songs are not suitable for the stage.”

As he spoke, he was already sitting at the piano.

The little girl who originally rehearsed the piano solo looked at this Su Wenhao curiously.

Then Su Wenhao’s ten fingers moved lightly, and the melodious piano sound came.

“Send you a careful heart, send you a flower, you are in my life, too touched…”

He first played and sang “Listen to Me Say Thank You”.

Although this song is more effective for the little girl to sing, he can also sing very well with [top singing voice].


When the song was finished, the children in the studio applauded politely.

“Huh? Why haven’t I heard such a nice children’s song? ”

“Could it be that this big brother wrote it himself?”

“It’s so nice, is he going to sing this song tonight?”

“He’s so handsome, he’s more handsome than our physical education teacher!”

Slightly older children are also a little precocious in terms of mentality, and the things discussed are different from those of five- and six-year-old children.

Sister Yue Liang asked curiously: “This “Listen to Me Say Thank You” is great, it is the best of the new children’s songs I have ever heard. ”

“You say this song is not for you to sing? But you sing very well! ”

Su Wenhao replied: “Although it is very good, but as an adult man, singing this song is somewhat greasy.” ”

“Or choose a little girl who sings better to interpret, the clear children’s voice is difficult for adults to imitate.”

“Next, this song “Young Xia Guo Said” also invites you to taste and taste.”

Then he played the piano again and sang along with the melody.

Both songs were redeemed from the system mall, and in the moment of successful redemption, he completely mastered all parts of the songs.

With the blessing of [Top Singing Voice] and [Top Instrument], he performed perfectly!

Wow! Another round of applause.

Sister Yueliang couldn’t help but get excited.

“I dare not judge this “Young Xia Guo Said” easily, I feel that it is a rare good song in these years!”

“The two songs you just sang are too suitable for singing at the children’s party!”

The chief director also nodded: “Yes, I can’t believe that you can write two high-quality songs in only one day.” ”

“It’s like opening and hanging!”


Listening to the chief director’s words, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but cough twice.

“Listen to the two of you, these two songs can be broadcast at the party?”

Sister Yue Liang nodded very seriously: “Yes, too much!” ”

Su Wenhao said with a smile: “I have some ideas about how these two songs are interpreted. ”

The chief director immediately said: “You can put forward any ideas, as long as you can present a good stage effect, we will try to cooperate with you!” ”

In the following time, Ban Yihao began to rehearse “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and “Young Xia Guo Said”.

“Listen to Me Say Thank You” is a children’s song, so it is easy to learn.

Sister Yue Liang recommended a little girl, her singing skills are very outstanding among children, and she also had a solo performance at the June Day party.

Under Su Wenhao’s careful tuning, it took only one morning to master this song.

So the chief director decided to change the song for the little girl and replace the song that was going to be sung with “Listen to Me Say Thank You”.

The little girl is also very happy, the original children’s song is a cover, this is a new song!

Next, Su Wenhao concentrated his experience in “Sha Nian Xia Guo Theory”.

20 good-looking boys and girls were selected, and the effect of the show rehearsed with him made the chief director and Yue Liang’s sister applaud one after another.


“Hahaha, you were really chosen to pull up?”

“The traffic password of “Children of Tomorrow” sings children’s songs on national stations? That’s really interesting! ”

Before he appeared, Su Wenhao called Yang Mi and explained the situation.

Not surprisingly, a round of taunts greeted.

People aged 6 and 20 years old singing children’s songs, anyone will think this is a very funny thing.

After laughing for a while, Yang Mi’s tone became a little formal: “Okay, jokes are jokes, but you have to take it seriously.” ”

“In any case, the children’s channel is also one of the main channels of the national station, covering almost the whole country.”

“Being able to appear on such a channel on such a special day as Children’s Day is also a hot spread for you.”

“Don’t take it lightly, you know?”


Su Wenhao was about to go back, but Yang Mi changed the topic first.

“Don’t worry, as long as there is an opportunity, I will definitely take it seriously.”

As Yang Mi said, although it is a children’s channel, it is also a channel that covers the whole country.

In film and television dramas, variety shows and other sectors, perhaps the mango platform and the blue platform are doing better.

But on children’s channels, it is difficult for other provincial stations to compete with it, so this is a good opportunity.

Being able to receive an award and reap a wave of prestige points, then he didn’t come to Yang Mi to think about it this time, and asked curiously: “When will you appear?” ”

“I will just have nothing to do, look at Su Gongzi’s performance in children’s songs Su Wenhao glanced at the program list.”

“I’m the 10th appearance, but I wrote the ninth song.”

“Now that the show is in its seventh place, it should be about ten minutes before I appear.”

Yang Mi said excitedly: “Come on later, you must not lose to those children!” ”

“Sister Honey is for you, watching the children’s channel for the first time in so many years!”

“Oh, by the way, after participating in the show, it’s best to go back to Hengdian before tomorrow morning, because I have arrangements on my side!”

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