Chapter 120 The red scarf on the chest is even more vivid!!

“Okay, I got it!”

Su Wenhao said into the phone.

At this moment, a voice sounded nearby.

“Brother Wenhao, are you talking to your girlfriend on the phone~?”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment, and looked over, it turned out to be a little girl who was going to sing “Listen to Me Say Thank You” later.

Recalling what she said, Su Wenhao quickly shook his head and waved his hand in denial: “No, no, brother, I’m still single!” ”

Yang Mi’s voice came from the phone: “Who are you talking to?” ”


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but feel a burst of embarrassment, and hurriedly said: “Nothing, my side is about to appear, let’s not talk to you first, bye!” ”

After speaking, without waiting for Yang Mi to reply, he hung up the phone.


Yang Mi listened to the beeping sound coming from the mobile phone and couldn’t help but laugh.

I heard it all just now!

Which kid is it? Quite insightful!

On the stage, the other two hosts of the children’s channel, one called Hongguoguo and the other called Green Bubble, said: “Thank you parents for giving us the grace of nurturing. ”

“Thank you teachers for their hard work.”

“Thank you classmates for loving each other!”

“Please enjoy the song below, “Listen to Me Say Thank You”!”

Then a little girl of about 8 years old came to the stage and began to sing along with the music.

“Give you a careful heart, send you a flower.”

“You are too touched in my life…”

On Children’s Day, many teachers assign homework, that is, let parents accompany their children to watch the June Day party.

The purpose is to cultivate the parent-child relationship between parents and children.

“Huh? This children’s song is good! ”

“Are children’s songs of such high quality now?”

“Originally, I accompanied my children to watch such a childish party, purely to cope, but I didn’t expect to be attracted by this song.”

“When I just looked at the name of the show, I seemed to see that the songwriter was Su Wenhao, which Su Wenhao? It won’t be the one I know, will it? ”

Some parents, watching children’s programs with their children is boring, just sit next to the sofa to watch the program while playing with their mobile phones.

However, this song “Listen to Me Say Thank You” has attracted a lot of people’s attention.

Many parents posted a circle of friends to express their feelings.

“Listen to me, thank you, because you have warmed the four seasons.”

“Thank you, thank you for making the world more beautiful.”

“I want to thank you, because with you, love is always in my heart.”

“Thank you, thank you for passing on happiness…”

With the children’s singing, this song “Listen to Me Say Thank You” was extended and completed.


Many kindergarten teachers couldn’t help but brighten their eyes when they heard this song!

It’s June 1st, and it’s still more than a month before the summer vacation, and many classes have to prepare for cultural performances.

Dancing is basically the common choice of kindergarten teachers.

But what kind of dance?

When I was worried, this song “Listen to Me Say Thank You” simply made the kindergarten teachers suddenly cheerful, as if they had found their way in confusion.

Just dance this song!

The melody is beautiful, the lyrics are catchy, and just listening to it once, the relevant dance moves come to mind.

So the kindergarten teachers rubbed their hands and opened the music software to download the song, but found that there was none.

“Kneeling and begging for the music of “Listen to Me Say Thank You”, the kindergarten teacher urgently needs to save his life.”

“Such a coincidence, you are also looking for a sound source, it seems that there is no one on the Internet, this should be a new children’s song!”

“When I heard this song, I knew what song I would use for this year’s art show, but it was too uncomfortable without a sound source!”

“After the June Day party, maybe the relevant audio sources will be uploaded.”

Kindergarten teachers chatted with each other in the related penguin colony.

The June Day Gala is still in progress.

Host Hong Guoguo said: “Thank you for the wonderful performance of the children, “Listen to Me Thank You” Oh! ”

Green Bubble smiled at the camera and said, “Is that song good just now?” ”

The stage was full of children, and they replied in unison: “Good! Listen! ”

The unique clipping sound of a child feels wonderful to say together.

Hongguoguo said: “Then do you want to know who wrote this song?” ”

The children again replied in unison: “Yes!” ”

Green Bubble smiled and said, “Then I’ll invite this songwriter for you next.” ”

“At the same time, he is a hero!”

“Let’s applaud please!”

When the children heard about a hero, their eyes were about to light up, who doesn’t worship heroes?

So when clapping, several children are clapping their faces, which shows how much force they have used to clap their hands.

Hotel room.

Yang Mi grabbed a handful of potato chips and put them in her mouth and chewed.

After hearing the host’s words, he immediately looked at the mobile phone screen seriously.

The children’s song just now is really good, and the standard can be said to be very high.

I didn’t expect that Su Wenhao’s guy could write children’s songs!

Staring at the screen while thinking.

With the camera moving, Su Wenhao walked to the stage.

As he walked around, the host introduced: “Some time ago, Mr. Su Wenhao fished out a sonar from the sea, and the existence of this thing is a threat to China’s marine information. ”

“His behavior avoided information leakage and contributed to maintaining national stability.”

“Mr. Su Wenhao is hereby awarded the [Outstanding Contribution Award]!”

“Let’s give the hero a round of applause!”

When the host introduced, Su Wenhao had already walked to the stage.

When the two Young Pioneers came to the stage, the girl saluted him, then tied a red scarf around his neck, and the boy handed him a bouquet of flowers.


Su Wenhao couldn’t cry and laugh in his heart.

If you count the time before and after the crossing, my brother has not worn a red scarf for decades.

I can’t imagine that at the age of 26, I still have the opportunity to wear this thing, and I have a feeling of rejuvenation.

Then the host invited two leaders to come and present Su Wenhao with certificates, plaques, and proof of financial awards.

The plaque reads [Outstanding Contribution Award]!

Looking at these five words, Su Wenhao suddenly felt that the red scarf on his chest was even more vivid!

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