Chapter 121 “Young Xia Guo Said”, the young man has his own teenage madness!!



In front of the TV, some parents who accompanied their children to watch TV, or brothers and sisters, recognized Su Wenhao.

“Brother Hao? Why does Brother Hao appear on the children’s channel? ”

“Wait a minute, sonar? Could it be something in the mushroom house? ”

“How long has it been, I thought I had secretly given out the prize a long time ago?”

“But why did you run to the children’s channel to present the award? And it was also the scene of the June Day party, forgive my stupid brain, I can’t think of the connection. ”

“I have a friend who is a kindergarten teacher, she knows that I am a fan of Brother Hao, so she asked me if I had any children’s songs written by Brother Hao, what is it called thank you? Did Brother Hao write children’s songs? ”

“Don’t care so much first, hurry up and watch the National TV Children’s Channel, Brother Hao is being interviewed!”

“Haha, I’m celebrating Children’s Day today!”

In the post bar related to Su Wenhao, in the Weibo super talk, in the fan penguin group, many people began to discuss.

Program scene.

After the award was presented, the red fruit and green bubble came to him: “Mr. Su Wenhao, congratulations on winning this honor.” ”

“Today is Children’s Day, is there anything you want to share with the children in front of the audience and TV?”

It’s all a process that goes in advance.

Su Wenhao reviewed the manuscript given to him, and then nodded: “As the saying goes, the world is ours and yours, but it will eventually be handed over to you.” ”

“An ancient man surnamed Liang said that if the youth is strong, the country is strong!”

“I hope that all children and big friends can work hard and become the pillars of national construction!”

The children applauded.

Su Wenhao was a little puzzled, and always felt as if he had forgotten a few words just now.

It’s obviously a long draft of seven or eight sentences, why are there only three sentences left?


The general director of the backstage was also very helpless.

It was also too hurried, not only to give the children to sing “Listen to Me Say Thank You”, but also to rehearse “Young Xia Guo Said”, so there was no time to write the manuscript, and it was also a return to the original.

“Continue to the CUE process!”

In the headset, she gave instructions to the two hosts of red fruit and green bubbles.

A smile immediately appeared on Hongguoguo’s face: “Little friend, do you know?” ”

“Brother Su Wenhao is not only a hero, he is also a very talented singer.”

“Is the song “Listen to Me Say Thank You” just now, good to be?”

The children replied in unison: “Sounds good!” ”

Green Bubble said: “Brother Wenhao will bring you a song below.” ”

“What’s the name?”

As he spoke, he looked at Su Wenhao.

Su Wenhao looked at the camera and replied: “Young Xia Guo said”

The two hosts said in unison: “Applause please!” ”


As they spoke, twenty children wearing red scarves were already in place on the performance stage.

Su Wenhao walked towards them and stood among them.

As a drum fell, all the children read aloud in unison with sonorous voices: “Young Wisdom is National Wisdom!” ”

“If the young man is rich, the country will be rich!”

“If the youth is strong, the country is strong!”

“If the youth is free, the country is free!”

“Young Wisdom is National Wisdom!”

“If the young man is rich, the country will be rich!”

“If the youth is strong, the country is strong!”

“If the youth is free, the country is free!”

As they read aloud, the lyrics appeared on several large and small screens on the stage.

Looking at the lyrics and listening to the children reading aloud, the audience couldn’t help but feel excited.

Many of these poems have been heard by those who have studied history and were written by an ancestor of the Qing Dynasty.

There is an elderly man with gray hair under the stage, who was originally accompanying his grandson to watch the evening party, and when he heard the children chanting these words, he couldn’t help but become serious.

Some parents who accompanied their children to the evening even followed along with the recitation.

Su Wenhao picked up the microphone and slowly sang: “The red sun is rising, and its path is bright.” ”

“The river flows out of ambush, and the ocean falls.”

“The hidden dragon soars into the abyss, and the scales and claws fly.”

“Milk Tiger Roaring Valley, a hundred beasts are shocked!”

When it came to the chorus, his voice raised a few decibels: “The teenager has his own juvenile madness, and his body is like a mountain and a river!” ”

“Dare to measure the sun and the moon again, this is the only young man!”

“Dare to ask heaven and earth to test the edge, who can stop it through the thorns and thorns?”

“The world laughs at me, I am self-reliant, and I live up to my youth!”

At the beginning, when Su Wenhao sang the main song part, he had already shocked many people…


There is a sense of grandeur in this song! The song is full of positive energy!

Fans who are familiar with Su Wenhao were taken aback, they always thought that Su Wenhao would only sing relatively low songs such as “Eliminate Worry” and “People Like Me”.

I never expected that I could sing such a positive and energetic song when it came to the chorus, and the audience was even more enthusiastic.

Teenagers have their own teenage maniacs!

If you are not crazy when you are young, then wait until middle age to go crazy? The children of the choir read in unison again.

“Young Wisdom is National Wisdom!”

“If the young man is rich, the country will be rich!”

“If the youth is strong, the country is strong!”

“If the youth is free, the country is free!”

This time, not only the twenty children on the stage, but also the children in the audience also read aloud together.

With such a passionate and rhythmic reading sound, it is difficult not to be driven.

The accompanying parents took out their mobile phones to record this scene, their expressions were full of excitement, as if they also wanted to recite this passage along.

Su Wenhao sang again in a voice full of energy: “The dry will be hairy, and there is a good work.” ”

“The sky wears its sky, and the earth follows its yellow.”

“Throughout the ages, there are eight wildernesses.”

“The future is like the sea, and the coming to Japan is long!!!”

After a slight pause, the twenty children on the stage sang along.

“The teenager has his own teenage madness, like mountains and rivers standing up the backbone!”

“Dare to measure the sun and the moon again, this is the only young man!”

“Dare to ask heaven and earth to test the edge, who can stop it through thorns and thorns!”

“The world laughs at me, I am self-reliant, and I live up to my youth!”

When the chorus part came out, goosebumps rose on both the audience and the audience in front of the TV.

This feeling is the blood of the people who listen to it!

Su Wenhao raised his singing voice again and sang the last line of the song: “Angry and strong to be a pillar, live up to the youth…”

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