Chapter 122: The song I sang was requisitioned by the National Station!!


After Su Wenhao finished singing, the audience, whether parents or children, stood up and applauded!

This is something that has never happened since the beginning of the party.

Because it is not a live broadcast, Su Yihao’s fans can only comment in the post bar, super talk, and penguin group.

“Wow, wow, this song is so good, I want to do a few sets of five or three after listening to it!”

“For the first time, I felt the power from Brother Hao’s singing, and there was a clear sense of youth!”

“This song is not a type at all from the previous ones, but Brother Hao can easily control it, this ability is not simple!”

“When will “Young Xia Guo Say” be launched? I can’t wait to hear it again! ”

“At first, I thought that Brother Hao was going to sing children’s songs, so I listened to it with the mentality of watching a good show, but I didn’t expect it to be such a song full of inspiration, sunshine and positive energy!”

“This Children’s Day has made me know Brother Hao more comprehensively, the emotions of singing are too full, the depression of “Eliminating Sorrow” and the Yang 09 light in this song can be clearly felt!”

“Suddenly I envy those children, you can feel the baptism of this singing skill on the spot!”

The parents in front of the TV were also stunned.

Originally, I was to accompany my children to watch a party, but I didn’t expect to encounter a song that made adults burn with passion.

They are busy supporting their families, many of them do not pay attention to the entertainment industry, and they don’t know who the young people who sing are, but they know that this song is very good and moving.

Can an evening party for children have such high-quality songs?

Incredible, incredible!……

After hearing this, the principal of the school immediately decided that the school would play the song every morning.

If the youth is strong, the country is strong!

How can you miss a song that inspires to guide the values of teenagers?

At the scene of the show, Su Wenhao bowed deeply to the audience.

“Thank you, thank you!”

Then he left the stage under the guidance of the staff.

The host returned to the stage and continued with the rest of the program.

Coming to the lounge, Su Wenhao looked at the certificate and plaque in his hand, and finally focused on the check with the bonus written on it.

500,000! Gee.

That’s a lot!

It seems that his own rod has indeed caught a big guy.

Put these things away carefully, and then take out your mobile phone and start booking a ticket, Yang Mi has already said on the phone, there is something tomorrow afternoon, there is nothing more here, then go back quickly.

Knock knock!

I was about to place an order when there was a knock on the door in the lounge.

“Please come in!”

Su Wenhao shouted, and then looked up.

After the door was pushed open, it was the general director of the party.

“Good director!”

Su Wenhao put away his mobile phone and greeted him very politely.

“Are you preparing to leave?”

The chief director walked in, saw him packing up his things, and asked in passing.

Su Wenhao nodded: “Yes, I also said during the afternoon rehearsal that there will be nothing for me after the performance.” ”

“Then I’ll go back to Hengdian, and there will be things tomorrow afternoon.”

The chief director asked tentatively: “Can you go back later?” ”


Su Wenhao looked at it suspiciously: “Why?” ”

A kind smile appeared on the chief director’s face: “After your song “Young Xia Guo Said” was broadcast just now, it caused a lot of repercussions. ”

“A lot of people call and ask where the song can be downloaded from.”

“Someone else asked ‘Hear Me Say Thank You’.”

“Not only them, but even the leaders in the station called and urged us to come out with a studio version as soon as possible.”


Su Wenhao looked at her in surprise: “Does anyone want this song so soon?” ”

The chief director replied happily: “Yes! Just now, the person in charge of our national TV music channel called me from an inside line, saying that the video clip of your song just now would be broadcast on the music channel. ”


Music channels?

There are dozens of channels of large and small sizes on the national station, and the music channel is used as a column for music songs, often playing clips of some singers singing songs live.

Although the ratings are a little small compared to the main channel, it is also a very good promotion channel.

Su Wenhao did not expect that as soon as he finished singing and had not collected his things, he was watched by another channel of the national station.

“So you mean…”

The chief director replied: “Do you think you have time now, record this song first?” ”

“I’ll apply for a ticket to Hengdian and help you reimburse it!”

Su Wenhao thought for a moment.

“There is no need to reimburse the air ticket, and it will not be late for me to return to Hengdian tomorrow.”

“Since you want to record songs, just record the two songs “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and “Young Xia Guo Said” together.”

“While the little singer had just finished singing, his voice was still open, and the twenty children had just finished singing with me on the field, and they all felt it.”

“Strike while the iron is hot and call them over for a recording.”

After getting a positive reply, the chief director left in spirit: “Okay! You take a little break, I’ll arrange it right away! ”


Under the call of the chief director, the little girl who sang “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and the youth choir that sang to Su Wenhao were all there.

When I heard that the song was going to be recorded, the children were very excited.

There are several recording studios in the national station, which are not only very top-notch equipment, but also have a very large eye space.

There is no problem standing on twenty or thirty people.

Because of the relationship just finished singing, the little singers are feeling that Su Wenhao first recorded “Listen to Me Say Thank You” while the iron was hot.

It took more than half an hour to finally record the song.

Su Wenhao nodded with satisfaction, and then began to record “Young Xia Guo Said”

When the June Day party in front of the stage ended, Su Wenhao’s side also finished recording two songs.

After that, the lawyer of the national station signed part of the copyright of the two songs with the contract, and paid 300,000 yuan.

This means that both songs were taken by the state station and requisitioned!

Looking at the contract in his hand, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but sigh, this children’s channel is too worthwhile!

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