Chapter 123 Can You Beat Me with a Children’s Song?!!

After recording the song, it was very late, and after returning to the hotel, Su Wenhao booked a ticket to Hengdian the next morning and went to sleep.

That night, topics related to him rushed to the hot search list.

[New children’s songs, new atmosphere! ] Su Wenhao offers his blessings for Children’s Day! 】

[“Young Xia Guo Said” Su Wenhao uses his singing voice to highlight the new power of young people! ] 】

The first article is still some self-media, ridiculed and released.

Article 2 This is a micro-release by the state Taiwan official.

Some netizens did not know about this matter and clicked in with a blinded face.

“Su Wenhao? Children? Nursery rhyme? What the hell are these words linked to? ”

“Haha, I knew that there would be people who were confused, and I was full of question marks when I first saw it.”

“To put it simply, Brother Hao caught a sonar from the sea before, and the award awarded on the National Radio Children’s Channel today made him sing a song by the way, and attracted the attention of the central media.”

“There is such a thing? I missed it perfectly! ”

“People who watched the party said that although “Listen to Me Say Thank You” was sung by a child, the songwriter is Brother Hao, and now many kindergarten teachers are looking for this song.”

“Today I found out that Brother Hao is really a powerful singer, who can sing gloomy songs, but also can grow positive sunshine, and he controls it very well! There is no loss in the pit. ”

“People who missed the TV broadcast, kneeling for a studio version of these two songs, when will it be released?”

Probably hearing the voices of netizens, the children’s channel official sent a message.

“At ten o’clock tomorrow morning, “Young Xia Guo Said” and “Listen to Me Say Thank You” will be launched simultaneously on all platforms! And it’s free to listen to! ”

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused likes, forwards, and comments from netizens.

This Weibo has also become the best data in all aspects since the opening of official Weibo!

At ten o’clock the next morning, in the expectation of many people, half an hour after the two songs were finally online, the song rushed to the hot search list.

“Wow, what a great song! Listening to it together with “Big Fish”, “Worrying” and “People Like Me”, it is completely unimaginable, “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and “Young Xia Guo Said” are all works of Brother Hao! ”

“Although “Listen to Me Say Thank You” is not sung by Brother Hao, it is so well written, it feels very casual and can be covered up, I decided, when the nurse comes to the ward round, I will sing this song to her!”

“People’s nurses make rounds very hard, you don’t want to take revenge, let people go!”

“Strictly speaking, “Young Xia Guo Said” is not a children’s song, it is a song full of positive values, even adults will feel their blood surging when they listen to it!”

“As a student preparing for the college entrance examination, this song was played at school this morning, and I felt full of energy after listening to it! It’s about to take the college entrance examination, so give me a cheer on from a stranger! ”

Netizens are commenting on these two songs very enthusiastically.

Only one person was particularly depressed.

That’s the rain of flowers! Syllable!

He smashed a teacup! Bullying.

Tete is a bully!

Now all of Su Wenhao’s songs are on the music chart, and the ranking is ahead of him, which is already very infuriating.

The most infuriating point is that the song he published is directly above the ranking of the song “Listen to Me Say Thank You”, a song written by Su Wenhao.

Nursery rhyme?

Can a single children’s song beat me?

This is bullying to open the door to bullying, bullying to get home! Su Wenhao!

Never want Lao Tzu to vote for you!……

The next morning, Su Wenhao took a plane towards Hengdian.

He didn’t care about the singing, anyway, he signed a contract with the national station, and the follow-up things were all handled by them.

Idle, he moved the system panel open, drew two prizes to play the host: Su Wenhao

Skills: Top Singing Voice, Top Fitness, Top Cooking, Top Instrument, Top Ventriloquism, Intermediate Driving, Junior Acting

Item: System Upgrade Fragment (3/10)

Prestige: 1822,5653


After the draw two days ago, his reputation value was a little more than 14 million.

Unexpectedly, after performing on the children’s channel yesterday, it increased to 18 million, which is an increase of 4 million prestige.

Sure enough, children are very simple, and if you can make them like it, you can gain a lot of prestige points.

When I first exchanged the songs, the reason why I chose “Listen to Me Say Thank You” was to hope to take advantage of children’s songs to gain prestige in kindergarten.

And it’s a long-term harvest.

Because Su Wenhao remembers very well that in the original world, “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and “You Look So Good Laughing” simply dominated the kindergarten!

During the cultural performance, the small class danced “Baby Baby”.

Kindergarten dance “Listen to me and thank you”.

Taipan’s dance “You look so good when you laugh”.

As long as there are kindergarten teachers teaching, as long as there are still children jumping, then he can get prestige points.

Although the harvest effect is reduced by half because I don’t sing it myself, this is a long-term investment and it is still very cost-effective.

When redeeming, I thought about exchanging the other two songs, and if I thought about it carefully, I counted my own “Young Xia Guo Said”, and I took out four songs overnight, which seemed too demonic.

Come to Japan for a long time, let’s take it slowly.

There is a chance to redeem it later.

Then Su Wenhao focused his attention on the prestige value, and after the release of the song today, I believe the number will continue to rise.

Implementing the principle of not being a miser and not being a loser, Su Wenhao chose to spend 3 million reputation points for the lottery.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: System Upgrade Shard×1!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: advanced makeup!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: System Upgrade Shard×1!”


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but get excited.

Today’s luck is so good, the winning rate is actually 100%!

Not only to get two shards, but also to gain an advanced ability!

【Advanced makeup: You are now a master of makeup, and you have a deep knowledge in makeup! Resistance】

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