Chapter 124 Have you ever seen the boss drive and the employee ride in the car?!!



Su Wenhao was somewhat speechless in his heart.

I’m a rough guy, I can get up every morning, wash, and change my clothes in five points!


Rubbing a 10 yuan bottle of treasure on your face is considered to be exquisite dressing! But since it was drawn, let’s leave it to see.

With the cushioning when landing, the plane landed in Hengdian.

“Hey, Sister Honey, I just landed, where to find you?”

Su Wenhao said on the phone while dragging his suitcase.

Yang Mi’s voice came out of the phone.

“I’m at the airport gate, you come out of the C entrance, you can see a black car, that’s me driving.”


Su Wenhao was taken aback: “Boss Yang personally came to pick me up?” Really fake? ”

“You tell me a location, I’ll just take a taxi myself!”


There was a cold snort on the phone.

“Just thank Dade, you can let me pick it up personally, you are still the first소!”

“Come out quickly, you can’t let the other party wait too long.”

After speaking, Yang Mi hung up the phone and looked out through the car window with her mouth flat.

If it wasn’t for yesterday, I wouldn’t have run over to pick it up happily because that little girl said something about her girlfriend last night.

It’s just a toss that doesn’t want to go back and forth!

Soon Su Wenhao’s figure appeared at the gate of the airport.

But there are no paparazzi and fans to shoot him.

Because when most celebrities go out, the staff will reveal the itinerary to the support club or paparazzi, so that they can wait at the airport to add a wave of popularity to the artist.

Su Wenhao, as a lonely man, has neither an agent nor an assistant, and his fame has not yet hit someone to buy his itinerary, naturally no one can squat him.

Soon found Yang Mi’s car, confirmed the license plate number, and then opened the door and sat in.

“Huh? Is it just you? ”

After getting into the car, Su Wenhao asked curiously.

“What do you mean?”

Yang Mi turned her head to look at him curiously, with a puzzled expression on her face.

“Is there something wrong with me in the car?”

Su Wenhao replied: “There is nothing wrong, but don’t you usually take Xiao Guo with you when you go out?” And there are also dedicated drivers for driving. ”

“I was alone and didn’t have a driver, so I felt a little strange.”


Hearing this, Yang Mi came hard.

“What do you mean? Do I think I’m a giant baby in your eyes? ”

“Do you need to be accompanied when you go out?”

Su Wenhao waved and smiled.

“How is it possible, Boss Yang is a strong woman, who doesn’t know about this? Yang Mi flattened her mouth. ”

“We’re going to visit a big director today, and getting an assistant around is a bit of a pose.”

“That director is very famous in the circle, not only my Bole, but also the general director of “Immortal III”.


Su Wenhao, who was sitting in the co-pilot and was about to wear a seat belt, couldn’t help but be taken aback when he heard this.

The general director of “Sword and Fairy III”? ”

“Settled so quickly?”

“Wait, your Bole?”

Su Wenhao asked with a question mark on his head.

It sounds like the director to visit is still an acquaintance of Yang Mi.

Yang Mi replied: “I told you before that the preparation for “Sword and Fairy III” has ended, and now there are actors and start-ups left. ”

“As for the fact that he is my Bole, it is because he has filmed a TV series called “Wang Zhaojun”, and I am the heroine in that drama, which is my first masterpiece.”

“I also started from that play and entered the field of vision of more people, so he is my Bole.”

Su Wenhao compared OK: “Understand, then let’s go now!” ”

With that, he looked ahead with a smile on his face.

However, Yang Mi did not start the car, but stared at him with burning eyes.

Su Wenhao was a little hairy at the sight, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Sister Honey, why are you looking at me like this?”

Yang Midan’s lips lightly lifted.

“I ask you, between the two of us, I’m a lady, you’re a man, right?”


Su Wenhao frowned, and Pi Pi replied with lips: “You asked me this question.” ”

“Isn’t that something obvious?”

Yang Mi asked again: “The two of us, I’m a little older than you, right?” ”

Knock knock.

Su Wenhao became a little nervous.

Girls are more sensitive to age, especially female stars like Yang Mi are even less likely to take the initiative.

What is the situation now? Am I doing something wrong again?

“Yes, yes!”

Su Wenhao replied while thinking about whether he had done anything to make Yang Mi angry since he got in the car.

But he didn’t have a clue when he thought about it.

Yang Mi asked again: “Between the two of us, I am the leader and you are the employee, right?” ”

Guest page.

Su Wenhao’s heart was completely bottomless.

“Of course Boss Yang!”

“What the hell is going on with all this, you suddenly ask? If you have something to say, right? ”

He gripped the co-pilot’s seat belt nervously, not knowing what he was up against

I saw Yang Mi stretch out the index finger of her right hand, lightly tapped the steering wheel, and said in a somewhat unhappy tone.

“Have you ever seen the boss drive and the employee ride in the car?”

“After getting in the car, you took the initiative to sit in the co-driver, are you quite self-conscious?”


After Yang Mi’s reminder, Su Wenhao found that there was indeed something wrong with sitting in the co-pilot.

“Sorry, I didn’t think about it that much, then we’ll change it now!”

After speaking, he quickly unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door and detoured the cab from the outside.

The corners of Yang Mi’s mouth rose and she snickered.


I’m not playing petty, what’s wrong with Boss Yang enjoying the service of employees?

There are many paparazzi squatting at the gate of Hengdian Airport, Su Wenhao is now well-known, not particularly popular, but Yang Mi is different, if she gets out of the car, it is estimated that it will attract a group of onlookers.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Yang Mi did not get out of the car, stepped directly from the cab to the co-driver, and then sat down leisurely.

Su Wenhao opened the door of the car and sat in the cab seat.

Because of the relationship that Yang Mi had sat on, Su Wenhao immediately rushed behind him after sitting down and felt warm, which was very comfortable.

And there is a fragrance around me, which is very refreshing with that feeling.

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