Chapter 125 Yang Mi tensed, he was so bold!!

“Where are we going? I’m going to open a navigation! ”

Su Wenhao opened the electronic map and asked.

Yang Mi looked at the message on the phone and replied, “You remember it.” ”

After saying the address, Yang Mi suddenly realized a problem.

“Can you drive?”


Just patronized to play a petty character, how did you forget about this matter?

Although for modern people, the driver’s license has become the second ID card ~.

But this is for most people after all.

Su Wenhao, as a child who grew up in the mountains, not to mention getting a driver’s license, I’m afraid he has never learned to drive!

How did I forget this? Yang Mi’s heart suddenly welled up with guilt.

“Or I’ll drive it?”

She wanted to make up for it quickly.

Su Wenhao calmly turned on the navigation, and then started the car: “No, I can drive!” ”

“Sit tight, let’s go!”

Without waiting for Yang Mi to continue to say anything, the car had already started and left the airport.


Yang Mi took a breath, and this time it was her turn to nervously grab the co-pilot’s seat belt.

“Wenhao, Wenhao, don’t mess around?”

She cried out worriedly.

The mood at the moment is very complicated, in addition to guilt, there is also fear! If Su Wenhao just drove without losing face, it would be very dangerous!

How skilled can a child grow up in the mountains drive?

The road conditions in the city are too complicated, and if you are not careful, dangerous accidents can occur!

Driving a car on the road without good skills is tantamount to a ticking time bomb that can explode at any time.

Because maybe even the driver himself doesn’t know where he is going!

“Wen Hao, you calm down a little, or let’s change it?”

Yang Mi’s voice was a little trembling nervously, especially when she saw a car coming ahead, so she was worried that Su Wenhao would collide with that car because of nervousness

But what she feared didn’t happen.

Su Wenhao said while driving: “Sister Honey, what’s wrong with you?” Why so nervous? Is it diarrhea? Pull? ”

How can you talk to a lady like that?

Although Yang Mi was worried, looking at the road Su Wenhao was looking at, and the calm expression on his face, he didn’t look like a novice driving novice, so she relaxed slightly, “You can drive?” ”

Su Wenhao smiled and said, “Is it very rare? ”

“You don’t think I can only ride a bike, do you?”

“I have a driver’s license in my bag, if you don’t believe it, you can take a look.”

Listening to him say this, looking at his driving level, Yang Mi believed a little more.

“Seeing that you drove steadily, when did you learn your driver’s license?”

Well…… When?

I can’t tell you, just the first two days.

Su Wenhao thought for a moment: “When you are on the mountain!” ”

The time he found himself isolated was a great excuse.

Yes? Yang Mi was taken aback.

“You live on other people’s financial support, and you still have the opportunity to learn a driver’s license?”

Su Wenhao said with a smile: “Is there an inevitable connection between the two?” ”

“Where there is a will, there is a way, as long as you really want to do something, you will do it against all odds.”

“Of course, the process of getting my driver’s license is much more difficult than others, but fortunately, I passed the test.”


Yang Mi believed Su Wenhao’s words, and then sighed.

It must be hard to get a driver’s license with his origin, and I doubt that he really shouldn’t.

“Then you drive well, I’ll relax a little!”

Saying that, he reached out and took off his shoes, and then put his little feet covered with black silk on the front cover.


So comfortable!

Then she took out her phone and swiped it.


Now Su Wenhao’s eyes are not honest.

Boss Yang doesn’t treat me as an outsider too much, so with such a seductive and seductive posture, isn’t he afraid that I can’t hold it?

Knock knock.

Su Wenhao swallowed.

Looking at the beautiful arc outlined by the little black silk feet, he felt that some special hobby of his was about to awaken!

It is said that Boss Yang’s feet stink, and Su Wenhao can prove that it is nonsense!

Such a narrow space in the car, and the windows were closed, but instead of smelling the smell, Su Wenhao smelled bursts of aroma.


【Intermediate Driving】

Although the ability can only provide the ability of a C1 license, it can allow him to have driving skills comparable to that of an old driver…

Otherwise, it is very dangerous for him to open the law so half-heartedly.


Yang Mi secretly looked at Su Wenhao from the corner of her eyes while playing with her mobile phone, and after seeing his reaction, her heart was even happier.

When you are happy, your little feet move around, which is very tempting.

At the red light, Su Wenhao parked the car and looked towards Yang Mi.

This time it was Yang Mi’s turn to be nervous.

He is so bold, he actually looks at me so blatantly? Not afraid of me getting angry?

Well…… Should I be angry?

Yang Mi thought nonsense, somewhat out of mind in her heart.

She put her little foot down and asked a little uneasily, “Why are you staring at me like this?” ”

Su Wenhao glanced at the remaining time of the red light, and then stretched out his finger and pointed in front of Yang Mi’s face: “Your makeup is not put on.” ”

“Here, here, and here, the thickness is not the same.”

“Is it a big director who will meet later, or your Bole, or will you touch up your makeup?”

Well? Yang Mi was stunned for a moment.

Didn’t put on good makeup?

After a long time, you are talking about this!

I don’t know why, Yang Mi’s heart was somewhat disappointed, and she thought that this guy would have a little courage?

“Got it, I’ll take a look!”

Red light to green light.

Su Wenhao started the car and continued to move forward, while Yang Mi took out the makeup mirror she carried with her and looked at it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, it is true that there are several places on the face that have different degrees of brightness and darkness, but if you don’t look closely, you can’t tell it.


How carefully did this guy just look at it to find this kind of problem? Thinking of this, Yang Mi became happy again.

Su Wenhao is not looking too carefully, but an insider watching the doorway, with the ability of [advanced makeup], he can find the problem with just a glance.

Because Yang Mi put her feet down, Su Wenhao’s attention was concentrated when driving, and the speed of the car increased significantly, and it didn’t take long to come to the end of the navigation map.

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