Chapter 127: You Are So Old and Still Chasing Stars?!!

Yang Mi’s move is to introduce Su Wenhao to this big director, and he definitely can’t just say one side.

“Director Wu, he is a newly signed artist of our company, his name is Su Wenhao!”


I haven’t waited for Yang Mi to wrap it in words.

Wu Zhiqiang said in a surprised voice: “Su Wenhao? Are you Su Wenhao? ”

“That singer who sang “Young Xia Guo Said” in the national stage yesterday?”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment: “Hello Director Wu, that song is indeed sung by me.” ”

Yang Mi was also stunned: “I didn’t expect you to hear the songs sung by Wen Hao?” ”

Director Wu gave a thumbs up: “That song sings so well, I, a middle-aged and elderly person, are enthusiastic when I hear it, especially the few lines of Mr. Liang’s poem at the beginning, I just dream back to my youth!” ”

“Teenagers have their own teenage maniacs, indeed!”

“You have to leave me an autographed photo!”


This made Su 09 Wenhao even more confused.

Yang Mi pursed her lips and smiled: “Director Wu, are you still chasing stars?” ”

Most of the star chasing is an outsider’s business, and insiders such as card playing directors have many artists who appreciate it, but when it comes to star chasing, it is very few.

Wu Zhiqiang waved his hand lightly and smiled: “It was one of my nieces who called and asked me if I knew a singer named Su Wenhao and wanted a signed photo.” ”

“Although I am an insider, I don’t recognize all the stars, but I don’t want to pour cold water on the children, so I said that I would inquire about her when the time came.”

“I didn’t expect to see the Buddha-figure today!”

After hearing the words, Su Wenhao smiled and said: “So that’s the case, then I will definitely fulfill this wish.” ”

While speaking, he took the initiative to pick up the water bowl on the table and fill the cups of the three with tea.

Director Wu demonstrated that both of them sat down.

“If you can come up with such excellent works at a young age, if you cultivate them well, you will definitely be able to stand alone in the entertainment industry in the future.”

Yang Mile said: “Thank you Director Wu for his expectations of Wenhao, and I hope that his future development will live up to expectations.” ”

“It’s a coincidence, I didn’t expect that the chief director of “Immortal Sword III” this time would be you!”

She earned the topic to film and television drama shooting, after all, the purpose of this time is to catch up on the old on the one hand, and on the other hand, to discuss the filming of film and television dramas.

When we met two days ago, Long Danni made her words clear, although she invested money, she just planned to leave it alone.

Therefore, Yang Mi, as the largest investor, has assumed an important role.

Wu Zhiqiang looked at the hot air rising from the teacup.

“In fact, I am one of the initiators of this film and television adaptation of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”!”


Yang Mi and Su Wenhao were taken aback and looked at each other.

“Did you initiate this project?”

Wu Zhiqiang nodded: “One of the game developers of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” is a good friend of mine. ”

“When he was drinking, he said that it has been more than ten years since the first part of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” was released, and the gameplay of the game may have been used by many people, but the plot of the game is talked about by many players.”

“In this case, is it possible to make the game plot film and television?”

“To be honest, I wasn’t particularly optimistic at the time, after all, there is no precedent to prove whether game-themed dramas can become popular.”

“My friend showed me a story video in the game and introduced the plot generally, and I was a little hesitant after hearing it.”

“At that time, I decided to test the water with “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”.”

“After hearing this, the parent company of the game development company agreed with this matter very much, after all, it is a publicity for the game, so it decided to take out the more popular plots of “Sword and Fairy I” and “Sword and Fairy III” to film and television, and make some investments.”


Yang Mi nodded clearly: “So, I’m still wondering why this game suddenly became a film and television.” ”

“Then why did you choose Sword and Fairy III?”

Wu Zhiqiang took a sip of the water cup.

“I have read the scripts of Xian Yi and Xian San, and from my personal preferences, I like Xian San more.”

“Because the martial arts atmosphere in the first part is a bit strong, relatively speaking, I like the world view of Sword and Fairy Sanli very much.”

“Gods and demons, as well as reincarnation involving past and present lives, this story is full of mythology, and it is a type I really want to try.”

“So give “Sword and Fairy One” to others, and I will shoot “Sword and Fairy III””

“By the way, how did I hear that you invested a lot of money in this drama and are the biggest investor?”

“In the face of such an unknown subject, the risk is a bit big, right?”

As a director, he is willing to try various types of subjects, and will have an interest in shooting unknown subjects, but no interest in investing.

Because they don’t know what the prospects are, and they are not sure whether they can make money, few people are willing to take risks.

Yang Mi signed a gambling agreement, which is a very important thing for money, and any investment that loses money may lose the bet.

She glanced at Su Wenhao, and then replied very calmly: “Don’t hide from Director Wu, in fact, I have played the game “Sword and Fairy III” before, and I am very optimistic about its prospects. ”

“Because the game’s plot setting is just too advanced?”

Wu Zhiqiang raised his eyebrows lightly and asked with interest: “Advanced setting?” What are they? ”

Su Wenhao did not interject, but also looked at Yang Mi with curious eyes.

Yang Mi lightly tapped her finger on the coffee table.

“You also said just now, there are gods, ghosts, demons, past and present lives in this plot, this is just one of the highlights.”

“Another highlight is the relationship, and every relationship is very unique.”

“I’m only talking about the plot in the game here, this game has five endings, multiple CP combinations, each pair of CPs has supporting players, who is the main palace of the male protagonist Sedum?”

“Is it Yukimi? Or dragon anemone? Or Xiyao? Jacaranda? Or Zixuan? ”

“Some people even think that the heavy building should be the main palace, and Sedum or Fei Peng is a brother and noble?”

“Any relationship pulled out alone and handed over to the mango station can make you a 50-episode bloody ethics drama!”

“And “Sword and Fairy III” integrates these into one game, and the highlights of various feelings will definitely attract many audiences!”

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