Chapter 128: Can You Act?!!


Su Wenhao was taken aback and asked, “What did you just say?” ”

“When gamers are discussing who is Sedum, Zixuan and Jacaranda are also in the discussion?”

“Isn’t Zixuan a sister-in-law?”

“Isn’t the jacaranda a five-poisonous beast?”

He asked with his memories of film and television dramas before he crossed.

Yang Mi smiled and said: “That’s right, and in the plot of the game, Jacaranda is still a loli, a loli that is more than two hundred years old!” ”

“So the game plot gathers unrequited love, harem, royal sister, loli, everyone, human beast, human ghost, human shemale, human demon, brother noble…”

“In short, you can think of emotional relationships, there will be in it.”


Su Wenhao felt that his interest had increased greatly, especially for his sister-in-law, it was delicious but dumplings, how to say the next sentence?

“Indeed, the plot of the game seems to integrate several elements that are more popular at the moment.”

Yang Mi nodded: “Yes, when “Sword and Fairy III” integrated these elements, many emotional themes did not become popular, so the plot was very advanced. ”

“However, I have also seen the script of film and television drama, there is no safe way to follow the game line, the show uses the official ending, and Yukimi accompanied Sedum to the end.”

“But many elements are still preserved, so I think that after this drama is filmed, it will definitely achieve good results!”

After listening to it, Wu Zhiqiang thought for a moment: “So you fully bear the remaining investment gap?” ”

Yang Mi shook her head gently: “At that time, there were still 20 million yuan left in the capital gap, and in the end, my Jiaxing company took on 15 million, and the remaining 5 million was paid by Wenhao.” ”

Nani? Wu Zhiqiang was taken aback.

“Wenhao, you also voted for this one?”

“How do I remember that you seem to have just debuted, and Yang Mi’s voice has improved a little while participating in a draft.”

“I didn’t think Director Wu still paid attention to “Children of Tomorrow”?”

“That’s right, Wenhao is a contestant in this show, I believe you have also seen his performance in the show, known as the rating password of the program!”

“And the songs he sang were signed by Penguin, Kugu, Kudog, Migu, and NetSuppressyun, the five largest music platforms in the country!”

“As a result, I earned the first pot of gold in my life, and after hearing about “Sword and Fairy III”, I did not hesitate to invest 5 million!”

She said it full of breath and confidence, as if to show off, in fact, she was also recommending Su Wenhao.

This is a national first-class TV series director in front of him, has a strong personal connection, and is also an investor.

This “Sword and Fairy III” did not invest because he was not optimistic about the theme, but he was present in many plays.

Not only that, the chief director also has a high degree of power in selecting actors, unless it is requested by Party A’s father, or brought funds into the group.

In other cases, he can directly decide which actor to use for the role.

Su Wenhao has just debuted and needs contacts very much.

If you want to take the road of acting, it is very important to meet a big-name general director.

Sure enough, after listening to Yang Mi’s recommendation, Su Zhiqiang looked at Su Wenhao’s eyes with more appreciation.

“Ratings password?”

“I haven’t read “Children of Tomorrow”, but when my niece asked me for an autograph, I searched for the name of Wenhao on the Internet.”

“There are indeed netizens who give such an evaluation as a traffic password.”

“At first, I thought it was a little fresh meat that had just debuted to operate, but thinking back to last night, singing “Young Xia Guo Said” on the national station, it was a really high-level performance.”

“And he is also on the hot search list, and even the national Taiwan official Weibo has posted relevant Weibo, which seems to be indeed a bit of strength.”


Su Wenhao was taken aback: “I’m on the hot search again?” ”

Wu Zhiqiang blinked: “Again?” ”

“What do you mean?”

Yang Mi smiled and said: “Since Wenhao participated in the first issue of “Children of Tomorrow” until now, he has been on the hot search about 10 times, and was jokingly called the hot search physique by netizens. ”

“I can guarantee that all the hot search Jiaxing side of Wenhao has not spent a penny here, and it is based on strength.”

“And ah, on the music list, now the top few are the songs of literary heroes, and you can see it by opening five music platforms at random.”

Listening to these words, Wu Zhiqiang re-examined Su Wenhao.

Originally, he thought that this was just a new debut of small fresh meat, and like other traffic, it was to harvest fans by showing a face.

But after hearing Yang Mi’s introduction, think back to yesterday’s song “Young Xia Guo Said”.

It seems that this is indeed a newcomer with great potential!

“10 hot searches, this is a good achievement for newcomers!”

“Can you act?”

Wu Zhiqiang suddenly asked.

This young man has popularity, can sing, and has a good appearance and figure.

Today’s stars are all particular about multi-habitat, so Wu Zhiqiang wants to see his intentions and strength.


The sudden question made Su Wenhao a little frightened.


Of course it will!

He has the ability of [junior acting], and he is an actor.

Su Wenhao nodded: “Yes, it used to be in the mountains… Hiss! ”

Just as he was speaking, Yang Mi suddenly stepped on him under the table.

“What Wenhao means is that he has studied acting and wants to develop this road in the past.”

“Actually, I also want to find him a role in “Sword and Fairy III”, which role does Director Wu think is suitable for him?”

She heard that Su Wenhao planned to say that she had learned it by herself reading in the mountains.

This guy is very good in all aspects, but he doesn’t understand the truth that Wang Po sells melons and boasts, and everyone who sticks a mobile phone film knows that he is an ancestral film.


Su Wenhao also reflected.

“Yes, I’ve always studied acting, but I don’t have a better chance.”

“I wonder if Director Wu can give a recommendation?”

Just now I really want to be modest.

But after listening to Yang Mi’s words, he also suddenly realized.

Specially, Lao Tzu is a traverser, there is hanging, just to be confident, Wu Zhiqiang smiled and said: “I think the role of the male protagonist Sedum, you are quite suitable C!” ”

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