Chapter 129 This is also too sudden, right?!!



After hearing Wu Zhiqiang’s words, Yang Mi and Su Wenhao were taken aback.

Originally, it was really like getting a small role and having an addiction to acting.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zhiqiang opened his mouth to be the male protagonist!

Yang Mi suddenly felt that this director Wu was too face-giving, even if she was the largest investor, she also understood one thing, the investor is a layman, and the chief director is an insider.

If a film and television drama wants to be of good quality, the first thing is that laymen should not interfere with insiders’ decisions.

What’s more, a big director like Wu Zhiqiang has his own ideas about each play, and what kind of role is matched with what kind of actor, he has his own standards.

Although Yang Mi is an investor, she just wants to give Su Wenhao a small role, such as a sedum henchman named He Biping, or a follower of a heavy building, who sings very well as the demon general Xifeng.

After all, Su Wenhao has never acted, has no qualifications and experience, and is afraid that he will not be able to control it when he comes up.

Unexpectedly, just now, director Wu Zhiqiang directly opened his mouth to let Su Wenhao play the male lead, which made Yang Mi unexpected.

“Director Wu, are you serious?”

“Wen Hao to play the male protagonist, it’s a little inappropriate, right?”

“It’s not that I mean to belittle him, it’s just because he has no experience in this area.”

Yang Mi asked.

As the biggest investor in “Sword and Fairy III”, I still hope to find an actor with ratings appeal.

Wu Zhiqiang waved his hand gently: “What’s wrong with the newcomer?” The one who played Li Xiaoyao in “Immortal Sword One” did not have much experience. ”

“What’s more, I just said to let him audition, and it’s not a clapper.”

“It’s a pity that this handsome appearance doesn’t act, even if it is not suitable for Sedum when auditioning, other faceless roles are okay.”

“Wenhao, do you have confidence?”


After hearing Wu Zhiqiang’s question, Su Wenhao gently raised his eyebrows and replied confidently: “Of course!” ”

“I’m ready to audition!”

With him hanging on his body, will he be afraid of this thing?

Wu Zhiqiang nodded with great satisfaction: “This is what I want!” ”


Yang Mi was silent for a moment, since Director Wu agreed, she naturally wouldn’t say anything more.

It’s just not clear how Su Wenhao’s acting skills are.

“When do you think it’s appropriate to audition?”

The audition is to see if the actor’s vocal table matches the role that needs to be played.

Usually let the performance be judged by a short paragraph.

Wu Shaofeng thought for a moment: “It’s better to choose a day than to collide with the day, or now?” ”


Yang Mi and Su Wenhao were both taken aback, and said in unison: “Now? ”

Wu Shaofeng nodded: “Now that the preparation for “Immortal Sword III” has entered the late stage, all aspects are ready, and the actors are left not in place. ”

“I have already selected most of the actors, leaving the main actors who have not arrived.”

“I’ll see how Wenhao plays Sedum first, and if it’s suitable, I’ll find it again.”

“But don’t worry, our private audition is not so formal, and we don’t need to wear period costumes, just look at how his shape table sounds.”


Yang Mi was a little helpless.

“But this is too sudden, right? Wenhao is not ready yet? ”

Who just said that he wanted you to play this role, and the next second he started auditioning? Too caught off guard.

Yang Mi hopes to buy Su Wenhao two days of preparation time, give him one-on-one guidance in private, and then come to Director Wu to audition.

Although she does not think that Su Wenhao, who has never acted before, can control the male protagonist, as long as there is an opportunity, she must fight for it, which is the survival rule of the entertainment industry.

After fighting, this role may not be yours.

But if you don’t fight for it, then it must not be yours!

Her idea was very good, but Su Wenhao did not understand her painstaking intentions.

“But my side is ready!”

“You can audition at any time!”


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and really wanted to punch him in the chest with a small fist.

Specially, the old lady is helping you buy time and let you prepare well, who would have thought that you would be stupid enough to say that you can audition at any time?

You are a child who grew up in the mountains, even if you have read the performance book, so what? Acting is not something that can be mastered by reading a book!

Wu Zhiqiang looked at him: “Can you really audition?” ”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Of course!” ”

“Don’t know how to audition?”

Wu Zhiqiang stood up: “Wait a minute, I’ll go and bring the script of “Sword and Fairy III”, and randomly pick out a small plot for you to perform.” ”

“But you don’t have to be nervous, this audition is not based on your acting skills, but on the sound table, I want to see how similar you are to Sedum in the script.”

“As for the acting part, I believe that if you can pass the audition, Honey will find a teacher to help you improve.”

With that, he left the living room and headed for the study.

As soon as he left, Yang Mi came to the fire.

“Are you stupid?”

“How can you promise to audition now?”

“Director Wu is a big director, he can pick out any small flaws in your performance!”

“There is only one chance to audition, if it is brushed down, the role of Sedum will not be with you!”

“Why don’t you know how to cherish opportunities?”

Although Yang Mi is the biggest investor in this play, it is limited to this drama.

After this drama, she also hopes to have more cooperation with Wu Zhiqiang, which is very helpful to her gambling agreement.

Su Wenhao was very calm.

“Sister Honey, don’t worry.”

“I know it!”


Yang Mi sat down helplessly: “The matter has come to this, and I can only audition first.” ”

“Even if you can’t take down Sedum, it’s still no problem to help you get a follower role like He Biping.”

Su Wenhao picked up the kettle and poured water into Yang Mi’s ice cup: “Sister Honey, I know you’re worried that my first impression of this big-name director will not be too bad.” ”

“After all, there are not many opportunities to meet a director of this level.”


Yang Mi sighed and glanced at him.

“You know it all, so you still agree to audition indiscriminately?”

“Really so confident in yourself? Or is this time a little famous, making you flutter? ”

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