Chapter 130 is that the mule is the horse out and yo-yo!!


I’m a great traverser, just this little fame can make me float? Are you kidding?

Even if I become a king-level artist, I will be very calm~ sure!

Su Wenhao smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, I’m very calm!” ”


Yang Mi sat on the sofa with her shoulders and stopped talking.

I was thinking in my heart, in case the audition messed up, how should I help save my dignity.

Su Wenhao also fell silent, and opened the system panel in front of his gaze.

Skills: Top Singing Voice, Top Fitness, Top Cooking, Top Instrument, Top Ventriloquism, Advanced Makeup, Intermediate Driving, Junior Acting

Item: System Upgrade Fragment (5/10)

Reputation: 1683,5225

After drawing three prizes on the plane today, there is about 15 million prestige points left.

Probably because of the relationship between the two songs “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and “Young Xia Guo Said” around ten o’clock in the morning, his reputation value increased by nearly 2 million.

After taking a look at the panel, his eyes focused on [Junior Acting]. In the face of big directors, this kind of group acting level acting skills are definitely not enough.

“System, I want to upgrade [Junior Acting]!”

He said silently in his mind.

16 million prestige value, what else is there to be afraid of?

“Dingdong, deduct 1 million reputation points, the system capability is being upgraded, please wait!”

A progress bar appears in front of the line of sight and is quickly loaded from 0% to 100%.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host [Junior Acting] for having been upgraded to [Intermediate Acting]!”


Su Wenhao thought a little, and then said in his mind.

“I’m going to continue to upgrade that ability!”

In the face of a big director, intermediate acting skills may not be enough.

The opportunity is rare, and you must conquer him in a wave!

“Dingdong, intermediate promotion requires 5 million reputation points, may I ask if you want to upgrade?”

Well, sure enough, the higher the level, the higher the value required.

Anyway, I have a rich family now, and I have nothing to be afraid of.


“Dingdong, deduct 5 million reputation points, the system capability is being upgraded, please wait!”

The progress bar starts loading again, this time at a slower pace than before

When Wu Zhiqiang walked back with the script, the progress bar was loaded.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host [Intermediate Acting] has been upgraded to [Advanced Acting]”

[Advanced acting, your current acting skills are very high, and you can control a variety of roles! ] 】

“If you want to level up further, how much reputation will it cost?”

Su Wenhao watched Wu Zhiqiang walk in and asked in his heart.

“Dingdong, back to the host, advanced to the top level needs to consume 10 million reputation points, may I ask if you want to upgrade?”

After hearing the voice, Su Wenhao’s eyes looked at the panel.

Reputation value: 1084,1024

The two upgrades just now have consumed 6 million.

Implement the principle that you cannot be a miser or a loser.

Su Wenhao did not continue to upgrade, leaving some prestige value for backup.

What’s more, today is just an audition, as long as his performance can be counted to Wu Zhiqiang’s satisfaction.

It’s over!

Yang Mi said helplessly in her heart.

Just now, Su Wenhao sat on the sofa with his eyes blank, dumbfounded, as if his attention was wandering out.

This guy must be nervous, so nervous that his brain goes blank! It seems that the audition that will be held later will not be ideal.

Let you be strong! You’re going to suffer a loss, right?

Wu Zhiqiang took the script and sat down: “Are you nervous?” ”

His eyes looked over to see what kind of mental activity this first-time auditioner would be.

Su Wenhao smiled very calmly: “Don’t be nervous, relatively speaking, I am very excited in my heart, and I finally have the opportunity to act!” ”

For his performance, Wu Zhiqiang is still relatively satisfied.

If you are too nervous, then there is no need to even audition, because if the mentality is not good, Wu Shaofeng is not interested in psychological counseling.

“In that case, let’s play a brief paragraph.”

“Have you read this script?”

Su Wenhao shook his head: “No!” ”

Although Yang Mi took the script back, he didn’t think about acting at the beginning, plus he still had memories of this play in his previous life in his mind, so he didn’t read the script…

Wu Zhiqiang smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ll probably tell you about this plot.” ”

“Then you perform according to your understanding, and Honey and I judge your performance.”

“If you pass the level, then the role of Sedum will be played by you!”

Then he took out the script, turned one of the pages, and then sorted out the before and after plots for Su Wenhao so that he could understand what happened in this plot.


Listen to Wu Zhiqiang’s explanation, look at the words on the script, and the memories in your mind.

Su Wenhao knows which paragraph this is.

It was the conversation between Sedum and Xu Changqing after they got drunk.

However, there is only Su Wenhao in the living room, so Xu Changqing’s role is automatically skipped.

“This plot is mainly to see if you can perform a little riffraff drunken feeling!”

“In the play, Sedum is a punk in the early stage, and this part of the plot is also more comedy, so it tests your expressiveness.”

Su Wenhao nodded: “I understand!” ”

Yang Mi could only shake her fists at this time: “Wenhao, come on!” ”

At this point, she also wanted to see how much acting skills Su Wenhao had.

Su Wenhao took the script and silently memorized the lines, recalling in his mind the effect Wu Zhiqiang just wanted.

“I’m ready!”


Yang Mi was taken aback: “Is this ready?” ”

“Don’t you prepare for a while?”

Su Wenhao smiled and shook his head: “No need, it’s just a very small plot.” ”

Wu Zhiqiang thought for a moment, and then looked at Yang Mi: “He is a contracted artist of your company, so it’s up to you to shout to start!” ”

Yang Mi nodded: “Okay.” ”

“I’ll behave well later!”

Su Wenhao stood up and put down the script: “Well, it won’t disappoint you.” ”


Yang Mi pursed her mouth, no matter how much delay it is, it will not make his acting skills improve by leaps and bounds, it is the mule that pulls out and slips.

“Get ready!”

“Three, two, in the beginning!”

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