Chapter 135: The Electric Eye Sect Advocates Shao Han!!

The eight players stood on the stage, and Su Wenhao immediately became the brightest star in the field.

There is no other reason than because it looks good!

As the only seedling of the beauty track, first of all, the appearance must pass.

The other two tracks don’t particularly care about looks, and pay more attention to singing.

So purely in terms of appearance, none of the remaining 7 players can fight.

In other words, Yang Mi’s beauty track is an idol school, and the other two tracks are powerful.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the beauty track produced an idol and powerful player of Xie Yihao!

One person can hang the rest of the contestants and become the rating password of the show! His strength allows other players to only adjust their goals to the runner-up ~


When the camera gave Su Wenhao a close-up, the audience at the scene let out bursts of cries, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was also significantly improved.

Now the audience is already very restrained.

Think of the early drafts, such as “Happy Boys” and “Super Girl”.

Many crazy fans rushed directly to the stage, forcibly kissed the contestants, and even forced their clothes!

At that time, the two pillars of the mango platform, He Jiong and Wang Han, who were still small fresh meat, witnessed countless famous scenes, and some of them could be embarrassed to the point of buckling out of three rooms and one hall with their feet

Now fans are a lot more rational, although they like it, they know the distance very well.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the camera and said: “In addition to our three judges today, there are two other guests here. ”

“Let’s invite guests to the stage with applause!”

Amid the applause, two shadows walked towards the stage.

After seeing them clearly, the audience and netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited, and Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at this hand card and introduced: “Let’s applaud and welcome the little Asian diva: Deng Ziqi!” ”


“Electric Eye Sect Leader: Zhang Shaohan!”


The applause of the audience became very intense.

“Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan are here? It’s so exciting! ”

“These two are singers I like very much, and I didn’t expect to see them in this show.”

“The show is very hot now, probably to add another fire, so invite two well-known singers to make the popularity even higher.”

“The Electric Eye Sect advocates Shao Han, I really like her songs, and of course I like the songs of another sect leader, Wang Xinling.”

“Wang Xinling? That sister has been Buddhist for a long time, I think she may have retired from the circle! The Electric Eye Sect Leader has been back for a long time, and the Sweetheart Sect Master will return quickly! ”


Deng Ziqi walked towards the stage and gave Su Wenhao a look.

The two met in “Longing for Life”, and Su Wenhao’s various performances left a deep impression on her.

Su Wenhao smiled in return, even if it was in response to the greeting.

I didn’t expect that the program team would actually invite Deng Ziqi, which is a little interesting.

As for the Electric Eye Sect, it advocates Shaohan.

Of course, Su Wenhao had heard this name, but this was the first time they had met. The two guests stood on stage and then introduced themselves in turn.

Everyone opens their mouths to arouse enthusiastic feedback from the audience.

Xue Ziqian under the stage asked curiously: “There are three of us judges, you have two more guests, and they are also singers who are so popular, what do you mean?” ”

“Come and smash the field?”


The audience was amused, and even someone shouted loudly behind them: “Xue Ziqian, you and Hua Chenyu get off the stage, right?” Let Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan sit in the judges’ seat! We want to see beautiful women! ”

“Yes, yes, how eye-catching three beautiful women sitting together!”

“Good idea, do you two follow the will of the people?”


Xue Ziqian was speechless, he had long known that Lao Tzu did not open his mouth to ridicule, and almost lost his job.

“Two beauties, welcome to you. Hey. ”

He quickly closed his mouth after two perfunctory words.

Flower dust rain is even more speechless.

What’s the matter with me?

I didn’t say a word, why did you let me step down?

However, he wisely chose not to speak, and kept a smile on his face.

Typical grin on the face, MMP in the heart!

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: “After the contestants finished singing, the two guests could comment on their performance. ”

“Guests don’t have the right to vote, and it’s up to the three judges to decide who goes and who stays.”

“However, the guests each have 1% of the votes, and they can choose which contestant to give this 1%.”

“1% seems like a lot, but it can play a vital role when the results of the two competitors are stale!”

“Please Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan to take their seats in the guest seat!”

In the music, the two beauties walked hand in hand to the other side of the stage and sat down.

Zhang Shaohan whispered as he walked: “I haven’t watched this show much, do you have any favorite contestants?” ”

Deng Ziqi nodded: “Yes, I am very optimistic about the player named Su Wenhao!” ”

After taking a seat, Zhang Shaohan looked beyond the stage and quickly found Su Wenhao.

“It’s a handsome guy!”

“If you put him together with the other contestants next to him and the host Zhang Xiaoxiao, he looks even more handsome!”

“Shouldn’t you be optimistic about him because he is handsome?”

Deng Ziqi sneered and waved his hand: “Don’t joke nonsense, I don’t follow the five senses yet.” ”

“I recorded a show with him some time ago, and his performance was outstanding, which left a deep impression on me.”

“He and Reba performed “Titanic”, fished sharks, fished sonar, attracted seven or eight police cars, and later cooked, played and sang a song to himself.”

“One day left me with a lot of memories, and I can still recall the original picture.”


Zhang Shaohan flickered his big eyes in surprise: “Such as a few family treasures!” ”

“After hearing you say that, I’m looking forward to his performance.”

Deng Ziqi responded, “Me too!” Now he is the ratings code of this show and the most popular contestant. ”

“The singing skills are also very powerful, it is estimated that many professional singers are not comparable to him, and now the top few on the music list are his songs.”

“More than half of the audience at the scene held a sign with Su Wenhao’s name written on it, and his influence could be seen!”

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