Chapter 136: Yang Mi really wanted to laugh for a while!!


Zhang Shaohan seemed to think of something and screamed.

“That Su Wenhao on the music list, shouldn’t it be him?”

As a singer, of course, I pay a lot of attention to the music chart, and I will listen to almost all the songs on it.

Su Wenhao occupied the top few places alone, and it was impossible to ignore this matter.

When Deng Ziqi mentioned the name just now, Zhang Shaohan didn’t particularly care, after all, there were not too many people with the same name and surname in Xia Guo.

How can a newcomer who is still participating in the draft be equated with the singer who dominates the music chart?

It wasn’t until he heard the three words ‘music list’ that Zhang Shaohan reacted.

Deng Ziqi nodded: “That’s right, it’s him!” ”

“Awesome, right? Obviously still participating in the draft, but has already slaughtered the music charts. ”

“And the style is changeable, “Lifetime”, “Big Fish”, “”

Eliminate sorrows”, as well as “Young Xia Guo Said” sung on Children’s Day, and the song “Listen to Me Say Thank You”, which is more ridiculed than the execution song.

“The style of each song is different, but the singing is great!”


Zhang Shaohan looked at the stage in surprise: “I listened to all these songs you said, and in the past two days, I thought about contacting to see who knew Su Wenhao, but I didn’t expect him to be a draft contestant?” ”

“Then I have to appreciate his next performance.”

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the camera and said: “The old rule, after the end of last week’s competition, the vote share of all players will be cleared, and the statistics will start from scratch. ”

“Now let’s see, after a week, how are they ranking now?”

“Look at the big screen!”

The live camera was aimed at the big screen at the back of the stage, and everyone’s eyes also looked over.


After seeing the ranking, the audience erupted into screams and applause.

“The first place is Su Wenhao!”

“His share is 69%!”

Zhang Xiaoxiao read Su Wenhao’s results in an incredulous tone.

Although he knew that Su Wenhao would definitely be the number one, he did not expect it to be so high!

The 62% score last time was already very high, but I didn’t expect to increase it!

This also indicates that more than two-thirds of all netizens who participated in the voting of “Children of Tomorrow” voted for Su Wenhao!

“That’s amazing!”

“My share of the 69% of the votes!”

“I’ve contributed to this data too!”

“It’s really bad for the other contestants, I still can’t remember the names of the other 7 contestants, not to mention that the competition of “Children of Tomorrow” has not yet ended, and Brother Hao has already made many representative works!”

“Brother Hao is on the national stage! And not only children’s channels, I have seen the video of “Young Xia Guo Said” on the music channel for several days in a row! ”

“What is it to vote? Watch me brush two rockets for Brother Hao! ”

The live broadcast room is not only densely packed with barrages, but even gifts are constantly refreshed as if they don’t want money, flowers, rockets, and villas.

Seeing the rising data, the chief director was so excited that he screamed.

Rating password!

Su Wenhao is really worthy of the program’s rating password!

“Shhh! He alone is 69%? That is to say, the other 7 players together account for 31%, and the 7 people are no match for half of Su Wenhao! ”

“That’s incredible data, isn’t it?”

Zhang Shaohan looked at the big screen, his beautiful eyes full of surprise. Although it is a draft, I also know that Su Wenhao is very popular.

But this data is also amazing!

Deng Ziqi also couldn’t believe it: “I can only say that he is indeed excellent!” ”

Zhang Shaohan is looking forward to Su Wenhao’s performance more and more, and she wants to see whether this newcomer who occupies the top few of the music list is really capable, or in vain, and then hyped up by the management company.


Yang Mi seemed to stand up at this moment, and laughed loudly with her hands on her waist.

Do you see it?

Do you see it?

Although Su Wenhao is left with a single seedling in my prosperous beauty track, he is a man who can’t open it!

Xue Ziqian, Hua Chenyu, are you envious and jealous? The other seven contestants told themselves silently.

The runner-up must be mine!

They don’t want to win the championship at all, or the runner-up is more likely to be 0 At this moment, Su Wenhao has become the focus of the whole audience.

Bearing so many eyes, Su Wenhao was very calm and calm, and seemed to be planning something in his heart.

Zhang Xiaoxiao read the rankings of the other 7 players.

“Su Wenhao, you are the first place in terms of vote share, so you have the right to choose your own appearance order.”

“So you’re going to be the first to appear?”

After entering the final stage, Su Wenhao has already heard this sentence.

He thought in silence for a moment.

The chief director of the backstage tensed, and his heart was almost hanging to his throat.

In the last program group, Su Wenhao chose to be the first to appear, and the data in the live broadcast room was very hot at that time.

However, after he finished the show, netizens had nothing to watch, and the number of online people and the activity of the live broadcast room fell off a cliff.

Looking at the falling curve, the chief director almost got a heart attack.

After Su Wenhao pondered for a moment, he said very seriously: “I want to be the last to appear!” ”


After hearing this answer, the chief director almost cried out excitedly

If Su Wenhao finally appears, the highlight of the show will always be there, and the retention rate of netizens in the live broadcast room will be very high!

That’s a good thing for the show.

It seems that after the recording of this program, it is necessary to discuss with the other staff of “Children of Tomorrow” and change the format.

Zhang Xiaoxiao nodded: “Okay, in that case, please come and sit down.” ”

Seeing Su Wenhao’s back, the other 7 players all breathed a sigh of relief.

If he appears last, it means that in the first three rounds of PK, everyone has a high probability of directly advancing to the next program.

Under the control of Zhang Xiaoxiao, the quarterfinals of “Children of Tomorrow” officially began.

The first to perform on stage is the contestant with the penultimate share of votes.

“After several contestants participated in the show, everyone gained a lot of fans, and yesterday there were many fans who went to the airport to pick up the plane.”

“Before the show starts, let’s take a look at a VCR!”

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