Chapter 137 Deng Ziqi, you seem to care about him very much!!


And this link?

Su Wenhao, who was sitting behind Yang Mi, looked at the big screen curiously.

In the picture, it is fans who are picking up the player, and the enthusiastic scene is like a big star landing.

It takes about three minutes or so for this VCR to be played.

Then the singer starts to introduce the show he wants to perform, and then he starts performing.

Soga! Su Wenhao understood in his heart.

Before the show began, he was still wondering how the director team planned to fill the time. “Children of Tomorrow” is an online variety show, so the requirements for the duration are not as strict as those of TV stations.

The previous periods were more than 120 minutes, or even more than 200 minutes.

The first period takes about three hours.

But at that time, there were many players, and in the preliminary round, each track had a separate period, 65 competitors per track, and then it was reduced to only 8 people left in the three tracks

A song can be played in 5 minutes at best, and 8 people can play it in about 40 minutes

One round, counting the PK of the second round, is an hour at most.

Will this issue be short?

There will be 6 people left in the next period, so it will be short?

After watching the first contestant, Su Wenhao felt that his worries were superfluous.

The water time, the director team is professional.

A VCR, a period of inspiration, coupled with the host’s chatter, and finally the performance, after the performance, the three judges and two guests commented again.

The first contestant came from Xue Ziqian’s track, and it took ten minutes from the call to the name to the end of the performance and walking off the stage.

“Okay, let’s start our PK session, is there any player who wants to take the initiative to PK the first player?”

Zhang Xiaoxiao took the microphone and asked. The voice just fell.


All six players except Su Wenhao raised their hands! Hey?

Yang Mi was stunned.

The singing of the contestant just now is okay, and the person who can enter the quarterfinals must have a passing singing ability.

Is it not very good in the eyes of the other 6 people?

Or are they brave, fearless of challenges and dare to show themselves?

If these contestants knew what Yang Mi thought, they would definitely cry and answer with a face.


Because Su Wenhao said that he would make the final finale, that is, in the fourth PK, none of them wanted to meet Su Wenhao.

Just kidding.

69% of the votes, whoever touches it dies!

So they all want to appear before the fourth PK.

There is no chance of winning against Su Wenhao, but other players are still possible

And from this race, players on the same track can play each other, so players on the same team also began to raise their hands, preferring to hit our teammates rather than touch Su Wenhao.

Finally, the contestants from the Dusty Rain track took the stage PK.

The show was relatively long, a little boring for Su Wenhao, and after saying hello to Yang Mi, he went to the toilet.

What he wanted to do, Yang Mi knew very well.

But this guy is too good to be embarrassed to restrain him.

“Always pay attention to WeChat, when the time is about the same, I will call you back!” Yang Mi looked at him fondly and said. ”

“Hee hee, thank you Sister Honey!”

After thanking him, he ran to the toilet to play with his mobile phone.

In the guest seat, Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan always paid attention to Su Wenhao.

Seeing that he never came back after leaving, the two were also very curious.

Zhang Shaohan asked curiously: “Where did Su Wenhao go?” ”

Deng Ziqi shook his head: “I don’t know, I’ll ask Yang Mi.” ”

Taking advantage of the gap prepared by the contestants on the stage, Deng Ziqi came to Yang Mi’s side.

“Honey, what about Su Wenhao?”


Yang Mi looked towards her, with a slightly playful smile on her face: “You seem to care about him?” ”


Deng Ziqi waved his hand a little embarrassed: “Don’t joke around, there are so many people around, in case someone hears and then there is a scandal, I will not finish with you!” ”

“You should know, not long ago, I recorded “Longing for Life” with him and Reba, which can be regarded as a bit of fate.”

“Of course, I should pay more attention to him when I come as a guest this time.”

Yang Mi thought about it.

“He went to the bathroom.”

This kid always runs to the toilet to play with his mobile phone, if it weren’t for his good grades, I would definitely criticize him fiercely!

Deng Ziqi frowned: “Two hours?” ”

Yang Mi replied casually: “Because he has good physical strength!” ”


The two looked at each other and couldn’t help but blink.


Yang Mi quickly coughed lightly twice: “I mean… He may have diarrhea! ”

Deng Ziqi’s little face was a little red: “He is really in good shape, cough, I mean let him pay attention to his body, don’t affect his performance because of this kind of thing when playing.” ”

“The next contestant is about to start performing, I’m back in my place! After saying that, she trotted all the way back. ”

Zhang Shaohan saw her blushing a little and asked curiously.

“What’s wrong?”

“What about Su Wenhao?”

Deng Ziqi replied.

“Go to the toilet!”

Zhang Shaohan asked curiously: “Two hours?” ”

Deng Ziqi replied: “Because of his… Target…… Upset stomach! ”

“Oh no matter, anyway, he will definitely appear when he takes the stage!”


Deng Ziqi quickly picked up the sponsor drink placed on the table and took two sips.

In my mind, on the fishing boat of the mushroom house, Su Wenhao’s figure.

It’s a bit of a!

…… On stage.

After three PK matches, three players who directly advanced were decided, and the throne entered the pending zone.

There is one last PK left in the first round.

Both the audience and the netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited.

Because Su Wenhao is about to appear!

The chief director immediately directed the cameraman and gave the camera to Su Wenhao.

However, the sofa was empty, and a handsome guy not far away walked back with a smile on his face.

After receiving Yang Mi’s WeChat, Su Wenhao came back immediately.

After seeing Su Wenhao, there was lively applause at the scene.

Zhang Xiaoxiao asked: “Now among the players, there are only two of you who have no PK, and the last place that can directly advance to the next competition will be generated between the two of you.” ”

“May I ask which of you two will come first?”

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