Chapter 139: The sorrows and joys of people are incomprehensible!!

“I’m going to abstain!”

Su Wenhao repeated his words word by word.


The audience was in an uproar.

Everyone, including Yang Mi, was confused.

Zhang Xiaoxiao barely squeezed out a smile: “I want to abstain, is this the title of the song?” ”

“Hahaha, what a special name!”

He also wanted to make amends, and at the same time looked at Su Wenhao with helpful eyes.

The chief director of the backstage was blinded by this sentence.

Abstention? Why?

Waiver of our program group’s ratings password? This is an earthquake!

69% of the vote share, which shows that more than half of the popularity of the show is supported by Su Wenhao.

But why did he abstain?

God forbid it’s the name of the song!

The chief director, who has always disbelieved in ghosts, was so nervous that he clasped his hands together.

Su Wenhao replied very calmly: “It’s not the title of the song, it’s literally meaning.” ”

“I don’t have to this first round of PK, abstain!”

“Go straight to the pending zone.”

The words are so clear, Zhang 290 Xiaoxiao can no longer pretend to be confused.

In the face of this situation, his experience is still shallow, unlike old hosts like He Jiong and Wang Han who can deal with it indifferently.

Zhang’s little face turned pale.

This is the first time he has encountered such a thing as a player abstaining, if it is another player, he may be able to calm down, but it is Su Wenhao!

“Did you think clearly?”

Su Wenhao nodded: “I think very clearly, I will not participate in the first round of PK.” ”

“And I said before the game started, I want to be the last to play!”


Zhang Xiaoxiao was about to cry.

“So the last appearance you said meant this!”

“Why did you make such a decision?”

Su Wenhao smiled and said: “I definitely have my own reasons, and I will tell you when I play again.” ”

“I have seen the rules of the program, you can abstain from the first round of PK, the price is that the opponent of my PK does not need to vote, and directly advances to the next competition.”

“And I’ll go into the pending zone and wait for the second round.”

In the second round, the PK will determine which two players are eliminated.


Zhang Xiaoxiao was slightly relieved.

“Wenhao, I’m asking you one last time, have you thought it through?”

It turned out to be just abstaining from the first round, and if he gave up the game completely, he really didn’t know what to do with it.

During the competition, netizens can still vote, and the data of the vote share is constantly changing.

After the second round of PK, the judges and guests do not vote, but see who has the highest and lower share of votes on both sides.

The higher the promotion, the elimination of the loser.

With his 69% opening vote, the second-round promotion was easy, but it’s not clear why he did it.

Su Wenhao nodded: “I’m very sure!” ”

Zhang Xiaoxiao reluctantly announced: “Then please take a seat in the pending area.” ”

“At the same time, congratulations to this player for advancing directly to the next competition.”


After the player heard Zhang Xiaoxiao’s announcement, the whole person was confused.

and Su Wenhao PK, he is ready to lose this round of the game, the second round of PK, have begun to review the next songs in his mind.

At this time, things changed abruptly, and Su Wenhao actually abstained! As a competitor, he directly advanced!

The sudden change from great compassion to great joy made the player’s expression wonderful.

Although it was inexplicably picked up a bargain, it was indeed urgent for the next one!


The contestant shouted excitedly!

“I’m making the cut!!!

People’s sorrows and joys are not interconnected.

He was so happy that the three contestants in the particular district were about to cry.

I don’t have to play like this!

We consider ourselves silver-level players, in order to avoid Su Wenhao, a star-level master, squeezed our heads in the first three PKs, although we lost the PK in the end, waiting in the pending area.

But in their opinion, Su Wenhao is absolutely properly advanced, which means that the elimination PK in the second round will be carried out among the four silver-level players.

Singers of the same level PK are still confident in winning.

However, Su Wenhao’s abstention surprised everyone present.

Seeing the Star Glory level players sitting in the silver-level pending area, the other three players wanted to die.

Specially, after hiding for a long time, Su Wenhao hid for a long time, but as a result, people themselves entered the pending area, and who originally lost could still be determined, and who lost next would be eliminated directly!


Don’t bring such a bully!

Since Su Wenhao said those four words, the audience and netizens in the live broadcast room have not stopped discussing him.

Especially in the live broadcast room, it’s like a frying pan!

“Why did Brother Hao abstain? Can anyone tell me why this is? ”

“I was ready to accept the baptism of my proud brother’s singing, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

“And not completely abandoning the game, just giving up the PK in the first round, I don’t know why.”

“No, I just handed in the papers for the college entrance examination, and the first thing I did after getting my mobile phone was to watch “Children of Tomorrow”, but as soon as I opened the live broadcast room, I saw that Brother Hao was complete?”

“The same candidate, I smashed the exam today, I was in a very bad mood, I wanted to listen to Brother Hao’s singing to comfort, but I didn’t expect this to be the case, my heart was even more depressed!”

…… Call.

The chief director breathed a sigh of relief and put down the quick-acting heart-saving pill in his hand.

Fortunately, not all abstentions.

What was this guy doing, suddenly caught people off guard, his heart choked, and he almost thought he was going to go to Meng Po for soup.

Although it is not clear why Su Wenhao is like this, as long as he does not leave the show.

And, think about it from another angle.

Su Wenhao did not appear in the first PK, which also made many netizens who planned to quit after listening to the song stay, and the retention rate in the live broadcast room was very high.

Because of this matter, netizens are more active, and they are discussing why Su Wenhao abstained.

The chief director seemed to think of something, it would be a pity not to take advantage of such a good topic, and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

“Tell Weibo that our program team wants to buy a hot search!”

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