Chapter 140 What kind of commotion is this?!!

[“Children of Tomorrow” Su Wenhao abstained! ] (Boiling)】

This entry immediately parachuted on the hot search list, and was soon topped to a high position, second only to [stars send blessings to college entrance examination students].

“What the hell? I was just about to watch “Children of Tomorrow” after the college entrance examination, but you told me that Brother Hao abstained? ”

“I quickly opened the live broadcast room, but Brother Hao is still sitting in the players’ seat, is it ~ this is a rumor?”

“But Sister Honey’s expression is very unnatural, as if she is a little angry.”

“Does anyone know what’s going on? Originally, there was no state in the college entrance examination, and if Brother Hao abstained, I would be hit even more, and it is estimated that tomorrow’s exam will also be smashed. ”

“emmm, though, but, don’t throw the pot when you smash the exam!”

Because of this hot search, a lot of traffic continues to pour into the live broadcast room of “Children of Tomorrow”.


The chief director unfolded a paper folding fan and waved it gently.

I am really alive, and when faced with such an opportunity, I can immediately make a decision to seize it.

Now all the data in the live broadcast room has reached the highest peak since the start of “Children of Tomorrow”!

Su Wenhao, I will beg you for one thing, don’t make any moths.

Otherwise, it is the highest peak now, and the next period should be the lowest trough!

The general director also has KPI tasks to complete, and if something goes wrong in the next few issues, he will definitely be scolded to death by Long Danny! The director’s career can also come to an end

Thinking of this, the chief director began to tense again.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the camera and said: “The second round of PK will start immediately, please prepare the four players in the pending area!” ”

“This round of PK, the winning side advances to the next episode.”

“The losing side will be eliminated.”

“The two eliminated players will be ranked PK again, the winner is 7th and the loser is 8th!”

After reading out the rules, one of the contestants began to perform on stage.

However, the attention of many spectators was not on the contestant, but on Su Wenhao.

Even if Su Wenhao was not given a camera, it could not stop them from discussing.

Zhang Shaohan’s face was full of doubts: “What kind of moth is Su Wenhao preparing to make?” ”

Deng Ziqi shook his head: “I’m still confused.” ”

“Of all the contestants, what I was most looking forward to was his performance, and it gave me a waiver.”

“What kind of commotion is this?”

In the judges’ seat.

Yang Mi stared at Su Wenhao with anger in her eyes.

She really wanted to be furious at the moment.

Gone with the wind! Gone with the wind!

This guy is really floating! How dare to abstain!

After logging in to the show, watch how I clean you up!

Su Wenhao raised his head, just opposite Yang Mi’s four eyes, and also saw the anger in his eyes.


He actually squinted his eyes and laughed, looking very calm.


Yang Mi was furious again.

What do you mean? Provoke me?

Seeing this, Su Wenhao quickly put the index finger of his right hand in front of his lips and made a silencing motion.

He then pointed to the singers on the stage and the cameras around them.

As if telling Yang Mi, respect the contestants, and now it’s a live broadcast, pay more attention to your own image.


Yang Mi puffed out her cheeks, and her little face turned red.

How she reprimanded Su Wenhao loudly, but she also understood that it was not suitable to be angry in public, and it would damage her reputation, so she forcibly endured it.

I’d rather see what medicine is sold in your gourd.”

The song on the stage enters the interlude.

But the contestant was about to cry.

Standing on the stage, it is like a teacher standing on the podium, and the audience’s every move can be seen clearly.

Although he is singing, everyone’s attention is watching Su Wenhao, except for a few of his fans, few people pay attention to him.

After another two minutes, the song ended.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the camera and said, “The three players in the pending area, do any of them want to PK him?” ”


Except for Su Wenhao, the other two players immediately raised their hands and ran to the stage while raising their hands!

There is still a way to live with that player.

If you PK with Su Wenhao, there are only ten dead ends!

“Me me me! Please let me come! ”

“I have a disease that will cause insomnia if I don’t PK with him, let me go on stage!”

The two contestants begged with sad faces.


Of course, Zhang Xiaoxiao understood why they were like this, and said helplessly: “The two sides can’t argue, they can only choose according to the rules of the program, and the program began to announce the ranking of the vote rate, please rank higher on the stage.” ”

The higher-ranked contestants such as Mont Amnesty, excitedly climbed on the stage with their hands and feet

Then raise your hands as if victorious.

The lower-ranked contestants looked like ashes and walked back to the pending area with their heads down.

Su Wenhao glanced at it, smiled and comforted him: “You don’t need to be so depressed, after all, you are already in the top eight, although you are going to be eliminated, you have already surpassed many players.” ”

“It’s time to be blind!”


The corner of the contestant’s mouth twitched.


Can you blind? Is this comforting me? Murderous heart! Murderous heart!

“Why are you abstaining from entering the pending zone?”

“Is it bad to go straight to the next installment?”

He finally couldn’t help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Su Wenhao smiled slightly.

“You’ll find out later!”

The PK on the stage ends, and the tenth eliminator of the competition is selected.


“Then can I play first?”

“If you go on stage first, I guess no one will look at me.”

The players are mentally prepared, anyway, they are going to lose, so it is better to enjoy the stage to the fullest.

Su Wenhao nodded politely: “Of course, please!” ”

Then, the contestant walked to the stage with an expression of generosity to death.

Su Wenhao couldn’t help but laugh, isn’t it so serious?

Probably there is no way back, let go of the relationship, this player seems to be stimulated potential, unexpectedly played an extraordinary level, attracting many people to applaud him.

After the performance, Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the bottom of the stage and said: “Please invite the last singer to perform, Su Wenhao!” ”

He was very worried when he spoke.

This buddy won’t make a whole abstention or something like that, right?

Su Wenhao glanced at the time on his phone, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then stood up and walked towards Yang Mi: “Help me keep the mobile phone!” ”

After speaking, he walked to the stage.

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