Chapter 141 “Chasing Dreams and Hearts” gives all his youth without regrets!!

Yang Mi took the mobile phone, looked at his back with some doubts in her eyes, and said.

“Although I don’t know why you made the decision to abstain, but since you have decided to play, I hope you do well.”

Specially, the old lady almost ran away just now.

My prosperous beauty track is your only seedling, if you abstain from use, the whole army will be wiped out!

Su Wenhao stopped, turned around and smiled: “There is a reason for abstaining just now, but now I am ready, so please rest assured!” ”

After speaking, he came to the stage under the gaze of everyone.

“Brother Hao won’t abstain again this time, right?”

“If that’s the case, I’m going crazy!”

“I entered the live broadcast room through Weibo hot search, what is the situation now? Did Brother Hao really abstain? ”

“Brother Hao, my heart is not good, I almost relapsed just now, don’t scare me anymore.”

In the worried eyes of everyone, Su Wenhao came to the host’s side.

Knock knock.

Zhang Xiaoxiao swallowed his saliva and asked carefully: “Wenhao, are you ready for the next performance?” ”

He was so afraid to hear that I was going to abstain.

The most popular contestant abandons the competition, for this show, what kind of impact will be faced, Zhang Xiaoxiao is very clear.

Su Wenhao smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, I’ve been prepared for a long time!” ”

He took the microphone and looked at the live camera: “Why did I abstain just now?” ”

“It’s because of the waiting time!”

“Do you know what day it is?”


The sudden question made Yang Mi and the others a little stunned.

Everyone faces, what’s special today?

After a slight pause, Su Wenhao continued: “Today is the first day of the college entrance examination! ”


Some viewers were taken aback.

“College entrance examination? Is it the college entrance exam today? ”

“Of course, 789 every year is the college entrance examination time!”

“I’ve graduated a long time ago, and I don’t pay much attention to this matter anymore.”

“No, no, someone doesn’t know that today is the college entrance examination? As a candidate, I was shocked! ”

The audience whispered, and netizens in the live broadcast room were also discussing.

Su Wenhao continued: “It’s six o’clock in the afternoon, today’s last exam has ended, and millions of candidates from all over the country have walked out of the examination room and started preparing for tomorrow’s exam! ”

“The college entrance examination is an important test in life, and millions of people struggle for it every year.”

“So my next song is for every college entrance examination candidate!”

“The name of the song is “Chasing Dreams and Hearts”!”

“I hope that every candidate will not give up lightly on the road to chasing your dreams, and I hope you can work hard and move forward!”

Zhang Xiaoxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he really won’t abstain.

“Applause please Su Wenhao to bring us this song “Chasing Dreams and Child’s Heart”!”


The audience applauded enthusiastically.

“Finally, I can listen to Brother Hao’s singing.”

“Ah! I understand, no wonder he abstained from the first round of water, it turned out to be for the card time! ”

“The last course of the college entrance examination is 15:00-17:00, if you want more candidates to hear this song, then you have to appear after 17:00.”

“As a candidate, I want to hear what kind of song Brother Hao will bring!”

Yang Mi also nodded understandingly.

Hmph, this guy turned out to have a plan!

Deng Ziqi smiled and said, “I was nervous for a long time, and I could finally hear him sing.” ”

Zhang Shaohan frowned.

“Songs for test takers? What type will it be? ”

“It’s the first time I’ve heard him sing live, and hopefully it’s not a bluff.”

In the gaze of everyone, the lights of the audience dimmed, and a very bright spotlight shone on Su Wenhao.

He became the focus of attention.

Then the piano sounded.

“Where is the world full of flowers? If it really exists then I will definitely go. ”

“I want to stand on the highest mountain there, not flat it is not a cliff.”

“Live hard and love hard, even if you are liver and brain, do not ask anyone to be satisfied as long as you are worthy of yourself.”

“I never chose to give up about ideals, even in the days of gray face…”


A sense of power!

As soon as Su Wenhao spoke, a sense of power came from his singing.

This feeling is diametrically opposed to “Elimination of Sorrows”, and it is also different from “Young Xia Guo Said”.

There is a courage and determination in the song to know that the mountain has a tiger bias towards the tiger mountain line!

Zhang Shaohan, Deng Ziqi, Xue Ziqian, these three singers have held their breath, and they can judge that the singing skills reflected in Su Wenhao’s lyrics are not simple.

Low, fearless, courageous.

Using singing to convey emotions is something that many singers want to do but can’t do, but Su Wenhao did it.

“Maybe I don’t have talent, but I have the innocence of dreams.”

“I’m going to prove it, with my whole life.”

“Maybe I’m clumsy, but I’m willing to keep searching.”

“Give all your youth without leaving a sense of it!”

If at the beginning, Zhang Shaohan and they still stayed on singing, then the door came to the lyrics of the brother.

This is a narrative of the state of mind of ordinary people as they move towards their dreams.

After all, not all people are Long Aotian, born with a golden spoon.

Many are ordinary people, their hands are stupid, and their brains don’t seem to be so smart, but salted fish can have dreams, let alone brothers?

The students who took the college entrance examination were even more emotional.

Some students sleep well in class, and they can still get a high score on the 1.7 exam!

But more are ordinary students, in order to be able to get good results in the exam, they read hard and brush the questions, but they are so hard, and the final exam results are still very unsatisfactory.

Su Wenhao’s lyrics resonated with many people, even ordinary people who have long stopped the college entrance examination, there are difficult scriptures in their families, and everyone will encounter various obstacles in life.

They are also very clear that their talent is not good, and some people have withdrawn in the face of difficulties, saying that I want to lie flat, whatever you want.

But the heart is still very unwilling.

“Give all your youth without regrets!”

When Su Wenhao’s singing came, the hearts of those who chose to lie flat were also fluctuated, asking for monthly tickets and evaluation votes!

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