Chapter 144 Zhang Shaohan, you must not provoke Tengger!!


Su Wenhao’s words caused the audience to burst into laughter.

“Marriage proposal? Thinking about it carefully, Xue Ziqian’s actions just now really seemed like a marriage proposal. ”

“And Xue Ziqian is still wearing a suit, it looks very formal, if the other party is a woman, I’m afraid I will really misunderstand.”

“What about the man? Can’t there be love between men and men? ”

“Heng, I don’t care about others, as a female fan of Su Wenhao, Su Wenhao must be a straight man!”

Su Wenhao half-jokingly dissolved some afternoon of supervision.

This Teacher Xue is too tiger to use such a way.

Fortunately, he knelt on one knee, if he knelt double, it would become a grave, and if Su Wenhao didn’t have to kowtow to him.

Xue Ziqian said very seriously: “Wenhao, your performance on this stage has shocked me again and again. ”

“After I listened to the previous songs, such as “Lifetime”, “Eliminate Sorrow”, “People Like Me” and so on, I have the same opinion as Deng Ziqi, that is your style.”

“If you don’t sing songs like big rivers, you will sing songs that are refreshing with small bridges and flowing water, or songs that are lower or have a strong sense of life.”

“However, last week, on the day of June 1st 980 Children’s Day, a song “Listen to Me Say Thank You” and a song “Young Xia Guo Said” completely subverted my understanding of you.”

“I found that you can also sing songs with positive energy.”

“Just now, through this song “Chasing Dreams and Hearts”, I once again refreshed my understanding of you!”

“I even don’t even think I’m qualified to sit down below and be a judge, it’s great, it’s great!”

Su Wenhao bowed respectfully: “Thank you Teacher Xue for your comment!” ”

The host Zhang Xiaoxiao said: “Teacher Xue, fortunately, you knelt down on one knee just now, if you knelt on both knees, I thought you were on top…”


“Please go back and take a seat.”

After Xue Ziqian sat back, Hua Chenyu picked up the microphone: “This song is indeed very good, the music is good, and the song is still written back.” ”

“However, in order to avoid you getting carried away and stopping, so I think this vote should be given to the other party!”


After he finished speaking, the audience froze.


Zhang Xiaodongdong’s lips opened with some embarrassment: “Huahua, have you forgotten?” In the first round of P, the judges vote on who will advance. ”

“But now it’s the second round of PK, and the judges no longer have the right to vote, so they look at the share of votes of each contestant and decide whether to stay in the end.”

“Have you forgotten?”


After hearing this, Hua Chenyu became a little embarrassed.

Just thinking about how to suppress Su Wenhao, find a suitable reason to vote for the other party.

But forget one thing, it’s the second round of PK, there is no such link.


Hua Chenyu coughed twice: “It’s nothing, I just want to remind Su Wenhao, don’t be too proud, and calm your mind.” ”

“After all, there are still three periods of the competition, and every time someone will be eliminated.”

The audience was delighted.

“This is Sima Zhao’s heart is known to everyone, right?”

“How did Hua Chenyu form a bond with Brother Hao, how did he feel that he was already terrified, and he would definitely not vote for Brother Hao.”

“He seems to be full of one thing now, knocking out Brother Hao.”

“Who knows, how can a mage’s normal person be young?”

Su Wenhao responded with a polite smile: “Thank you Teacher Hua Chenyu for the wonderful comment, it is really the words that make me pause!” ”

“I hope the next performance will not disappoint you!”

There is obviously a strange yin and yang in the words.

This is to govern others with their human ways.

Hua Chenyu Shan Shan smiled and did not reply, and it was even more embarrassing to say that the law was afraid of whiteness.

The host looked at the camera and said: “In this case, the results of this P water will be announced, who will advance and who will be eliminated?” ”

“Look at the big screen!”

Straight back, everyone’s eyes came to the big screen again.

Su Wenhao: 74%.

That contestant is only 2%

After the program was launched, Su Wenhao’s share of votes was improved.

“Ziqi, Shao Han, each of you has a 1% share in your hands, who are you willing to give to?”


After hearing this question, everyone’s eyes focused towards the guest seat.

Deng Ziqi pursed his mouth slightly.

“Wenhao’s performance is perfect, but give it to the other party!”

Zhang Shaohan thought about it.

“I’ll give it to the other party too.”

“His performance is also very good!”


Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan obviously revealed the consolation prize, after all, in front of Su Wenhao’s explosive performance just now, none of the 7 contestants could fight!

However, even add the two of them 1% of the votes! Also 74% to 4%.

It’s 70% worse!

Zhang Xiaoxiao announced loudly: “Let’s congratulate Su Wenhao for winning the last promotion place in this program!” ”

The audience stood up and applauded again.

After the qualifying competition was held and the 7th and 8th places were decided, the recording of this episode of “Children of Tomorrow” came to an end backstage of the program, and Zhang Shaohan found Su Wenhao accompanied by Deng Ziqi.

He is definitely a real son of tomorrow, there is no harm in getting to know him in advance, and there will be cooperation in the future.

“Hello Wenhao, I’m Zhang Shaohan.”

“Today’s stage performance is so exciting!”

Zhang Shaohan introduced himself with a smile.

Now the melody of “Chasing Dreams and Childlike Heart” in my mind is still recalling.

“The Electric Eye Sect advocates Sister Shaohan, it’s my honor to be able to meet you.”

“Especially ‘Invisible Wings’ is a song I like very much.”

Su Wenhao returned with a polite smile, and he was very happy in his heart.

I actually had the opportunity to meet one of the four sect leaders in the music world, and I don’t know if the other three sect leaders will have the opportunity to meet.


Speaking of “Invisible Wings”, Su Wenhao seemed to think of something.

“Sister Shao Han, can I give you a suggestion?”

She is the same age as Yang Mi, slightly older than herself, and there is no problem in calling her sister.

Zhang Shaohan nodded: “Of course, what do you want to say to me?” ”

Su Wenhao hesitated for a moment, but still spoke.

“Don’t provoke Teacher Tenger in the future!”

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