Chapter 145 is that you let Tenger wash the song world with blood!!


After hearing the name mentioned by Su Wenhao, Zhang Shaohan blinked suspiciously.

She has also heard this singer, is a very famous national singer, and the song “Heaven” is also very liked.

“I don’t understand what you said, why should I provoke Teacher Gehr?”

Zhang Shaohan’s tone was full of doubt and puzzlement.

She had only heard Tengel’s name and liked his songs, but she had never met Tengel himself.

And even if she sees him, in the face of the seniors in the music world, she only has worship and respect in her heart, how can she provoke?

Zhang Shaohan’s big eyes were full of doubts, as if he was intentionally or unconsciously discharging, looking at Su Wenhao’s heart itching, is this the Sect Master of Electric Eyes? Feel WINK anytime, anywhere!

“It’s nothing, maybe ~ I’m overthinking.”

Su Wenhao waved his hands and eyes to look elsewhere, and then looked at Zhang Shaohan, it would be difficult to argue about the law of falling.

The reason why he gave this advice is because he remembers very clearly that in the original world, because Zhang Shaohan covered Tengel’s “Heaven”, as a ritual exchange, Tenger also covered her “Invisible Wings”.


Zhang Shaohan’s cover of “Heaven” did not cause much repercussions, it is an ordinary cover.

Tengel’s is different.

Because of the singing and pronunciation methods, after his cover, “Invisible Wings” has a strong grassland taste, successfully making the audience forget the original singing.

So much so that once when Zhang Shaohan went to sing by himself, he couldn’t get out of tune, and it was precisely because of this cover that Uncle Fuji became interested, and then the blood washed the song world, but any song that he covered could make the audience successfully forget the original song!

Netizens’ comments: Zhang Shaohan you should not, should not, never undo the seal of Uncle Vine!

However, these things may not happen in this parallel world, so Wenhao does not say too much.

“Oh, two beautiful women surrounding our family Su Wenhao, shouldn’t they want to seduce them away?”

Yang Mi, who came to find Su Wenhao, saw this scene, and there was a small sense of vinegar in her heart.

Then he closed his belly and straightened his chest, and took an elegant step to come.

The three top beauties stand together, their appearance is different, and their temperament is comparable!

It’s just the figure…

Or Boss Yang is slightly better.

“Your family Su Wenhao? When did it become your family? ”

Deng Ziqi asked suspiciously, and then thought about it.

“Oh, by the way, he signed Jiagong Tongla!”

“Your vision is okay, fortunately, I started early and signed it before he could emerge.”

“If it is placed today, I’m afraid that Wa Qingwa’s dragon will never let go no matter what!”

After all, any industry is a competition for talent.

Especially in the entertainment industry.

The annual income of first-line artists is tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions!

The second-line can burn high incense in a few million.

Not to mention those below the third line, hundreds of thousands are capped, and most of them may still be getting a basic salary, or even struggling with the food and clothing line.

In other words, having a first-tier artist in your hand is much stronger than having a dozen second-tier artists!

And finding an announcement for one person is several times worse than finding an announcement for a dozen people, which requires the consumption of fan power.

The purpose of the draft is to find the seedlings of first-line artists, and now it seems that among the 12 contestants who entered the final stage, Su Wenhao himself can press the other 11 people to the ground and rub them fancy!

The draft of “Children of Tomorrow” has almost become Su Wenhao’s solo show.

Yang Mi smiled and responded: “Don’t worry, Wenhao will not be treated badly in my company.” ”

Zhang Shaohan was very surprised: “Wenhao is a contracted artist of your company?” ”

She only paid attention to Su Wenhao today, and she has not heard of this matter.

Yang Mi smiled in return: “Of course, I signed him in the first period of the preliminary round!” ”

Zhang Shaohan gave a thumbs up, his face full of admiration: “It’s not a loss to Boss Yang, his vision is very powerful, but you can find such a potential stock in the first phase.” ”


Yang Mi shook her head.

The first issue?

Who do you look down on?

My sister and I started raising him 18 years ago!

“It’s not early, Wen Hao and I have to rush back to Hengdian, there are a lot of things to do tomorrow, so I won’t talk to you.”

Su Wenhao asked expectantly: “Tomorrow is busy?” ”

He has no agent, no assistant, and no one to arrange a trip for him, so he will play games after he arrives at Hengdian.

After crossing over, he lay flat for 18 years, idle and a little panicked, and now he heard that he would be busy next, but he was full of interest.

Looking at his energetic eyes, Yang Mi smiled slightly and nodded: “Yes, tomorrow “The Legend of Sword and Fairy Tale III” will officially start, and after the film and television dramas start shooting, it will be very busy.” ”


Su Wenhao’s eyes lit up…

“Tomorrow on the phone? I’m looking forward to it! ”

Deng Ziqi raised his wrist to look at his watch: “I also have an announcement to be busy, then we’ll see you next week!” ”


Su Wenhao blinked his eyes suspiciously: “Next week?” Will you be coming to Children of Tomorrow next week? ”

Zhang Shaohan nodded: “Of course, I signed directly to the final period.” ”

“So you have to prepare and surprise us more!”

“Ah, by the way, can you add your WeChat?”

Hearing this, Su Wenhao instantly took out his mobile phone, then unlocked it, opened WeChat, and opened the QR code.

The whole action is smooth and smooth, in one go.

The big beauty took the initiative to add WeChat Ye, how can she not be more active?

“You sweep me!”

Soon Su Wenhao’s contacts added another beauty.


Yang Mi puffed out her cheeks next to her.

Are you so happy?

When I added WeChat, why not only did I not have this expectant expression, but I also had a worry that I would not eat and live.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi’s heart was slightly vinegar.

“Sister Honey, let’s go!”

After adding Zhang Shaohan’s WeChat, Su Wenhao returned to Yang Mi satisfied.

Yang Mi became even more depressed, and waved Zhang Shaohan in the mouth of Ziqi.


After speaking, he pulled Su Wenhao out of the backstage.

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