Chapter 146: I found Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai!!

After Zhang Shaohan and Deng Ziqi chatted for two words, they also left with their respective agents, as the work arrangements of the people in the circle were full.

On the road, a car is moving.

The agent in the car was talking to Zhang Shaohan about the next work.

“The variety show I signed last time has already set a recording time, and Liu Zhou began to record.”

“In addition to you, there are three professional singers involved.”

“In order to bring highlights and variety effects to the show, the program team hopes that you can cooperate to do something.”

Today’s game clip in “Children of Tomorrow” has been recorded by netizens and posted to Douyin.

Zhang Shaohan is wearing a headset to watch a clip of Su Wenhao singing “Chasing Dreams and Child’s Heart”.

His singing skills are really powerful, and the power of this song is very encouraging.

After hearing the agent’s words, she raised her head slightly: “Cooperation?” How to cooperate? ”

Because I brought a headset, I could hear the agent.

The agent looked at the message on the phone and said: “The content is very simple, including you, there are a total of four professional singers as judges.” ”

“So the program team hopes that you can combine two or two and cover each other’s songs.”


Zhang Shaohan nodded clearly.

As an artist who has debuted for many years, he has participated in many variety shows, and he is too familiar with these routines.

Variety shows should have something to watch.

Just like Su Wenhao of “Children of Tomorrow”, if he is missing, this show will be less than half of the popularity.

The same is true of the pursuit of other variety shows.

“No problem, use the song of Yin I Pan Chang?”

The agent replied: “Singer from the steppe, Tengel!” ”

Another red car ran on another road.

Knock knock!

Hua Chenyu sat in the back row, slamming the seat back in anger, and said angrily.

“This Su Wenhao is also too arrogant, right?”

I have always wanted to suppress him, but the other party is not affected at all, but his popularity is getting more and more popular.

Seeing that his new songs are dropping more and more on the hot search list, the popularity of Su Wenhao’s songs has been high, which makes Hua Chenyu’s heart even more angry.

Seeing him so angry, the agent and assistant were too frightened to speak.

After a while, I watched him ease his mood for a while.

The agent slowly spoke: “Huahua, I have good news here, do you want to hear it?” ”


“What good news!”

Hua Chenyu adjusted her mood and looked up and asked.

However, the anger in his heart did not completely disappear, and it seemed that his tone was a little gloomy when he spoke.

The agent couldn’t help but snort, and then Pipi Chenwu asked: “You should know the column “I am a singer” on Mango Channel, right?” ”


Hua Chenyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and then picked up the water next to him and drank two sips, his mood eased a lot and he was a little more rational.

“I’m a singer? Isn’t that a music variety show? ”

The agent nodded: “Yes, as a key program launched by Mango Channel, every broadcast can cause a lot of repercussions, because it is a famous singer involved, so his attention is very high.” ”

“The popularity is several times higher than that of “Children of Tomorrow”!”

“The format is the same as before, with one singer eliminated every two rounds and then filled by a new singer.”

“The program team called and asked if you would like to be a fill-in singer?”

As the broker expected.

After hearing this, Hua Chenyu’s eyes almost glowed.

“I Am a Singer” is a high-level variety show, and every ten issues can attract very high attention.

Any singer who appears on this stage can attract many new fans and achieve a doubling of commercial value!

And being able to receive an invitation from the program team means that your strength is recognized.

Hua Chenyu nodded repeatedly, her expression was endless.

“Yes, of course I do!”

“Reply to the program team, I am ready to be a fill-in singer at any time!”


Being able to stand on this stage and sing will definitely make more people like my songs, Hua Chenyu suddenly wants to understand why I am suppressed by Su Wenhao on the music list.

Because I am a judge, except for fans, passers-by rarely have the opportunity to appreciate my brother’s songs.

If you can participate in “I Am a Singer”, more people will hear my songs and will have higher popularity!

After thinking about this, Hua Chenyu firmed up his thoughts.

“It’s time for the audience to recall that the Chinese music scene is surnamed Shi!”

“Especially Su Wenhao!”


Just walked out of Hengdian Airport and got into Yang Mi’s car.

Su Wenhao sneezed.

What’s the situation?

Are there beautiful women who miss me?

Yang Mi said to the driver: “Don’t go to the company today, drive directly to Jiangnan Mocha.” ”

“Go back to rest and rest, and go directly to the crew hotel tomorrow to prepare for the start-up ceremony.”

After receiving the order, the driver turned the front of the car and headed towards Yang Mi’s community.

“Oh, by the way, do you remember the time before you and I walked Lijing Yingkou to add love?”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Remember, did you find it?” ”

He knew that these two actresses, who would be well-known in the future, were still running tricks in Hengdian at the moment, and Jane had taken them down before she became famous.

Yang Mi replied: “Well, Sister Zeng called yesterday to say that she had signed a contract, so let’s meet them before tomorrow’s signing ceremony.” ”

“These two beauties you specifically named to find, I have to see what they look like.”

Su Wenhao compared an OK gesture: “No problem.” ”

“If the two of them cultivate well, then the probability of winning the opponent’s discussion will be very high.”


Yang Mi laughed: “The gambling agreement that many artists are daunted by seems to be worth mentioning in your eyes.” ”

“You are always confident in winning, which makes me inexplicably confident.”


Su Wenhao patted his chest happily: “Just be confident!” ”

“If you don’t have so much confidence in yourself, why did you sign the right gambling agreement in the first place?”

“Since you signed it, you must know that there are tigers in the mountains that are biased towards the tiger mountain.”

“It’s still that sentence, with me by my side, I will definitely escort you!”

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