Chapter 147: Sister Honey, I’m as wise as a torch!!

The corners of Yang Mi’s mouth raised a smile.

“Deng Ziqi, Director Wu, they all said that I signed the contract to pick up a treasure.”

“Now that I think about it, I think so too.”

“I met you and signed you as a lucky cloud that I am afraid of!”

Looking at his handsome face, Yang Mi couldn’t help but praise herself in her heart, I raised it so well.

But thinking of the picture of Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan surrounding Su Wenhao today, she was a little uncomfortable in her heart.

In the future, a handsome and talented boy like him will definitely be surrounded by many beautiful women.

Yang Mi felt uncomfortable for no reason.

But why am I so uncomfortable?

Will the pigs raised by themselves be prosperous?

“I’m also very curious, why did you sign me in the first place?”

“Is it really because of the song ‘Lifetime’?”

Su Wenhao asked.

Yang Mi nodded reasonably: “Then there is no need to ask?” ”

“Sister Honey, I have a keen eye like a torch, after listening to that brother song, I think you are a malleable talent.”

“So 15 signed you up after the first installment.”

“Why else do you think so? Because you’re handsome? ”


Su Wenhao flicked his bangs: “I think I’m quite handsome.” ”


Yang Mi snorted lightly.

“Stinky beauty!”

“It’s half past eight in the evening, and although it’s a little late, I still go to the supermarket to buy some food and go back to cook for myself.”

“I haven’t tasted Mr. Su’s cooking skills for a long time, and I miss it a lot.”

“After joining the group tomorrow, I’m afraid I won’t have this blessing.”

Su Wenhao looked at the sky outside and thought for a moment: “If you don’t make too complicated dishes, there should be no problem, but is it convenient for you to enter the supermarket?” ”

Big star yay!

Especially in Hengdian, whether it is a local or a visitor, I hope to meet more stars.

Once the star is discovered, I am afraid it will cause a small commotion.

Yang Mi scoffed, “Of course I’m inconvenient, but you’re convenient!” ”


Su Wenhao blinked: “You mean, let me go to my own law supermarket?” ”

“I… It’s not very convenient, right? ”

If you think about it, you are now a star, and if you encounter passers-by blocking and taking photos, it will also be a trouble.

Yang Mi smiled and nodded: “Although Young Master Su is also very famous, you have good physical strength.” ”

“When the fans picked up the plane yesterday, so many people couldn’t run away from you, which shows that you have a talent for escape!”

“So, supermarket escape or something, to you little meaning lala!”


The corner of Su Wenhao’s mouth twitched: “Supermarket escape? Do you want to have another supermarket parkour, supermarket sanda and the like? ”

“Like Brother Chenglong, no one is afraid in the supermarket.”

Soon the driver drove the car into the underground parking lot of a large supermarket.

Yang Mi had already written the dishes she wanted to eat on a note and handed them to Su Wenhao.

“Come, Sister Honey will personally help you bring a mask, so I should wear a battle robe for you.”

He said and took out a disposable mask and put it on his face.

The horned insect feeling across the fingertips made Su Wenhao’s heart itch a little, and he raised his eyes to look at the face of Xiao Xiao who was close to the ruler.

Although I wear a mask, I can still smell the aroma.

“The mask is my battle robe? The more you say it, the more exaggerated it is, right? ”

Yang Mi scoffed: “The supermarket tells you that it is a battlefield, and you can buy things back without being noticed by others, even if the battle is won.” ”

“When Mr. returns, I will untie his robe!”

“Sister Honey put it on for you with her own hands, and she will also take it off for you with her own hands, go!”

After putting on the mask, Yang Mi sent Su Wenhao to the supermarket.

After getting out of the car, Su Wenhao paused, and then turned his head and asked: “I untie the robe for Mr. ”

“Do you know what’s next?”


Yang Mi shook her head gently: “What is it?” ”

Because she had just mentioned the word robe, she just thought of this poem, and then said it.

The previous sentence is still a little vague of the lake impression, and the next one is always ten.

Su Wenhao did not answer, but smiled slightly, and then closed the car door and walked to the supermarket.

Looking at his back, Yang Mi retracted her gaze and looked it up with her mobile phone.

[I untied the robe with the general, and Hibiscus spent the spring night for a long time].


After seeing the second half of the poem just now, Yang Mi’s little face instantly turned red.

She was originally just joking, but she didn’t expect that the back companion Xiang Zhang Ran was this!

According to other people’s popular science, this sentence is a stitched poem.

But does it seem important now?

Su Wenhao just thought of this sentence, right?

Thinking of this, Yang Mi’s face turned even redder.

Then open Weibo to look at the news and distract yourself.


Soon she found that Su Wenhao’s name appeared on the hot search list again.

This guy has been really hot recently, and the game has not ended, so he has been on the hot search three times and twice.

I, Boss Yang, have only been on five hot searches recently.

[Su Wenhao blesses the candidates with his singing! ] 】

[National News praised Su Wenhao’s “Chasing Dreams and Hearts”! ] 】

[In order to send blessings to candidates, Suwen 877 Hao abstained from the competition! ] 】

[Su Wenhao’s “Chasing Dreams and Hearts” topped the music chart! ] 】

In the past, when I was on the hot search, Su Wenhao’s full name would not be included in the entry, and now as long as the entry related to him will have his name.

It is enough to show that these three words have the ability to attract traffic.

Before participating in the competition, Su Wenhao had already handed over the sound source of “Chasing Dreams and Child’s Heart” to five music platforms.

Not long after the competition, it was launched on major platforms and soon occupied the number one position on the music chart.

And the top few on the music chart are also his songs.

It’s completely Su Wenhao VS Su Wenhao, fight with yourself!

“Listening to “Chasing Dreams and Childlike Hearts” made my heart surge, blood was rushing, and I couldn’t stop for a long time!”

“I originally lost confidence, but after listening to this song, I once again ignited my fighting spirit and burned my little treasure!”

“I started the single loop mode after this song was released, this is the first song I heard by Su Wenhao, and I finally understand why so many people like him!”

“Even the national station praised this song, which shows how positive this song is, and I feel extremely proud and proud as a fan!”

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