Chapter 148: Do You Have Any Intentions for Sister Honey?!!

Every time she sees the comments of netizens, Yang Mi feels very proud and proud.

Her eyes looked out the window, and she saw Su Wenhao wearing a mask and walking back with a pocket of things.

People who have been sponsoring themselves for 18 years have become more and more popular, and the sense of achievement is really happier than winning a grand prize!

After Su Wenhao put a pocket of things in the trunk, he sat back in the car and turned his face in the mask to Yang Mi: “Come on, untie the robe for me!” ”


After hearing this, Yang Mi remembered the second half of the sentence, and her little face was slightly red, but she didn’t reach out to help him take it off.

The moment the handsome face appeared, she was calmly moved.

The thin, soft Sakura pursed her lips lightly, and then changed the subject: “No one recognizes you?” ”

Su Wenhao said with a smile: “This point supermarket is about to close, there are almost no customers when I go, and my goal is relatively clear, as soon as I enter the supermarket, I will go to the area.” ”

“After getting something, I check out and leave, so I don’t have any attention from the house.”

“Let’s go, now go back to the room and make a few dishes.”

The driver drove the car again and headed towards Jiangnan Mocha.

Downstairs in the community, after Yang Mi instructed the driver and assistant, Su Yihao carried things upstairs.

“To your house or mine?”

In the elevator, Yang Mi looked up and asked.

In the next second, both of them froze.

It’s like dating.

“I didn’t mean it that way.”

Looking at her beautiful eyes, Su Wenhao’s heart moved.

“The two-story house is yours, it’s all your home, but I have more complete things in the kitchen, go to my place.”


Yang Mi nodded: “It’s okay.” ”


Elevator to the 8th floor.

“Then I’ll put my things back first, and then I’ll go upstairs to find you.”

With that, he dragged his suitcase out of the elevator.

Su Wenhao waved his hand gently: “Okay, I’m waiting for you on the 9th floor!” ”

After speaking, he closed the elevator door and continued up.


Yang Mi couldn’t help but laugh, it seems that she is looking forward to the world of the two of you, do you want to take a shower and go up again?

With this thought she opened the door and walked in.

“Huh? Reba? Why are you here? ”

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a beautiful woman lying on her side on the sofa, stretching her long legs and playing with her mobile phone.

Reba glanced up and said with a smile: “Rest today!” ”

“I’m not a robot, so I have to have some free time.”

Yang Mi asked in a somewhat unpleasant tone: “Then why aren’t you in your room and come to me again?” ”

The house that Reba bought on the 7th floor is also a large flat floor with one floor.

However, this girl rarely lives there, as long as she rests, Yang Mi also rests, and she will definitely come to the 8th floor to sleep in bed.

It wouldn’t matter if Yang Mi was usually there, but now Su Wenhao is waiting on the 9th floor.

For some reason, Yang Mi felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of being disturbed by Reba when she spent alone with Su Wenhao.

Reba said without raising his head: “Petty, it’s not my first time here.” ”

“Haha three kills! Today my little Joe is simply open and hanging, one fan at a time, hahaha! ”

“Although I am now returning to the spring water and waiting for resurrection, but I have taken three kills, it has been earned!”

“What about Wenhao? He didn’t come back with you? ”

Yang Mi stretched out her finger and pointed to the top of her head.

“He went to the 9th floor to cook, and we didn’t eat dinner when the two winds came back.”


As soon as the words fell, Reba immediately swallowed: “Cooking, when I am outside, what I miss most is Wenhao’s cooking.” ”

“After tasting Wenhao’s cooking, it is tasteless to eat other things.”

“My little Joe is still waiting for the resurrection, walk around, hurry to the 9th floor!”

With that, he put on his slippers and ran out the door.

Seeing her like that made her look like she had been hungry for days.


Yang Mi sighed helplessly, put down the suitcase and followed, originally planning to take a shower, change into pajamas and go up again.

Why are you a little upset?

After Su Wenhao arrived on the 9th floor, he pressed the button on the 8th floor, so Yang Mi and Reba took the elevator directly.

After reaching the 9th floor, the door was half-hidden, and Reba directly opened the door and rushed in, her eyes staring at the screen, as if holding a time bomb.

“Sister Honey let go, I have 5 seconds to revive!”


Yang Mi helplessly helped her forehead, how is this girl so similar to Su Wenhao, when she didn’t have a job, she hugged her mobile phone and played with herself.

Hearing footsteps coming from the living room, Su Wenhao poked his head out of the kitchen.

“Sister Honey, are you? Reba? ”

Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment, how did the person change?

Will Sister Honey still transform?


Reba sat on the sofa and said loudly, “Call Senior Sister!” ”

“You junior brother dares to call senior sister by name, it’s really against you!”


Su Wenhao was speechless in his heart, but he didn’t expect Reba to be so persistent about this title, “Senior sister, why are you here?” What about Sister Honey? ”

Reba put down her phone and looked at the law with a somewhat playful gaze.

“What, aren’t you happy when I come?”

“Or do you have any intentions for Sister Honey?”


Without waiting for Su Wenhao to deny it, a roar came from the door.

“Reba, I haven’t picked you up for a long time, the skin is itchy, right?”

Yang Mi walked in with steps, shouting very thunderously.

The reason why I speak loudly is entirely to cover up my inner shyness.



He dares… Weird!

Reba smiled with a flattering expression.

“I talk nonsense, play anti-game and play anti-game.”

“This game is a big tailwind, watch me kill and win an MVP!”

Su Wenhao replied: “You guys play, I’ll go to the kitchen to be busy for a while, it’s late now, let’s make some simple dishes.” ”

“Senior sister, have you eaten?”

Reba immediately raised his hand: “No!” Please bring me a meal too! ”

Su Wenhao compared OK.

“Wait a minute.”

Then he turned and walked back to the kitchen.

Yang Mi did it next to Reba and asked curiously: “You haven’t eaten so late?” ”

“What’s more, don’t manage the body?”

Reba said while beating the king: “I ate some fruit, I didn’t want to eat at night, but how can the food be refused at present?” ”

“Body management is not a bad meal, it’s a big deal to exercise tomorrow.”

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