Chapter 150: Let’s Teach You to Fight the King?!!

Su Wenhao nodded: “It really hasn’t been opened.” ”

Reba asked curiously: “I remember Sister Honey said that you often play games in your free time, and now you tell me that you have never played “Honor of Kings”?” ”


Su Wenhao looked towards Yang Mi, and his eyes seemed to ask—did you hit me with a little report?


Yang Mi was embarrassed, she did complain to Reba that Su Wenhao usually played games and went to the toilet to play during games.

But I didn’t expect to be questioned by Reba to Xingshi now.


Yang Mi looked elsewhere and whistled casually.

It’s just that her technical level is really not good, and there are some air leaks blowing.

Su Wenhao was speechless, I was backstabbed by my own boss.

“I did play a lot of games, but I didn’t play this one!”

Reba asked unreluctantly: “Then what are you playing?” ”

I just dropped a big position, and I am depressed in my heart, so I have to ask to understand, the final good situation, as long as you can operate, you will definitely win.

But he lost.

It’s also a big drop!


You still have to play a qualifying round to get promoted.

Thinking of this, Reba became even more angry.

“If you don’t play the king, then what do you play in your spare time?”

Su Wenhao smiled and replied: “A sheep!” ”


Reba was stunned for a moment: “You just play this?” ”

Su Wenhao snapped his fingers and replied: “There is also chess, fighting landlords, happy entertainment, continuous looking, magic mirror…”


The corners of Reba’s mouth twitched: “As a boy, can you play some tall games?” ”

“Alas, my throne!”

“Otherwise, anyway, there is nothing to do, after eating, Senior Sister will teach you to fight the king, okay?”


After hearing this, Su Wenhao nodded sharply: “Okay! ”

“Then you teach me, the next time I will pit you, and you will also save that I play some plays that are not high.”


Western Regions Sanmeiya!

A-list female artist!

She personally taught to play the game, and a fool would refuse it!

Yang Mi thought for a moment, then moved her wrist: “Then I’ll teach you too.” ”

“Later, the three of us will open the black, and I will take you from Hengxian Canyon!”


After hearing this, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Yang Mi and Reba, two big beauties teach themselves to play games together, how can they not agree with this good thing?

Su Wenhao nodded like pounding garlic: “Good, good, then let’s eat quickly, otherwise the dish will not taste good when it is cold!” ”

This meal is indeed delicious, and the ability of [top cooking] is not covered.

What Yang Mi and Reba eat is called a satisfaction.

After dinner, Yang Mi couldn’t wait to turn on her phone.

“Come on, Wenhao log in to your account, I’ll take you a few refreshes!”


Su Wenhao looked at the time: “It’s almost ten o’clock in the evening now, it’s a little late, right?” ”

Reba waved lightly: “It’s not late, we didn’t have punctuality at all when we filmed, it was common to rest at one or two o’clock in the morning, and it was not a problem to stay up all night or something.” ”

“It’s only ten o’clock, the nightlife has just begun!”

Yang Mi responded in agreement: “The launching ceremony of “Immortal Sword III” will only be held tomorrow afternoon, so it is okay to sleep until you wake up naturally tomorrow morning.” ”

“Let’s deal with the dishes when you wake up tomorrow, I will play from now until twelve o’clock.”

“Don’t think too much, hurry up and get on the number!”

After hearing Yang Mi and Reba’s statement, Su Wenhao agreed incomparably.

Just kidding, playing games with two A-list female stars is a beautiful thing.

“Okay, then please give more advice!”

Saying that, the three of them sat down on the sofa and took a pose that they thought was comfortable.

Yang Mi wanted to lie on the sofa on all fours, but looked at Su Wenhao, and then at the Doujun she was wearing.

I still don’t distract him.

After straightening, it will be changed to a side sleep.

This pose looks even more seductive.

Reba is slightly better, wears a turtleneck T-shirt and denim shorts, and sits in a more dignified position.

Su Wenhao swallowed secretly, fortunately there was Reba, otherwise he might not be able to control the power of the flood.

He clicked on the icon of “Honor of Kings”, and after logging in, the first thing that came out was the nickname dialog.

Reba saw this scene and smiled dumbly: “I didn’t even take the ID, you really haven’t opened this game.” ”

“Hurry up like a cool name, I really can’t think of it, just take one at random, anyway, there is a name change card, and I will modify it later.”

Su Wenhao pondered: “What is the best name?” ”

“Senior sister, what’s your nickname?”

Reba sneered and put on a POSS: “You remember, sister’s name [Barabbas Hill Harvest]!” ”


Su Wenhao almost laughed.

“Balala little fairy?”


Reba slapped him on the thigh: “It’s [Balabala Little Fairy]!” ”


Su Wenhao shrugged: “Well, mom… Ahem, little fairy. ”

“Sister Honey, what’s your nickname?”

At this moment, Yang Mi was watching the activities in the game, and after hearing Su Wenhao’s question, she replied: “[I’m not a fox]!” ”


As soon as these words came out, Su Wenhao seemed to have been struck by lightning in his soul, and the whole person was in place.

“[Fox]? Are you a [fox]? ”

Isn’t that the person he’s looking for to fund him for 18 years?

Could it be Sister Honey?


Yang Mi couldn’t help but take a breath, and the whole person immediately sat upright.

Knock knock.

Her heart was a little flustered, and her expression was pretentiously calm.

“I… I…… What’s wrong with you? ”

“Oh, oh, you’re not going to fool me with the person you’re looking for, are you?”

“You’re not supposed to be hallucinating, are you? My King Glory nickname is “I am not a fox”, five words, and it has been emphasized that I am not a [fox]. ”

Saying that, he pointed the mobile phone screen at Su Wenhao.

“I’m not a fox.”

Su Wenhao felt a little lost when he saw the above five words, he really heard it wrong, and thought that he had found that person.


I don’t know when I’ll see her.

“Hee hee, hug, just got confused with something else.”

“I’ve already thought of a nickname, let’s start when it’s done!”

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