Chapter 151: How Do I Feel Embraced?!!

Reba looked at them suspiciously: “What fox?” ”

Regarding the previous funding of Su Wenhao, Yang Mi did not mention it to Reba, so she did not know what was going on.

Yang Mi smiled and waved her hand: “It’s a past of Wenhao, don’t say too much, otherwise it will cause others to be sad.” ”


The last two words were addressed to Su Wenhao.


Su Wenhao nodded in response, and then began to think about what game to take, saying that it was sad to talk about.

[Fox] is the person who has been most related to him since he came to this world, and who has been with him the longest.

So after the system was turned on, Su Wenhao really wanted to repay the favor, since he couldn’t find it until now, it should be because of fate.


Yang Mimei’s eyes looked at his side face and couldn’t help but ponder.

Do you want to confess everything?

“I’ve got it! Enter the game! ”

Su Wenhao held up his mobile phone and said.

Reba immediately leaned over his head curiously: “What have you obtained?” ”

I saw four words written on the ID column: [Royal Driving Personal Expedition]


The corner of Reba’s mouth twitched: “You are really crazy, and you are also driving yourself, don’t be beaten and urine.” ”

Su Wenhao smiled and said, “With you and Sister Honey protecting me, how can I be able to bear the burden?” ”


Yang Mi smiled: “Yes, there is Sister Honey, others want to bear you!” ”

“Come on, first enter the beginner tutorial, you need to know some basic concepts in “Honor of Kings” and be familiar with some basic operations.”

“Then Reba and I can play with you.”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Good.” ”

After entering the beginner’s tutorial, following the instructions of the game, Yang Mi and Reba came over very hotly, stretching out their fingers to point at the things in the picture.

“This is the spring water, the birthplace of the character.”

“This is the crystal, and like a veteran in chess, the purpose of the game is to burst the crystal.”

Defense tower, upper road, middle road, lower road, wild area.

Yang Mi and Reba taught enthusiastically.

They were close to Su Wenhao, and Su Wenhao could smell the fragrance emanating from their hair and feel a little dry-mouthed.

Under the prompts of the game and the passionate explanation of the two beauties, Su Wenhao has mastered a lot of knowledge.

“If you want to keep this knowledge in mind, you need to work together.”

“Come on, let’s start a round!”

Yang Mi said and built a room, adding both Su Wenhao and Reba.

Because it is a normal match, there is no limit to the number of ranks.

“After entering the game, you can be familiar with all kinds of operations, me and Reba two kings take you a bronze, you can lie down to win.”


Su Wenhao said a little speechlessly: “Listening to you, why do I have a feeling of eating soft rice?” ”


Reba asked with a smile: “Don’t you want to eat Sister Honey’s soft rice?” ”

“If you don’t want to, come to my side, Senior Sister’s soft rice tube is full!”


Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows lightly: “Is this to support me?” ”

Reba reached out and gently picked Su Wenhao’s chin: “I just want to support you.” ”

“Come, give Senior Sister a smile, and I’ll help you get two more heads later!”



Yang Mi raised her palm and slapped it on Reba’s thigh.

“What about playing games, what’s so much nonsense?”

“Hurry up and choose a role!”

Looking at the game selection interface, Su Wenhao made a difficulty: “What should I choose?” With Arthur? ”

Reba shook his head gently: “Arthur is a melee warrior and needs to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy to deal damage. ”

“If you can play, it’s cool.”

“But you are now a novice, playing this will easily lose confidence in the game, I recommend you to use your sister.”

“Middle path mage, brainless operation, as long as there are enemies around, where is the light!”

Yang Mi agreed: “I also think that you use a long-range in the first game is very good, you can be familiar with both the operation and the map.” ”

“As for the other heroic characters, you will understand when you play more later.”

Su Wenhao nodded knowingly.

“Okay, then I’ll use this!”

Then he tapped his sister’s avatar icon.

My sister’s character model came out and said her own debut lines.

“What does bondage mean?”


Su Wenhao was taken aback, and immediately reduced his head…

“What? What did she just say? ”

Reba chooses the role, and then replies: “Bonds… Cough…… Not what you think. ”

I don’t know what came to mind, Reba’s pretty face instantly turned red.

Yang Mi smiled embarrassedly.

“I’ll type it out and show it to you.”

As he spoke, he typed out the word ‘fetters’ in the chat dialog.


The corner of Su Wenhao’s mouth twitched.

“Sorry, I’m illiterate!”


Throw the adults!

Su Wenhao’s heart was simply crazy, Reba and Yang Mi looked at each other, they both smiled and did not speak, everything was silent.

The game starts loading.

“Huh? The other party is also a sister, why do you look different? ”

“That’s called skin, just like the previous penguin show, spend money to dress up your favorite characters.”

“Oh, Maid Cafe, that’s a good name, and the pictures look pretty too.”

“Shout two senior sisters, senior sister will close the sleeve for you!”

“Senior sister! Masters! Masters! ”

Su Wenhao got a bargain and immediately sold it.


Yang Mi puffed out her cheeks, feeling a slight sense of vinegar in her heart.

“As long as you work hard in the future, Sister Honey will send you all heroes and all skins!”

Su Wenhao nodded immediately: “Good, good, no problem!” ”


Yang Mi then showed a satisfied smile.

“It’s so good, the game has started, let’s start according to the beginner teaching just now and what Reba and I said.”

“You can go anywhere you want on the up, middle and down roads, with me and Reba protecting you, rampage in the canyon casually!”


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but be embarrassed, this is so safe, it turns out that eating soft rice is so happy?

Then he operated his sister to wander around the wild area, entering the canyon world for the first time, and had to take a good look and enjoy the scenery.

Just arrived at the position of his own red buff, suddenly two enemies came out of the grass, Li Yuanfang’s mouth X cloud.

The other party actually came to steal the wild!

Su Wenhao immediately put his skills, but now he is only level 1, although the other party is also level 1, but there are two people!

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