Chapter 152 is protected by two beauties, it’s very cool!!

“There are enemies on my side!”

Su Wenhao operated Daji to tell Reba and Yang Mi the situation while running.

“Run to me!”

Reba steered Arthur to pick him up.

“I’ll be there soon.”

Yang Mi’s Yun Zhongjun also flew over.

Su Wenhao has already worked very hard to run to Yang Mi, but her sister has a trace of blood left, and Li Yuanfang’s darts are still hanging on her body, and she has already lit up three, bang!

Darts explode.

【Li Yuanfang】Kill [sister]

Su Wenhao sent a blood.


Yang Mi and Reba’s protective attributes were lit up, and both of them showed anger.

(All) [Balabala Little Fairy]: Li Yuanfang, you have a stall!

(All) [I’m not a fox]: Zhao Yun waits and sees!

They let out a lot of words at each other, and the other party was not boundless.

[Zhao Yun]: If you are weak, don’t play games.

[Li Yuanfang]: One blood to hand 666!


Yang Mi and Reba’s teeth were grinded.

“Pack them up!”

“A king 58 stars, a king junior rank, still can’t extinguish a few coppers?”

“Wenhao, you don’t have any psychological burden, you are familiar with the 15 wild areas in this game, and the two of us will avenge you!”

“You go to the middle route to develop, you have the opportunity to squat in the grass, run after playing a set, and don’t care about the rest!”

After Yang Mi and Reba explained a few words, they began to communicate with each other about the situation.

Su Wenhao said that he had no mental burden.

Although Tsuyoshioka just sent a blood, he didn’t care too much, the game was just that.

However, being protected by two big beauties, what is this inexplicable feeling of coolness?

“Then I’ll lie flat unceremoniously!”

“When this game is figured out, I’ll be able to cooperate with your door wine!”

【Yun Zhongjun】Kill [Zhao Yun]

【Arthur】Kill [Li Yuanfang]

【Yun Zhongjun】Kill [Ming Shiyin]

【Arthur】Kill [Zhong Wuyan]

Yang Mi and Reba turned on the killing mode in the canyon, and their side won a total of 22 heads, and the two of them combined had 20.

The other two teammates each took one.

【Well done! 】


Teammates sent all kinds of worship messages.

Because of Su Wenhao’s relationship, they are matched with players with very low rank in this game, and for Yang Mi and Reba in the king rank, it is simply a quack!


“You are all so powerful, you are already supergods, the other two are okay, only I summon ghosts!”

Su Wenhao couldn’t help sighing.

He has now sent 7 heads, but has not beaten one.

Yang Mi reached out and gently patted him on the shoulder: “It’s okay, those two teammates should not be playing for the first time, their operations are quite skillful, especially the heroes need a lot of gold coins to buy.” ”

“This is your first game in the true sense of the word, the operation is not skillful, there are not many hero pools, and there are no inscriptions, it is not bad to be able to play like this.”


Su Wenhao said helplessly: “It’s not bad, do you mean my record 0-7-0?” ”

“Even if there are no kills, there is not even an assist, and the economy is at the bottom.”

“I feel so uninvolved!”


Seeing Su Wenhao’s slightly negative look, Yang Mi puffed out her cheeks and thought.

“Follow me, Sister Honey will take you to take someone’s head and let you cool down!”


Hearing this, Su Wenhao responded to the horse Zhuden.


“Okay, follow up right away!”


Under the operation of Yang Mi and Reba, the other party’s three-way towers also exploded, and the military line pressed the border, and the other party was still resisting stubbornly.

“The other party’s Li Yuanfang is already bloody, come over and give him a skill!”

After getting Yang Mi’s prompt, Su Wenhao took the horse to see that his sister had been hit.

Although he was killed 7 times, after ten minutes of gameplay, he has become quite proficient in the character in his hands.

If you can kill Li Yuanfang before the end of the first game, it will be regarded as reporting the hatred of being killed in the opening game!



A skill was released.

Li Yuanfang, who was originally bloody, Xuechao was directly empty.

【Sister】Kill [Li Yuanfang]


At this time, his teammate burst the opponent’s crystal.



Su Wenhao shouted excitedly.

“I’m taking revenge! Thank you! ”

Saying that, he excitedly took Yang Mi into his arms.

Yang Mi was taken aback, but did not resist.

“Just be happy, that’s the charm of the game.”

Enjoying the warmth around her, Yang Mi’s voice became gentle.

Reba originally wanted to say a few words, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his mood fell for no reason, and he scattered the joy of the victory of the wind and wind.

After smelling the fragrant aroma and feeling the softness in his arms, Su Wenhao seemed to realize something, looked down into his arms, and then immediately let go of Yang Mi.

“Sorry, sorry, I was so excited just now.”

Yang Mi’s little face was slightly red: “It’s okay, that… It feels cool to take people’s heads, right? ”

Su Wenhao nodded seriously: “Cool!” ”

“But being taken by someone else makes me very depressed.”

Yang Miwan smiled: “Then you will work hard to improve your level, so that you can pull it without being easily taken by others!” ”

Su Wenhao clenched his right fist and said confidently: “Well, I will definitely work hard!” ”

A boring voice came from Reba next to him: “Ready for the next game!” ”


Yang Mi responded, retreated to the room of the team, and then started the game and selected people.

“You still choose your sister?”

After seeing Su Wenhao’s role, Yang Mi asked curiously.

“Well, Tsuyoshi is just a little familiar with this character, I have to strike while the iron is hot and practice again after entering the game.”

Reba said while operating: “Look at this game of senior sister raising you!” ”


Su Wenhao asked incomprehensibly: “How to raise?” ”

Reba grinned and said, “You’ll find out later!” ”

“Promise to raise your sister white and fat, you can see it in a set of seconds!”

Yang Mi seemed to understand: “Small pig breeding stream? Then I’ll come too! ”


Su Wenhao asked inexplicably: “Pig breeding flow?” ”

“Who’s the pig?”

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