Chapter 153: You Should Find a Boyfriend!!

Yang Mi and Reba replied in unison: “Of course it’s you!” ”


The two girls looked at each other and laughed.


The corner of Su Wenhao’s mouth twitched: “What a pig, I’m not a pig, my hero is my sister, so I’m a fox!” Fox Blue! ”



Mention the word [fox] again, Su Wenhao still has some wonders in his heart Yang Mi is also, after all, she is the [fox] Buddha.

“Raising pigs is actually a way of playing in the game.”

“To put it bluntly, it is to give up the economy and the head to a hero to prove its rapid growth.”

“Usually the shooter is raised, but it doesn’t matter, Reba and I will give you the economy as much as possible in this game, and when you get economical, let you enjoy a set of seconds of people!”

Su Wenhao couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Pig.” ”

“Although this style of play sounds good, the name is too appropriate.”

After the heroes all reached level 4, Yang Mi and Reba began to cede the economy to Su Wenhao.

“Sister has come over to get the blue!”

“Get off the road and give you food!”

“Come and catch Luban No. 7!”

Under Yang Mi and Reba’s Kang, Su Wenhao’s sister has become the highest economic role in the whole scene, and it is natural that the economy is higher and the equipment is high.

Crispy skins like Luban No. 7 and Zhen Ji are basically a set of easy to take away in the past.

【Three consecutive tiebreakers】

【Four Consecutive Extraordinary】

【Five Peerless Times】

【Mass Killing】

【Super God】

When the broadcasts came out one by one, Su Wenhao listened enthusiastically, and became more and more skilled when operating Daji.

“How? Cool? ”

Reba looked at the excited expression and asked with a grin.

“Uh-huh, cool, so cool!”

Su Wenhao nodded.

“I knew this game was so fun, so I didn’t play “Sheep is a Sheep”.”


Along with the explosion of the enemy crystal, Su Wenhao clenched his fist excitedly.

“This game is too painful!”

“Another round?”

Yang Mi scoffed: “Okay! ”

Just play game after game, until zero o’clock.

Su Wenhao looked at the time: “Before you know it’s already so late.” ”

Yang Mi nodded and stood up: “I have to participate in the opening ceremony tomorrow, and playing again may help make a mistake.” ”

Reba flattened his mouth and stood up with some reluctance.

“Actually, I’m quite spirited, and it’s okay to have a few more.”

Yang Mi pulled her arm.

“Tomorrow is the first time for Wenhao to participate in the opening ceremony, and it was hosted by Director Wu Zhiqiang, and I want him to leave a good impression on Director Wu.”

“Let’s go, I’m sleepy too.”


Reba pouted a little reluctantly.

“Okay then, anyway, you will play now, let’s open the black together if you have time.”

Su Wenhao nodded: “No problem, as long as I have time, I will play with you.” ”

Yang Mi ordered: “In order to ensure that you can have spirit at the start-up ceremony tomorrow afternoon, you can sleep on the natural star tomorrow.” ”

“Come with me to the company after lunch and meet those two beauties you miss.”


Reba gossiped at the two of them.

“The beauty that Wen Hao misses in his heart? Who is it? ”


Su Wenhao was also a little confused, and after thinking for a while, he said in a tone of affection and fear: “Are Zhao Liying and Zhang Tian love?” ”

Yang Mi nodded: “It’s the two of them, go and see the two female artists you specifically mentioned to let the company sign a contract.” ”

After getting a positive answer, Su Wenhao also came interested.

“Okay, see you tomorrow!”

Although there is a room on the 7th floor, Reba has no intention of going back to sleep, but goes to Yang Mi’s room to sleep as usual.

After Yang Mi took a shower, she walked into the room in a nightdress, saw Reba lying on her bed on all fours, shaking her long legs, and couldn’t help asking: “Don’t you go back to your room to sleep?” ”


Reba pouted.

“Don’t be so indifferent, I’m too lonely to sleep by myself, come to your room to rub some warmth.”

“What’s more, I also warmed the bed for you, which can be regarded as paying a price, right?”

Yang Mi was amused, reached out and gently twisted her thigh: “Warm the bed?” Can I use you in the summer? ”

“Since you are lonely, just find a boyfriend, notify me in advance when the time comes, and definitely do a good job of public relations for you!”


Reba raised her head and sneered twice.

“Boyfriend? Forget it, I don’t plan to do this at the moment. ”

“Do you still play King? I can play two more rounds with you. ”

Yang Mi extinguished the bedside lamp.

“It’s really sleepy, I’m ready to sleep, if you want to play, turn off the sound and play by yourself.”


Reba also lay down with his mouth flattened, and looked at the ceiling above.

The decoration pattern of these three floors is the same, so Su Wenhao lies directly above her.



Yang Mi closed her eyes sideways, recalling Su Wenhao’s hug in her mind.

I didn’t know if this guy was too excited to hold me at that time.

Or said on purpose.


Anyway, in the next “Sword and Fairy III”, I am the female protagonist, he is the male protagonist, and there are many opportunities to get along.

In other words, I am the matter of [fox], do you want to talk to him? How to say that it is better than befriending?

The next morning, Su Wenhao got up early.

Although Yang Mi said that she can sleep until she wakes up naturally, she has [top fitness]

He was already full of energy when he slept at this point.

When there was nothing left and right, he called up the system panel.

Host: Su Wenhao.

Skills: Top Vocal Voice, Top Fitness, Top Cooking, Top Instrument, Top Ventriloquism, Advanced Makeup, Intermediate Driving, Intermediate Acting.

Item: System Upgrade Fragment (5/10)

Reputation: 2612,3155.


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but sigh, he really has more and more abilities now, and if he takes it out at random, he can envy a group of people to death, and he has a vote for such an ability!


After seeing the prestige value, Su Wenhao was even more surprised.

26 million!

Sure enough, yesterday I chose to sing “Chasing Dreams and Hearts”, and the time was very correct to determine that this song can win the favor of many college entrance examination students and those who work hard, and then Gongnan will become famous.

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