Chapter 154 is a little black today!!

There are millions of students in the college entrance examination this year, and there must be hundreds of millions of students in all grades, as well as graduate students and examiners.

There are also those office workers who have entered the society to work hard.

“Chasing Dreams and Hearts” can resonate with too many people.

What’s more, Su Wenhao has released a lot of excellent songs so far, and as more and more people listen, his reputation will increase quickly.

26 million.

Su Wenhao looked at this number, and then decided to squander it.

“I’m going to upgrade my acting skills!”

“Dingdong, it takes 10 million reputation points to upgrade [Advanced Acting] to [Top Acting], do you want to upgrade?”

The higher the level, the higher the prestige you need to spend.

Su Wenhao immediately chose to agree.

Because “Sword and Fairy III” is about to start today, and filming will officially start tomorrow, he wants to portray the role of Sedum more perfectly, and he also wants to make his path in acting wider and wider.

Therefore, the strength of acting is very necessary to improve.

Although the cost of 10 million reputation points is very distressing, as long as he continues to improve and Gongnan dedicates more and better works, he can gain more prestige, which is a virtuous circle.

“Dingdong, deduct 10 million reputation points, the ability is being upgraded, please wait!”

A progress bar familiar with 050 appeared in his line of sight, loading from 0%.

A moment later.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host, [Advanced Acting] has been upgraded to [Top Acting]!”

[Top acting, you have now become a master actor, any role can be easily mastered! ] 】

Su Wenhao thought for a moment.

“How much prestige does it take if the top level is promoted to the god level?”

Although it is not upgraded, it is still necessary to understand the market hemp.

“Dingdong, back to the host, the top god level requires 50 million prestige.”


Su Wenhao was taken aback.

“50 million? It’s so expensive! ”

“What about the god-level upgrade to the MAX level?”

Since I asked, I just asked about the whole fat.

“Dingdong, return to the host, the divine skill power is upgraded to the MAX level ability, which needs to consume 100 million reputation points!”


Su Wenhao Petrochemical.

“100 million? Why don’t you grab it! ”

“Alas, it seems that you will have to find a way to gain more reputation points in the future.”

“At least come up with a few MAX-level abilities, which will be crazy and cool.”

He glanced at the prestige value he already had.

“Let’s draw five in a row!”

Like money, having money doesn’t need to be a money-keeping makeup slave!

“Dingdong, deduct 5 million reputation points, the system lottery starts now!”

Or the familiar golden card.

Su Wenhao directly selected five.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for getting: thank you for your patronage!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: System Upgrade Shard×1!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Junior Esports!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for getting: thank you for your patronage!”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Intermediate Fighting!”


Thanks for the patronage at the beginning, Su Wenhao almost didn’t throw the pillow out.

The first one is the empty prize, which is also too dark-faced, right?

Fortunately, there are prizes for the next two.

60% winning rate.

emmm, today’s character is not good!

Then he looked at the two abilities he had just acquired.

[Beginner esports: For competitive games, you can get started faster. 】

[Intermediate Martial Arts: You’ve mastered some fighting techniques. 】


Two to the flow of information into the body.

The first thing he felt was that his muscles became tighter and his body was stronger than before.

Originally having [Top Fitness], his physical fitness was already very good, and now he has reached a higher level!

Fitness and martial arts sound similar, but there is still a big gap.

The former is to improve physical fitness, but it can play little role in on-the-spot combat, the latter is different, focusing on fighting!

Su Wenhao hurriedly if he only had [Intermediate Martial Arts], he could also defeat Zi who originally had [Top Fitness].

Now that these two appear at the same time, I am even stronger!


emmh [Intermediate Fighting] Is this play of benefit?

Now in a society ruled by law, fighting is to squat.

No matter, since you pull it out, let’s keep it first.

A gentleman without a sword in his hand and not having a sword in his hand are two different things.

At least he will not be afraid of others bullying him, as for other effects, he can’t think of it for the time being.

Relatively speaking, Su Wenhao is more interested in the ability of [Junior E-sports] After obtaining this ability, he feels that his fingers are much more flexible than before, his mind is clearer, and he can master the game faster.

It’s better to come early than to come by chance.

Yesterday I just studied with two female stars, and today I obtained this ability, which is simply not too cool.

It’s still early, it’s better to try this ability, so he modeled his mobile phone to open “King Rong”

After the beginning, I still chose my sister.

Sure enough, with this ability, he quickly gained a deeper understanding of “Honor of Kings”, and his reaction ability was much faster when playing.


With the explosion of enemy crystals, he won a victory on his own.


Yesterday you needed the protection of Yang Mi and Reba to win, and today you can win by relying on Zini!

He was prompted that he could now go to qualifying.

After owning [Junior Esports], I quickly understood what it meant, so I happily started a game.


With the explosion of his own crystal, he lost!

Because the other side has two silvers, and this side is all bronze, in the face of the enemy’s offensive, it does not understand defense at all.


It’s unbearable!


“Dingdong, deduct 1 million reputation points, and the system capabilities are beginning to be upgraded.”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host [Junior E-sports] for upgrading to [Intermediate E-sports]!”


Su Wenhao exhaled a cloudy breath, and the whole person’s understanding of the play “Honor of Kings” has reached a higher level.

For example, he began to notice the time.

How long does the red and blue BUFF have to refresh.

Refresh of tyrant domination.

How long does it take for the line to converge from dispatch to the center, and how long does it take for your own movement speed to reach the opposing grass.

These are starting to care, although it can’t be particularly accurate, but it is more than enough for the bronze level qualifying.

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