Chapter 155: You are Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai?!!


With the explosion of enemy crystals, Su Wenhao won three consecutive qualifying matches.


Su Wenhao clenched his fists excitedly.

I’m addicted!

Skills: Top Singing Voice, Top Fitness, Top Cooking, Top Instrument, Top Ventriloquism, Top Acting, Advanced Makeup, Intermediate Driving, Intermediate Esports, Intermediate Martial Arts.

Item: System Upgrade Fragment (6/10)

Prestige: 1013, 2155.

Looking at the system panel, Su Wenhao finally realized what it means to go from thrift to luxury, from luxury to thrift.

When the system was first opened, he felt that getting 1 million was a very difficult thing to report.

There are 10 million in the system now, but it feels like a lot.

After all, just now, he had 26 million.

Keep working hard to accumulate Reputation Points!

With this in mind, I got up and washed, then washed all the dishes from yesterday and made some breakfast.

At 1 o’clock, Yang Mi and Reba got up to change their clothes and came to him.

Yang Mi said while enjoying the delicious food: “After breakfast, let’s go to the company.” ”

Wow it tastes so good.

Finally understand why Reba wants to be a foodie, eat such food every day, and be out of shape?


Su Wenhao’s finger lightly tapped the time on the phone.

“Breakfast almost 11 a.m.?”


Yang Mijiaoheng said: “As long as it is not until 12 noon, it is considered a star meal!” ”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Well, Boss Yang’s rules are rules.” ”

“Senior sister, how long do you rest?”

Reba took a sip of porridge and compared two fingers: “Two days.” ”

“The day after tomorrow, I will go to catch the announcement.”

“Alas, these two years have really been busy and crazy, almost every day in a row, either in a hurry, or on the way to catch the announcement.”

“Who said that it is a good thing that an artist can have an announcement, but people are not machines, and after the gambling agreement is settled, I will take a month of rest in a row!”

Yang Mi nodded approvingly: “If the bet agreement can win, I also have to relax.” ”


Reba sighed again: “If you have a good book to make one or two film and television dramas, you can get the gambling agreement done, then it’s good.” ”

Yang Mi laughed softly: “Don’t daydream, if it were that easy, those big-name seniors wouldn’t fail miserably!” ”

“Let’s grit our teeth and move forward!”

Su Wenhao put down the dishes and chopsticks and laughed easily: “Grit your teeth and move forward?” Needless to say, it’s so magnificent, right? ”

“Think of the gambling agreement as a level, let’s go through happily, isn’t it?”

Reba looked at him with a little doubt: “Why are you so confident?” ”

Su Wenhao replied with a grin: “Because I am a genius!” ”


Reba flattened his mouth, trying to scare him for two words but finally did not speak.

“It’s still a year and a half away, it’s the settlement period, I’ll see how you plan to deal with it.”

Su Wenhao responded with a smile: “Then you can see!” ”

After eating breakfast and brushing the dishes, Yang Mi and Su Wenhao set off for Jiaxing, and Rebalu continued to play games at home, finally resting, and definitely doing what he liked.

After arriving at Jiaxing Company, under the guidance of the staff, we walked to the first reception room.

“After you said you wanted to meet them, Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai were already waiting.”

Yang Mi nodded in response: “Okay I know.” ”

“Let’s go, go and see how the artists you specially recommend are.”

While speaking, he pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

There are two girls sitting in the conference room at this moment, and the clothes on their bodies are not gorgeous, and they are most likely recovered from the night.

After seeing their faces, Su Wenhao was sure that these two were the female stars who would be extremely popular in the future!

It’s just that at this time, they are just nameless pipi shrimps, running Jun Yang performances.

The days of group performances are very hard, they are all frugal and thrifty, and the two of them are naturally no exception.

The two of them, who were waiting for a group performance, suddenly received a call from the Actors Guild, and then they were taken to Jiaxing Company.

When they knew that the four famous stars Yang Mi were looking for them and wanted to sign a contract, the two of them were like old dreams.

Then change into clothes that each thought were more gorgeous and appeared in the Jiaxing company.

Yang Mi also looked at the two girls carefully, although they were dressed very plainly, but the bottom boy was still good.

“Are these two what you’re looking for?”

She asked in a low voice.

Su Wenhao nodded, and then asked, “Do you believe me?” ”


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows lightly, and then nodded gently: “Believe!” ”

Su Wenhao responded: “Then let my opinion prevail later.” ”

“These two people I have observed, they are good potential stocks, and signing them will definitely not be a loss.”

Yang Mi thought for a moment.

“Well, it just so happened that the personnel department told me that there are still two spare rooms on the girls’ side, you can sign a contract.”

“Entertainment companies need to have fresh blood injection anyway.”

After the two whispered for a moment, they walked towards the conference room.

Yang Mi asked aloud as she walked, “You two are Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai?” ”

Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai were already a little cramped, and when they just found Yang Mi and Su Wenhao at the door, they even lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the law.

That’s Yang Mi, big star!

The two of them don’t know how to be able to be favored by her.

At this moment, I heard Yang Mi calling the two of them names, and I was even more nervous.

“Hello Sister Honey, I’m Zhao Liying.”

“My name is Zhang Tianai.”

The two men timidly introduced themselves.


Yang Mi asked Su Wenhao in a low voice, “Am I that scary?” Why do the two of them look scared? ”

Su Wenhao smiled and said, “Because Sister Honey is too majestic!” ”

“Let me communicate with them.”


Su Wenhao coughed lightly.

“Two beautiful women are good, I am a contracted artist of Jiaxing Company, my name is Su Wenhao?”

After hearing this name, Zhao Liying was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise.

“Are you the Su Wenhao in “Children of Tomorrow”?”

“I didn’t expect that I could meet Brother Hao here!”

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