Chapter 156 has now surpassed 99% of people!!

Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows gently: “Yo, know me?” ”

Zhao Liying’s expression was a little excited and nodded desperately: “Of course, you are my spoon fan!” ”

“No, no, I just said it wrong, I should say that I am your fan.”

“I’ve liked you since the first scene of “Children of Tomorrow” and voted for you!”

She expressed her feelings excitedly, as if she had forgotten her nervousness, forehead.

Yang Mi was speechless in her heart.

When I spoke just now, this girl’s nervous eyes were about to be empty, why did Su Wenhao use his live hair when he spoke?

Zhang Tianai also said excitedly: “Brother Hao, me, me, me, I have also voted for you, and I voted again this morning.” ”

“Ah, by the way, you are Jiagongtong’s artist.”

Listening to the excited words of the two beauties, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but laugh.

“Calm down.”

“Since you know that I am an artist of Jiaxing Company, you should have guessed the purpose of coming to your door, right?”


Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai glanced at each other.

“Some are afraid to say.”

They had already guessed a possibility, but they felt that it was too far-fetched.

Seeing them like this, Su Wenhao spoke straightforwardly.

“Let you come over, I plan to sign you to Jiaxing Company as an artist.”

“So I need to ask, would you like to?”


After saying this, Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai seemed to have been pointed, froze in place, and their hearts seemed to be still digesting what Su Wenhaofeng said.

In fact, when I came to Jiaxing, and when the two of them were in the conference room just now, I was guessing this possibility.

What else do you do by calling the two of us over?

But I think it’s unrealistic.

Although group performers are also actors, they are very different from artists who have signed up for entertainment companies.

There is a place called the Actors Guild in the film and television city, go to it and spend 2 yuan to get an actor certificate, you can call yourself an actor.

But this kind of dragon set in the film and television city a lot, everywhere there are dream-chasing horizontal drifting group performances, today there is a life today there is a salary, today there is no job, then it is 0 income.

Entertainment companies contract artists are different, there is a guaranteed salary, better companies will also cover food and accommodation, and there are special agents to connect with work.

It is something that many people dream of.

However, the signing standards of entertainment companies are so strict that even actors who graduated from science classes may not be able to watch them, let alone group performances.

Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai have been in Hengdian for so long, of course, they also understand these things, so they think that Jiaxing Company wants to sign them, which is too fanciful.

But don’t sign a contract, let her come over and do ten?

Knowing that after hearing Su Wenhao’s words, they trusted their own judgment.

“Really? Really planning to sign us up? ”

“Brother Hao, you are my idol, shouldn’t you be me?”

Looking at the two girls’ gains and losses.

Su Wenhao laughed warmly.

“How can there be a fake? Didn’t you see Sister Honey coming? ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Mi’s assistant pushed the door in with the contract, and Su Wenhao took the contract and put it on the table.

“Do you have any questions? If not, sign a contract. ”

“As long as you sign the contract, you will become the official artists of Jiaxing Company.”

Zhao Liying pursed her lips, still a little incredulous: “Brother Hao, can I ask why you signed us?” ”

Zhang Tianai also said: “The two of us are just one of countless group performances, and I can’t believe it until now, I actually met the big star Yang Mi, the popular draft star Su Wenhao.” ”

“I can’t believe that I will be favored by Jiaxing Company and have the opportunity to become a real artist!”

“It’s like a dream!”

Su Wenhao said solemnly: “Because when I went to the film and television city some time ago, I saw the two of you acting, and I feel that you are very hard-working people. ”

“Seeing you who work hard like you, I think of me who worked hard in the past, you are short of a chance, and I am always willing to give you this opportunity!”

He is complete nonsense, he has not been to the film and television city at all, but chooses based on the memory of his previous life…

But Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai listened to it, and finally had no doubts.

Pick up a pen and start signing.

After signing the contract, Su Wenhao instructed: “You also know that the entertainment industry is not easy to mix, and you must continue to work hard and constantly improve yourself before you can go further.” ”

“Signing up with Jiaxing Company just gives you a chance, don’t let any loose up Wang Wan.”

“You two are highly recommended to Sister Honey by me, so work hard and don’t let me down!”


Zhao Liying nodded vigorously: “Thank you Brother Hao for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely cherish it.” ”

Zhang Tianai also said: “I will also prove myself through hard work and live up to Brother Hao’s chess period!” ”

The two people said so on their lips and thought so in their hearts.

Signing a regular brokerage company, based on this alone, the two of them have already led 99% of the Hengdian group performances.

How many groups perform squatting around the clock, just to get a special place, a few more shots, a few more lines, to prove their strength to the leadership of the crew.

And after the two of them sign Jiaxing, there will definitely be a lot of special scenes.

And to be able to sign a regular entertainment company, this is a very fortunate thing Hengdian various leather bag companies are too much to prevent, many group performers who just came to Hengdian, or actors who are eager to achieve 0.6, have had the experience of being pitted.

So they are lucky now, and they also understand that since the opportunity has come to them, if they don’t seize it well, they are sorry for themselves.

Seeing that Su Wenhao had done it, Yang Mi spoke: “You two follow Xiao Guo to go through the entry procedures, the company arranges a place to live, and let the relevant personnel take you to see the method.” ”

“If there is no problem, go home as soon as possible, and then appoint an agent for you and take you to run a few crews to exercise.”

“You are the only two selected by Jiaxing from the Hengdian group performance, and you are also highly recommended by Wenhao, how rare such an opportunity is, you know, I also understand.”

“So work hard!”

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