Chapter 162: How many firsts can there be in life?!!

Su Wenhao opened a private room and sat by the window with Yang Mi to enjoy the night view.

The two of them had already eaten a lot at the start-up banquet, so this time they handed over two drinks and enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside while drinking drinks.

When night falls, the surrounding buildings are lit up, and the vehicles on the ground are also lit up, and the light show and the traffic below are reflected in a bustling scene.

Su Wenhao muttered: “People work hard to be able to occupy a high place like this one day, right?” ”

Yang Mi laughed dumbly: “Why did you suddenly become sentimental?” Is there a reason for drinking at the finale banquet? ”

Su Wenhao shook his head gently: “How can that little wine make me thicken, I just feel it.” ”

Knock knock.

At this time, there was a knock on the door in the private room, Su Wenhao walked over and opened the door, and Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai were led to the door of the private room under the guidance of the restaurant staff.

“Here you are, come in.”

“What do you want to drink15?”

Su Wenhao invited the two of them in, and then asked each of them to order a drink.

“Don’t be inhibited, sit down.”

“Are you still used to living in the house arranged for you by the company?”

After sitting down, Su Wenhao saw that they were a little nervous, so he casually chatted and wrote to get closer.

Zhao Liying nodded: “I’ve finished moving the house, I love to live together.” ”

“Brother Hao, is there anything wrong with calling us at this point?”

Su Wenhao smiled and looked at her.

“Guess what.”


Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai glanced at each other, secretly glanced at Yang Mi, and then shook their heads and replied in unison: “We can’t guess.” ”

Actually, on the way here, the two of them really guessed the reason.

Su Wenhao, a boy, called the two girls at night and asked the two girls to come to the hotel.

What does this mean is not clear?

Unspoken rules have long been no secret in the entertainment industry.

If you want to climb up, how can you do it without paying a price?

Therefore, after discussing with Zhang Tianai, Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai came to the conclusion that Su Wenhao’s purpose is this.

Think about it.

Su Wenhao, such a beautiful and talented person, would not be at a loss if he gave him anything.

What just surprised them was that they actually went to the ground gate and passed the law together. Small physical strength is so good.

However, when they opened the private room door and saw Yang Mi, Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai were stunned, why was the boss also there?

Did we just guess wrong?

When facing Su Wenhao’s questioning, the two of them did not dare to say what they guessed before.

“Brother Hao, Sister Honey, what is the matter between the two of you looking for us?”

Zhang Tianai said with a somewhat seductive look.


The eyes that can speak make Su Wenhao a little afraid to look directly, the fox demon Wan Yuzhi is none other than you.

“Forget it, don’t read Guan Zai.”

“I have a good thing to tell you about calling you.”

Saying that, he took out two bound books from the handbag beside him and gave them each a copy.

“This is the script of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy Tale III”, and it is also a film and television drama invested and participated in by my sister Koumei.”

“Now this play lacks two very important supporting roles, ready for the two of you to star.”

“Calling you over is to talk about this matter.”


Zhao Liying was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the script in front of her with surprise and joy: “We only officially joined this afternoon, do you give us the opportunity to act now?” ”

Zhang Tianai also blinked in disbelief.

“So fast?”

“I thought it would take at least ten days and a half to get a job.”

Su Wenhao nodded: “Yes, the roles played by the two of you are Jacaranda and Wan Yuzhi respectively.” ”

“The script is here, you guys take it back to read the content and familiarize yourself with your characters.”

“Although the two roles are supporting roles, if you can play them well, they will always shine!”

“This opportunity is very rare, say you should cherish it, do you know?”

Zhao Liying had already shaken her hands excitedly.

I have been in Hengdian for so long, and I finally received a decent role, not only with lines, but also listening to Brother Hao’s meaning, it seems that the heart is still a very important role.

“Brother Hao, don’t worry, I won’t eat or drink after I go back, and I will eat my role thoroughly!”

Zhang Tianai picked up the script with shaking hands and held it in his arms, and only raised his head after a while, his eyes full of gratitude.

“Brother Hao, shoot you.”

“I used to think that I couldn’t be an actor at all, you gave me this opportunity!”

The opportunity to think about it day and night is just around the corner, and it’s hard not to get excited.

Su Wenhao understood this feeling very well, so he smiled and said: “If you really appreciate it, then polish your role well and create a representative role of your own.” ”

“Since it is your dream to be a star, then grasp it!”

“Now there is nothing for you guys, I will go to read the script, when to start entering the group, and the follow-up shooting plan, I will inform you when the time comes.”

Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai stood up and bowed excitedly.

“Brother Hao, thank you! Let’s go back and work hard! ”

“Goodbye Sister Honey, goodbye Brother Hao 997!”

After speaking, the two left the private room of the restaurant one after another.

After they left, Yang Mi slowly spoke to the liver.

“Yes, the performance just now is very like a small leader.”

“Before my boss spoke, you finished handling the matter.”


Su Wenhao scratched his head gently.

“I’m not sharing worries for the leader.”

“The two of them are a little introverted and face-to-face, and in the face of you, Boss Yang, they will definitely stick to Gokek and dare not speak.”

“Anyway, just explain something, I’ll help you get it.”

Yang Miwan smiled and said, “Tomorrow is the first time you have filmed in your life, do you feel?” ”

“Nervous? Excited? ”


Su Wenhao felt it seriously and shook it gently.

“I should say I’m looking forward to it.”

“How many firsts can there be in life? Tomorrow will be one of my life. ”

“This time is too busy, I didn’t have time to read the script, what kind of scene will I shoot tomorrow?”

After preparing for the competition of “Children of Tomorrow”, he followed to the opening ceremony, and the script has not been carefully read.

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