Chapter 163: Su Wenhao, are you open and hang?!!

Yang Mi smiled and shrugged her shoulders: “Actually, I didn’t watch it, I finished running a lot of announcements some time ago, the purpose is to squeeze out time for this play.” ”

“I just came back yesterday, and I came to the opening ceremony today, and I haven’t had time to read the script in my hand.”

“Actually, don’t be too anxious, it’s not too late to see him after you get to the set tomorrow.”

“It’s not early now, in order to ensure the spirit of filming, let’s go to rest.”

The two then took the elevator to the 10th floor.

This is where they live, and there are also Liu Sisi, Tang Yan, and several leading actors living on this floor.

After returning to the room, Su Wenhao was about to rest after washing up, when Yang Mi called again.



“Shang, accompany me to play two rounds of the king, rest at ten o’clock.”


Su Wenhao responded, just as he thought about playing a few before going to bed.

After all, he won [Intermediate E-sports] today, and if he doesn’t go to the canyon to surf a little, he is a little sorry for himself.

After opening the king, he immediately received an invitation from Yang Mi to form a team.

After entering, Su Wenhao found that the three people were full.

[Balabala Little Fairy]: Wenhao, turn on the team voice.


Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t expect that Relu was still there.

After turning on voice, the three of them can voice chat while playing games.

Su Wenhao: “Senior sister, you haven’t rested yet?” ”

Reba: “The king is resting for me!” ”

Yang Mi: “You two don’t chat, I’m going to start!” ”

After entering the game, Su Wenhao still chose his sister.

Reba: “Why do you still use this character?” Do you want to change roles to enjoy it? ”

Su Wenhao: “No, I have a good relationship with foxes, and I want to be familiar with it again, don’t use pig breeding flow today, I want to play a game normally.” ”

Yang Mi: “Yo, the energy is up, okay, no problem!” ”

After entering the game, Su Wenhao has changed greatly compared to yesterday, yesterday he was completely unfamiliar with the canyon, and he didn’t know where to run when he entered the game.

After winning [Intermediate E-sports], plus after playing a few games this morning, he has a clear grasp of the role of his sister or the details of the game.

Because it is a bronze level, the opponents matched are not high.

Su Wenhao operated with three fingers, while eating the soldier line, paying attention to the battle situation in other places, calculating the time, and starting to squat in the grass after reaching level 4.

Once there is residual blood passing through the grass, he will not hesitate to give a set.

【Sister】Kill [Hou Yi]!

“Yes, you took a piece of blood on Zhang Ran!”

Reba praised while operating.

“But don’t be proud, fat first is not fat, then fat crushes the kang.”

Yang Mi reminded more rationally.


Su Wenhao replied: “Don’t worry, after the guidance of you and Senior Sister last night, I have absorbed a lot of experience and mastered a lot of game tricks.” ”

“So, this game depends on how I show!”

【Three consecutive tiebreakers】

【Four Consecutive Extraordinary】

【Five Peerless Times】

【Mass Killing】

【Super God】

At eight minutes into the game, Su Wenhao got a supergod 7/0/3.

Didn’t die once, took 7 heads, and 3 assists.

The highest economy in the whole field!

“Hey, Wenhao, are you hanging up?”

Reba asked in disbelief.

“Didn’t you just touch this game yesterday? There should be a beginner period. ”

“But your operation is so showy, it doesn’t look like you’re new to the game, shouldn’t you have played it before?”

Faced with this question, Su Wenhao was very calm.

“I did play Glory of Kings for the first time yesterday, but I have a relatively strong learning ability, and today I have studied it myself and figured out some things.”

“Now players below the golden rank should have no problem.”


Yang Mi was also surprised.

“Your progress is a bit fast!”

“Yesterday I was killed as a super ghost, and I can get a super god today, it’s incredible!”

“Now I finally believe that all those abilities you will learn by reading books on the mountain.”

“You should be the kind of person who is a top student, you can master a lot of knowledge by learning casually, and you can do it well.”

“It’s a pity…”


Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows lightly, this is a bit unexpected, I didn’t expect to play a game to make Yang Mi believe the lies he made up before.

Then you can’t spend too much time in the future.

“What a pity?”

Yang Mi responded: “It’s a pity that you didn’t go to school and didn’t take the exam, otherwise with your strength, I’m afraid Tsinghua Beida will have to grab a look, right?” ”

“I’m afraid that Yale, an internationally famous university like Cambridge, will also grab it, right?”


Su Wenhao was taken aback, but he didn’t dare to blow this.

However, if you can draw out the ability of [MAX-level scholars], you will not be able to push human history forward.

But not now, now I have to look for subtitles to read some materials.

“Actually, I’m a graduate of a prestigious university.”


Yang Mi asked while operating Li Bai to fight the wild: “What college graduate?” ”

Su Wenhao and Reba replied in unison: “Squat at home in college!” ”


“Senior sister, are you too? We’re still alumni! ”

Rebal is happy.

“Hee hee, I’m not, it’s just clear that you will say so.”

“I’m smart!”

“Hurry up and praise me!”

Su Wenhao said with a smile: “Senior sister is really ice and snow smart!” ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Wenhao’s sister stood next to the domination pit and came to a set of 213 combos.

【Daji】Kill [Nakolulu]

【Daji】Kill [Domination]


Yang Mi and Reba were taken aback again.

Good fellow, after two days of kung fu with us, not only killed the other party’s wild, but also robbed a big dragon by the way!

This wave of blood earned!

emmm strong.

Yesterday, the two of them also claimed to be Su Wenhao’s master, but looking at this situation today, they are about to be surpassed.

Reba: “Junior brother can!” 6666! ”

Yang Mi: “Wenhao, fortunately, this is not in ancient times, otherwise, the gentleman is not guilty.” ”

“With your ability to learn, I will definitely not let you survive the first episode!”

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