Chapter 168: Don’t blame Sister Honey for my hot hand to destroy the flowers!!

After each scene, I will look at the replay and check the gaps in the performance just now.

The two came to the director’s seat, and Yang Mi was somewhat complaining in her tone.

“Director Wu, this first scene is too long, right?”

“And there was an improvisation, which is too unpredictable that Su Wenhao didn’t say anything, but in fact, he thought so in his heart.”


Wu Zhiqiang shook the folding fan and laughed: “I did this in pursuit of authenticity.” ”

“Let’s take a look at the replay, the part you improvised just now is really wonderful!”

Then, he ordered the staff to do the picture back.

The front part is fine, and when it comes to the bed grabbing scene in the back, Yang Mi and Su Wenhao both watched it very carefully.

In order to grab the bed, Yang Mi really tried her best.

In order not to give up the right to bed, Su Wenhao is also trying his best to defend.

But in the face of Yang Mi’s final offensive, Su Wenhao directly routed, and then got out of bed with some embarrassment and helplessness on his face.


Seeing Su Wenhao’s reaction at that time, the corners of Yang Mi’s proud mouth rose, patted him on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear: “I just performed well.” ”


Her lips were close to Su Wenhao’s ears, and when she spoke, she spat out pandan in her mouth, and the heat directly poured on Su Wenhao’s face.

Su Wenhao couldn’t help but feel a little itchy in his heart.

“Thank you Sister Honey!”



Yang Mi smiled proudly in her heart, she didn’t know why she liked to tease Su Wenhao so much, but every time she saw his embarrassed look, she was very happy.


If one day he accidentally plays with fire, will he give him the right law on the spot?

Wu Zhiqiang nodded approvingly: “Honey is very right, Wenhao’s performance just now is really a surprise!” ”

“When I first decided to let you improvise, I was worried that he would not be able to perform well, but after watching the replay, I found that he performed very well!”

“I can’t tell it’s the first time I’m acting.”

Reba didn’t know when he ran out of the RV, nodded and said: “I also watched your performance just now, it is indeed very good.” ”

“Wenhao’s performance is remarkable, and he can catch the improvisations given by Sister Honey.”

Wu Zhiqiang nodded: “Yes, just now from my point of view, the picture of Honey and Wenhao fighting just now is like a happy little couple.” ”


Little couple?

The corners of Yang Mi’s mouth rose.

“I’m a professional in acting!”

“Speaking of Reba, didn’t I stay in the RV? How did you run down? Don’t want to pull during the period? ”

When Wu Zhiqiang just said about the little couple, Reba couldn’t help frowning slightly, and he resisted a little in his heart.

After hearing Yang Mi’s words, he immediately smiled and said, “This is my junior brother’s first time, how can I not be around?” ”

“But don’t worry, it will definitely not disturb your filming, if I disturb you again, I will be very conscious and obediently return to the RV.”

Yang Mi thought about it, and did not refuse too strongly, because she knew that although Reba’s girl was grinning, she was still very measured.

“Okay, if you interfere with our shooting, then don’t blame Sister Honey for pushing flowers!”

Wu Zhiqiang said: “Honey, Wenhao, let’s make up a few shots now, and then we can shoot another scene.” ”

After the straight, under the command of Wu Zhiqiang, close-up, close-up, long-range.

After making up the shot, he took the book and said.

“The next scene is a continuation of the scene just now.”

“I’ll tell you about it!”

Straight back, took Yang Mi and Su Wenhao to the scene, and narrated the filming content of the meeting later.

Sedum lost the bed grabbing battle, so he could only sleep on the table.

Because of the sleeping position, the female snoring when he sleeps.

Yukimi, who was sleeping in bed, was woken up by a snoring sound, and then got up and sat opposite Sedum to observe him.

After talking about the plot, Wu Zhiqiang emphasized again: “This scene already belongs to the plot in the middle of the script, and Sedum and Xuemian have also been together for a long time, and Bibi has long been secretly in love. ”

“So when you perform later, honey, you should have some appreciation in your eyes.”

Yang Mi nodded: “Good!” ”

“There shouldn’t be improvisation in this scene, right?”


Wu Zhiqiang grinned: “No, no, probably not!” ”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment.

“What do you call it?”

Wu Zhiqiang smiled and stretched out his hand to greet: “Nothing, you guys go and get ready, we’re going to start shooting!”


Yang Mi and Su Wenhao glanced at each other.

Looking at the expression of the chief director, it is estimated that there will be improvisations at the special meeting.

But Wu Zhiqiang did not answer, and they did not ask, because the chief director must have his own considerations, and since he decided to improvise, he would definitely have his own ideas.

As an actor, just obey and do as you are told!

After following straight, Su Wenhao came to the table and pretended to be a dog and slept.

Yang Mi returned to bed this time, covered the quilt, and gently closed her eyes.

Seeing that they were all almost ready, Su Zhiqiang shouted loudly: “The actor please take his place, and the department is ready!” ”

“Three, two, one, start!”



Su Wenhao let out a few purrs.

On the bed, Yang Mi, who had her eyes closed, frowned, then opened her eyes and looked towards Su Wenhao, who was lying on the table, with a disgusted look on her face.

Reach out and cover your ears.

But the snoring did not abate, so he sat up helplessly and got out of bed.

I originally wanted to shake Su Wenhao awake, but when I walked to the side, I couldn’t bear it anymore and sat down on the chair opposite him.

Because it is a costume drama, it is necessary to restore the scene as much as possible, at least there will be no lighting tools such as incandescent lamps.

On the table is a dimly lit lampshade with a light bulb inside, but the brightness is exactly the light of a candle.

Yang Mi sat down and looked at Su Wenhao’s sleeping face carefully as written in the script.

The dim light is like a filter, making Su Wenhao’s already handsome face more angular.

How handsome!

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