Chapter 169 Please continue your performance!!

Yang Mi lay down across Su Wenhao’s table and tilted her head to look at him.

Under the dim light, it was the first time to observe Su Wenhao in this way.

Looking at it, the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly, and her eyes became a little spoiled and a little loving.

There are no lines in this Xuemian, but Yang Mi’s brain keeps talking.

This is my little dog of 18 years.

Good-looking, talented, and able to cook, it’s just fascinating.

The appearance of sleeping on the table so quietly is also very heartwarming.

Which woman will it be cheap for in the future?

The surrounding staff secretly admired this scene.

Sister Honey’s acting skills are really powerful.

Especially when looking at Brother Hao, that little expression really looks like admiring your lover’s sleeping face.


Su Wenhao continued to snore, and then changed his posture and lay on his stomach, smoothly holding the silver yuan treasure building on the table in his arms.

After all, Sedum is a very greedy market punk, dreaming of making money and then tilting his head to the left and his head to the right.

Yang Mi also moved with his movements.

The smile at the corner of his mouth thickened.

She unconsciously got up slightly and leaned towards Su Wenhao, close to his face.

A pair of beautiful eyes carefully looked at 430 his sleeping face.

He even couldn’t help but reach out and gently poke the back of his hand, his cheek, his nose.

The expression of love and pity that could not be let go made everyone around him seem to have bumped into CP.


Wu Zhiqiang nodded with satisfaction.

Honey acted awesome!

When they were just telling them the play, these micro-expressions and movements were not mentioned, and they were all improvised by Yang Canopy’s eyes.

However, these movements and expressions look very natural, almost like their true colors!

Yang Mi was poking Su Wenhao’s nose with her finger with a happy face.

Suddenly, Su Wenhao opened his eyes!

Because he felt that it was almost over, the feeling of fingertips touching the skin was too itchy, and he would probably be unable to bear it if he continued.


After facing Su Wenhao’s four eyes, Yang Mi remembered that she was filming now!

Just patronizing Su Wenhao’s sleeping face, for a moment, she forgot that this was a matter of the set.

Touch Su Wenhao’s cheek with his finger, this is a picture that was not there when he just played the scene, it is completely his own improvisation, and even forgetting his unconscious actions after filming.

Now facing Su Wenhao’s four eyes, she instantly sobered up.

Hurriedly sat upright, his expression a little embarrassed and shy.

My cousin, Boss Yang, how could he do such a gaffe when filming?

However, Wu Zhiqiang was very satisfied.

Honey played so well!

“What are you doing?”

Su Wenhao has always been in the role of Sedum, shouting at Yang Mi.


Being suddenly scolded, Yang Mi was a little weak-hearted, as if she was caught as a thief.

“I… I…… I’m thirsty, I want to get up and pour water and drink! ”

With that, he grabbed the teapot and cup on the table and began to pour water.

There was real water in the teapot.

Because of some weak hearts, I didn’t pay attention when pouring water, and I poured a full glass.

Then Gollum drank a large number of billions of mouthfuls, and drank most of the water in the cup.

Su Wenhao seemed to react to something, pulled towards Yang Mi, and said in a somewhat flirtatious tone: “Oh, I know!” ”

“You want to covet my beauty while I’m asleep!”


As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi squirted out all the water she had just drunk into her mouth.


All sprayed on Su Wenhao’s face.

That warm feeling made Su Wenhao’s heart more nourished.

Wu Zhiqiang secretly clenched his fists.


I didn’t expect that when Yang Mi and Su Wenhao were together, there would be such a chemical reaction!

Just this spray a face of water, too natural to pull!

And not a drop left, all sprayed on Su Wenhao’s face, this effect is too good!

Could it be that the two of them practiced in private?


Yang Mi couldn’t help but cough.

This cough is not pretended, but really ha.

Just drank a little too much water, and it is indeed solid.

That’s why such actions are made.

Su Wenhao was even more confused.

The water fell down his face to the ground.

Originally, what I said during the play was that it was sprayed on the ground, but I didn’t expect it to be sprayed directly on the face!

The point is that there is also in the mouth!


This water is squirting out of Sister Honey’s mouth?

If I swallow it, will I be considered a pervert?


In order to maintain his glorious image, Su Wenhao spat the water in his mouth on the ground with a pop.



When Yang Mi was coughing, she saw the water that Su Wenhao spat out, and couldn’t help but think, that was just squirting out of my mouth, right?

Is this an indirect kiss?

“I was woken up by you because you snored too loudly!”

That little expression was a little coquettish, a little helpless, and a little arrogant.

Su Wenhao, who has [top acting skills], can also maintain a good acting state under this kind of lover.

Su Wenhao said in a sedum tone: “When I sleep in bed, I never snore!” ”

After saying this, Wu Zhiqiang should have reduced the card over there.

Then take a picture of two people grabbing the bed for the second time.

But Wu Zhiqiang’s voice did not come to mind.

Yang Mi and Su Wenhao glanced at each other, and a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

Sure enough, the staff held up the sign again.

【Please continue your performance! 】


Again improvisation.

Su Wenhao glanced in the direction of the bed and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is giving Yang Mi a code, I want to prepare a way to grab the bed to pull!

Yang Mi returned a look.

Roger that.


Yang Mi stood up and ran towards the bed!

“Ah, don’t grab my bed!”

Su Wenhao also threw himself towards the bed with an arrow step.

It’s too late to say.

Just when Su Wenhao’s hand was about to press on the bed, Yang Mi took the lead in lying on the bed from the gap under his arm.

Su Wenhao’s whole body threw himself at her, but fortunately he reacted in time, and quickly pressed the bed board with both hands, and the whole person was half supported above Yang Mi’s body.

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