On the day of the formal exam.

In the early morning, the familiar lolita had appeared, but she was standing alone at the entrance of the huge king's tomb.

On both sides of the four huge entrances of the king's tomb, there were five huge stone sculptures, and the one in the middle was an old man holding a scepter and wearing a crown, perhaps the owner of the king's tomb.

Each entrance and the statues on the side were more than 20 meters high, and it was spectacular from a distance.

In comparison, Zanze standing on the side seemed too small, which made Ash couldn't help but want to go up and stroke this furry legal lolita.

Unfortunately, considering the impact, he just walked up and said hello.

In contrast, Zanze lowered his head in guilt, and whispered in a voice that could be heard by the two of them:

"I'm sorry, Master Ash... I have already reported the content of the exam to Master Celia. When she heard that you were here, she refused to allow the content to be modified..."

"This is really what Celia would do, but you don't have to care so much about it. I can still handle this level."

He smiled and waved his hand, but soon returned to the formation of the group of candidates... He planned to at least pretend a little.

And his words finally made Zanze feel relieved. He took a breath to calm down his mood, looked at the people gathered here, and slowly said:

"The content of the second round of exams is to conquer the Tomb of the Fragmented King; there is only one condition for passing, which is to reach the deepest part of the Tomb of the King... I am a pacifist and don't like fighting, so as long as you reach the deepest part, you will pass."

In his words, Zanze emphasized that the time limit was tomorrow's dawn, and there were some specific contents. Then, the smart hair took out bottles of glass bottles with small golems from nowhere.

She just did it in a businesslike manner, giving each of those little golems one, and by the way, told them that it was an experimental escape golem developed by the first-level magician, Lyellen.

As long as the bottle is broken, the golem will automatically expand to protect them and take them away from danger... After all, they are all magicians, and if they have the protection of a warrior-type golem, their survival rate will be much higher.

"Is it a new thing made by Lyellen?"

Lyellen's best magic is golem magic, and he has devoted his life to this kind of magic. Ash still knows a little about this, but he just looked at it curiously and stuffed it into his pocket.

And without waiting for everyone to react, he walked past Zanze who was still answering questions for everyone, and stepped quickly into the dungeon.

This scene surprised everyone, especially Philen and others who knew about the Tomb of the Fallen King because of Rabinie.

"Ash..." Philen subconsciously wanted to catch up and dissuade him from his actions.

But Fulilian raised her hand to stop her. When she looked back in surprise, she slowly shook her head: "That guy must be going to get rid of himself. There is no point for you to go."

"How could it be! At least..."

"The magic power gap is too big. If he releases it with all his strength, he can bounce your magic with the overflowing magic power alone... To be honest, I have only seen that level in the previous Demon King and Celia."

Flilian tried hard to pick out the objects that could be compared, and ignored the astonishment of her companions, and continued: "Although Ash has not reached their level, it is far beyond your limit. Bounce, It is very simple to counteract ordinary magic, just like I told you. "

"....If you encounter a big demon, you must flee immediately without hesitation. I have no chance of winning now?"

"Yes, and ordinary big demons are not as exaggerated as Ash." Watching the back that disappeared in the darkness, Fulilian couldn't help but sigh softly:

"Why are you working so hard...The demon king has been solved, is it to deal with the mastermind who is hiding somewhere?"

"Is the uncle so powerful?" Connie, who had been quietly listening to the side, couldn't help but ask.

Rabinie looked at the disappearing back and couldn't help muttering: "I know he's powerful, but is this person... so gentle?"

"... It's hard to say how gentle he is, but Ash has always had a strong sense of responsibility and is really not a bad person."

Flyllian, who actually hopes that the relationship between Rabinie and Ash can be normalized, spoke for him with a smile, but added in a low voice at the end, unsure: "... Although he may have done some bad things."

"... Do you believe him or not?" Rabinie heard this and couldn't help laughing.

"At least I believe he will be fine... He is trustworthy in terms of being a person and doing big things - at least that's what I think."

"... Really? Well, although there is indeed some change, but..."

Because things have come to this point, if he admits the other party frankly, he will feel like he is going to lose, which makes Rabinie feel a little irritated, so after hesitating to speak, he chose not to say anything.

A group of people started discussing the strategy of attacking the King's Tomb in twos and threes, but most of them planned to wait a little longer... Even if they didn't know the situation of the King's Tomb, it was always good for someone to explore the way first.

After all, the goal was just to reach the deepest part, so it didn't matter if they were a little late, right?

As an examiner, Zanze kept looking at the intersection, and his expressionless face showed no signs of worry or something else.

But in the end, she still chose to trust Celia's judgment, and did not wait too long. People began to enter the King's Tomb in twos and threes. She also chose to follow Fulilian... After all, besides Ash, this magician who conquered the Demon King in the legend must be trustworthy enough.



On the other side, inside the King's Tomb.

The magic stone lamp and the candles lit by someone provided a little faint light for this dark and damp underground tomb.

The air exuded a musty smell, and there was a unique cold breath underground.

The space was too wide and closed, and the echo of footsteps could be heard around just walking inside.

At first, there were only a few gargoyles. They were simply slapped before they turned from stone statues into monsters, and they were directly crushed into gravel, which solved the problem simply.

But he walked carelessly for about an hour.....

"What, Rabinie and Connie?"

In front of the road, two familiar girls who seemed to be made of stone blocked him.

Although it looked like stone, the shape of the plastic was extremely delicate, and there was almost no difference from the original except for the color.

The two were obviously unable to speak, or they were clones without the ability to speak, so Connie raised his hand without saying a word and released a beam of light of ordinary attack magic, and a large number of ice cones appeared beside Rabinie.

However, at this moment, there was no one else beside him, so he didn't even use defensive magic.

The huge magic power that was no longer suppressed directly interfered with the magic around him, and the moment the attack touched it, it was easily distorted and offset.

Both the light column and the ice cone lost their effects at this moment, and Ash just walked over casually.

When he raised his hand, the two clones were easily cut into two before they noticed the attack.

When the two stone statues fell to the ground and wanted to reach out to grab them, he had already walked into a deeper area without paying attention to anyone.

Along the way, clones emerged one after another from the depths, and their strengths ranged from weak to strong.

Obviously, the stronger the person, the longer it takes to copy, but he didn't even bother to pay attention to those guys. When he met them, he would move through them at high speed and simply avoid them.

When he reached the deepest part... many people appeared in the last hall, including Connie and Rabinie who had just been eliminated.

"It's so interesting that they can be resurrected." Looking at the replica in front of him, he smiled unconsciously.

On the floor tiles of the hall, there were pictures similar to the ancient sun, and the replicas of himself, Fulilian, and Zanze were standing in front.

Of course, there were not too many people, because in addition to these three people, there were only Duncan and Philen hiding on the side, who seemed to be supporting.

Except for Rabinie and Connie who were reborn, the others were all the best in the second exam.

"Then, let me enjoy it for a long time!" Ash grinned, and his body changed at this moment.

His height, which was not short to begin with, gradually increased, and all parts of his body grew proportionally, directly growing to about two meters under the nourishment of the black-purple light.

Two devil-like horns appeared on his forehead, further lengthening his height.

His loose clothes became bulging as his body grew bigger, and the circular air waves swept across the surroundings, rolling up all the dust on the ground.

The overwhelming magic power that could easily sweep away despair also completely manifested on him, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, showing abnormal fluctuations.

The terrifying magic storm filled the vast space, and even though the terrifying magic torrent was restrained, it made the entire dungeon seem to tremble slightly.

All the magicians who entered the dungeon felt an inexplicable chill on their backs at this moment. Although they did not feel the magic power bound in the depths, they could still feel that some kind of terrifying guy appeared below.


Just when Ash released his power, all the clones on the opposite side raised their hands and released magical light at almost the same time.

And Ash and the clones on the opposite side stepped forward and stomped on the ground.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the purple gravity thunder made the ground with powerful defensive magic sink and crack, and the whole dungeon shook suddenly.

The light that spread like a giant python directly made the gravity of the entire space extremely large. Philen and Duncan were instantly pressed to the ground in this narrow range and the magic was interrupted.

If it weren't for their own magic power to resist, they would be crushed into pieces like floor tiles in an instant...Rabinie and Connie, who reacted a beat slower, were very unfortunate and turned into meat paste directly, and died again.

But only the three people in the small area next to Ash's clones managed to save some areas in the thunder and lightning that they tried to resist.

The next moment, Zanze's hair expanded and turned into electric drills, smashing towards him from all directions with great momentum.

In front of Fulilian's magic wand, white and purple lightning gathered - the thunder of destruction, which was also the original model that he referred to for gravity thunder.

Ash's own copy, however, still took on a human form, drew out his blade and turned into a gust of wind, and instantly came to him at high speed.

The three of them cooperated with each other, with unexpected tacit understanding, but.....

"As expected, there is a limit to what can be copied! You are too slow!!"

Of course, Ash himself knew exactly what magic he had, and without any hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the copy's head, and smashed it to the ground simply and roughly.

There was a loud "bang!", and the ground, which was completely invulnerable to ordinary attack magic but lacked physical defense and was even compacted by gravity, directly made a deep pit in the copy's head.

But the thunder of destruction and the drill-like hair also hit his body at this moment.

However.... If he did not suppress his magic power, normal magic would hardly have an effect on him. Now that he was surrounded by high-density magic, he directly relied on magic power itself to build an iron wall of defense.

The thunder of destruction that roared in, and the strange long hair that swept in from all directions, could not advance an inch in front of him.

However.... unlike ordinary magic, the two were obviously breaking through little by little, which surprised him a little.

He, who was pressed to the ground by him, also suddenly released a strong repulsive force at this moment.

The earth was violently lifted up, and Ash himself was forced to step back slightly. The replica raised his hand and sent invisible claws through the air, tearing the ground and rushing over.

However, he just stood there and waved his hand, and then sent a stronger impact.

The large amount of rubble beside him gathered into rock balls in the air one by one, and was constantly compressed, turning into highly dense shells, even calling them rocks is a bit inaccurate.

During the time of making the shells, the clone blocked it with defensive magic. When he waved his hand, he created a tearing impact. Dozens of purple light balls with diameters larger than a person appeared beside him, and the thick killing magic light shot at him.

He just stood there, and the magic power offset it, but Zanze's hair had gathered into a huge sickle. The tip of Fulilian's wand, along with the clone's large amount of killing magic, created a huge magic circle with a diameter of more than 10 meters, making the huge black light column surge like a flood from the opening of the dam.

Various energy shocks set off waves of powerful shock waves. The aftermath alone lifted up the broken bricks and stones on the ground, and even gradually tore the defense in front of Ash.

The giant sickle made of hair also completed the energy storage at this moment, as if it had seen the right time, and broke through the air with a strange black light.

The Buried Fulilian·The Official Beginning of the Journey: Chapter 35 Artificial Black Hole·Magic Sealing Stone·Ash: Fulilian, you are worse than me

Facing the magic of the crowd, Ash just used the overflowing magic to resist. In this torrent of energy and the smoke and dust, he raised his hand to pinch the hair sickle constructed by countless magic.

But the sickle showed extremely exaggerated flexibility, and the center suddenly sank before touching.

While the magic iron wall in front of him was weakened, Philen released a compression attack magic from a distance, and hit his face without warning. The sickle followed and slashed at his face the next moment, intending to cut his head in half.

In the constantly interweaving light, the magic iron wall was finally torn apart.

——Bang! ! !

After a moment of delay, the huge bang broke out, and the sickle tore his skin, causing some blood to splash instantly.

Ash's figure was moved back more than ten meters under the bombardment of these charged magic powers; and a cut mark appeared on his cheek.

Although it was not deep, there was still red blood flowing down his cheek.

It can be said that except for the wounds caused by those perverted masters during training, no matter how many people attacked him in the past century, no one had caused wounds on him.

And after he was truly demonized, this was the first time he encountered bleeding in the past century... Although it was only a kind of passive defense, it was a defense simply compiled and constructed by overflowing magic.

But at the moment when the iron wall of magic was briefly broken, Ash instantly launched several defensive magics beside him; he just wiped the blood on his cheek with his fingertips, and in the next moment after a little sigh, he raised his hand and threw several compressed rock balls at each enemy.

At this time, his own copy suddenly crushed the bricks and stones on the ground without any signs, and suddenly hit those extremely threatening supersonic rock balls.

Almost in an instant, the waving long swords cut them into several sections one by one.

The rest of the clones followed suit and tried to accumulate energy to release various magics, but Ash finally launched a real counterattack.

The sword blade brushed across the rocky ground, and the sparks of explosive flames followed his trajectory, but before the sparks caught up, the figure that broke through the speed of sound had arrived in front of Fulilian, and the instantaneous slash cut through the defense built by Zanze's hair, as well as several defensive magics.

"You are too thorough as a magician--!"

Looking at Fulilian, whose legs left the ground and flew backwards at high speed, but could not avoid the slash at all, and was instantly cut in half from the middle, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her fragile body.

But Fulilian just looked at him coldly, and the strong impact without any warning instantly rushed towards him with her eyes wide open, but...

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