"This level of attack is hard to kill even magicians, so what do you want to do with me?"

Even though the impact was so strong that the bricks and stones around him were blown away, Ash didn't move at all.

Letting the strong wind caused by the shock wave blow his clothes, he just raised his hand and looked at the girl who was cut into two pieces but still flying backwards, and clenched his palms tightly in the air: "No more playing, disappear."

Under normal conditions, magic power will affect the use of magic power, just like the magic of controlling water, which makes it difficult to control the blood in other magicians' bodies, except for the magic power of the magician himself who is not clear to imagine to protect himself.

But at this moment, the unimaginable magic power and unimaginable precision successfully broke through the magic protection of the injured girl's replica.

With the action of clenching his fist, the extremely abnormal gravity caused the body of the girl to twist, and the two halves of the girl's body were twisted and compressed, and turned into a small ball of meat in the blink of an eye.

During the whole process, Fulilian let Ash's magical body do what it wanted, and did not resist with magic power. She just calmly welcomed the arrival of death - in this last moment, she poured all her magic power into the magic wand in her hand.

When the body was destroyed and death arrived, the magic wand thrown aside emitted light.

".... A desperate blow?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed the hair that was thrown at him, and pulled it over and smashed it at his replica that was flying again.

But just after completing this series of actions, the rocks under his feet suddenly collapsed, and the magic wand also exploded, releasing a particularly strong light.

In an instant, the interior of this hall, which was obviously full of strong magic defense but was about to collapse, and the defensive iron wall that Ash's magic power had just rebuilt was equally expelled in an instant.

What kind of magic is this? Why have I never heard of it? ——The iron wall of magic was suddenly dispelled, making Ash unconsciously widen his eyes slightly, and he was a little surprised at this guy who had hidden a hand.

Although this expulsion was only fleeting, all the magicians present were world-class.

They all seized this only chance to kill their opponent, and even their important companions had to sacrifice their lives to get this chance.

Everyone released their trump cards almost at the same time.

The storm of fire, the thunder of gravity, the extremely fast concentrated attack magic, gathered into a long spear of hair that could no longer be called hair, and flew out almost at the same time.



In this space that seemed to be constantly trembling, facing the attack like a galloping light, Ash was able to take advantage of the fleeting opportunity gained by the sacrifice of the Flilian clone, and also launched a magical counterattack.

Between his hands, while the opponent was concentrating a fatal blow, an abnormal gravity point like a black hole was gathered.

Just throw it out lightly - the offense and defense of both sides changed instantly.

The light began to distort, as if pulled by an invisible force, forming a dark vortex center.

The moment the black hole was formed, it began to affect the surrounding gravitational field, as if it was a preview of the end of the world, making the entire underground space distorted and dangerous.

Everything around was almost sucked in at once.

And at this moment, the first thing was the sound in the air, which was distorted into a shrill scream by the black hole...but even the sound was sucked into it, and no one could hear anything.

Whether it was the bricks and stones of the earth or the various magics, the walls and ceilings around the entire underground hall were also stripped away one after another, and none of them could escape the surging suction.

From the smallest dust particles to the huge rock walls, all objects and creatures were stretched, compressed, and deformed under the gravitational force of the black hole, and the other supporting structures in the underground space began to disintegrate the moment they touched the edge of the black hole, just like an invisible crusher, crushing everything and then completely disappearing into thin air.

But these objects were not simply swallowed up, but emitted a strange light in the process of disappearing, like the last shine before the stars fell, but more short-lived and poignant.

The building materials around were sucked in. This disaster was more terrible than an ordinary natural disaster. Philen, who had inserted his magic wand into the ground and used up all his magic power, could no longer stabilize his body and was then sucked into the artificial black hole he threw out.

Zanze's hair was also sucked in, but she cut off her long hair instantly and made the surging hair drill into the deep underground where gravity had just compacted it, and there was still magic defense deeper, just like a spider taking root and resisting this suction.

Duncan controlled the earth and lifted the ground, but he still followed Philen's footsteps in less than two seconds, and was sucked in together with the lifted rock wall, instantly destroying the black hole.

Zanze's clone's body was also unable to resist the strong suction. In a few seconds, the whole person was sucked into the air, and the hair was peeled off the ground in clumps. From a distance, it looked like a big spider struggling in a storm. It was Ash's own clone who directly resisted with gravity.

But in this process, the peeled earth and high-speed flying stones were constantly hitting the bodies of the two.

But it didn't take too long, the black hole subsided just when Zanze was about to be peeled off, or rather... it was removed by Ash himself with a wave of his hand.

But at this moment, the entire underground hall seemed to have experienced a baptism of rebirth, returning to its original appearance, with only exposed rocks left.

"What a big deal! The entire underground space at the deepest part has been reinforced by magic."

Ash landed on the ground, kicked the rocks on the ground with his toes, and his face was full of amazement.

Because under normal circumstances, the entire underground city should be swallowed up, but when the ancient empire was building it, it directly strengthened the external key traps and the deepest part countless times, especially with strong resistance to magic.

It is precisely because of this that it has not been dug through, otherwise....even if there is a water mirror demon, it would have been dug in long ago. After all, there are many magicians who control the ground who can easily dig deep underground, and then they can directly break the water mirror demon from behind.

They didn't do this because they couldn't do it at all. The deepest part is quite a large area, and it is simply a foolish dream to use magic to enter.

But this undoubtedly cost a huge amount of manpower and material resources. Ordinary countries, even the current empire, cannot build it again. He himself couldn't bear to completely destroy this treasure of ancient civilization.

"You must understand my heart. Destroy this..." Ash sighed, looking up at his own copy, without any tension or urgency in his words. I'm afraid even the hostility and malice seemed very thin.

But before the other party finished speaking, he had already drawn his sword and rushed over again. Without any words, the soundless slash that broke through the speed of sound was approaching Ash.

The long sword flying at high speed has a vicious destructive power far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even the figure of the person holding the sword has far exceeded the limit that the naked eye can capture.

It was like the whisper of death, entangled with a suffocating sense of oppression, but...

".... The target is wrong."

The slash with extremely high quality and speed came like a storm, but he relied entirely on intuition and instinct. When he raised his hand, every collision accurately weakened the opponent's sword and bounced it off one by one.

All conflicts were accompanied by high-pitched metal collisions and sparks, like a gorgeous martial arts performance, which would make people fascinated if they were not careful.

Zanze's hair could not intervene at all, and the contest between the two sides was the clone's retreat, and the stalemate did not last too long...

In the dancing sparks, the silver flash split the wind and suddenly slashed the blade raised on the clone's forehead.

"Be honest... Die."

The two blades with lightning attached to them rubbed fiercely, but with Ash's whisper, the game ended.

Boom--! ! !

In the huge roar that sounded like thunder and meteorite collision, Ash's blade instantly attached an unparalleled huge pressure, directly crushing the clone that was still trying to resist in front of him.

The blade was broken into two pieces, along with the body and lightning, and was cut into two pieces from top to bottom, and the earth was torn apart in the shining trajectory.

The entire dungeon shook violently, and even the mountain was cut off in the middle - the entire dungeon was hit with all its strength, and the sharp blade of gravity split a thin crack from the middle of the depths.

Looking up, if the vision can break through the limit of ordinary people, you can even see a faint ray of sunlight thousands of meters away.

The water mirror demon in the deeper part was just a little bit away from being cut directly by Ash, but Ash did not destroy it.

He sealed the body of the water mirror demon that lacked attack ability, and he planned to leave this deep layer... He did not destroy the copy of Zanze, but just patted the other party's head while passing by.

After all, the assessment still needs to be carried out, otherwise it is easy to pass this assessment, and you will probably die in the third round if you are not careful.

But passing the seal also terminates the other party's ability to continue to generate copies... Otherwise, it will be very troublesome for the candidates to create another copy of himself or Fulilian.

And he had seen many other exits around in the deepest space before, so when he destroyed those clones, there should be new clones going out to destroy other invaders.

Although he knew it, he didn't intend to intervene. After all, his clone was obviously created last, and the Water Mirror Demon couldn't create a new one so quickly. In this case, it wouldn't bring too much uncertainty to the exam.



When Ash attacked the main clones among the candidates, the torrent of magic power and the occasional loud noises directly forced the subsequent attacking team to tremble from time to time.

The roar from afar, even though it was at least thousands of meters away, still seemed to be a hoarse cry, breaking the silence of the king's tomb. The abnormal feeling surging from deep underground also made everyone feel a strong uneasiness that could not be described in words.

It was as if something had summoned the despair from the deepest part of the soul, making people's legs inexplicably weak.

If they hadn't known that it was a companion and that this competition didn't require them to attack each other, most of them would have fled long ago.

But after Ash, who didn't know why, walked out of the deepest part and restored his original appearance, he shook his head and sighed as he walked.

"...How could it become like this?"

Although he had accomplished the goal, he accidentally made things worse.

This was completely contrary to his original idea, because he originally wanted to have a good time and see what the effect would be if he was besieged by everyone.

He also wanted to let them use their abilities, but he was not careful... He acted too quickly and killed too many people, which made things boring.

".... I should have delayed it for a little longer, but it's boring to keep fighting with puppets. Let's see how everyone is doing."

With a little trouble, he just left his regrets behind and quickly shuttled through the dungeon.

Although the biggest threat had been eliminated by Ash alone, but.....

The previous huge vibration and the torrent of magic power stimulated the various monsters hidden in the depths to start moving, and even the mechanisms were all activated by the vibration.

You know, a thousand years is enough to make many mechanisms ineffective, or put various monsters into deep sleep.

But the huge vibration he created earlier made the mechanisms that were originally blocked by excessive dust accumulation and could not be activated to be dusted, or the mechanisms with rotten key parts were directly activated.

The monsters were in deep sleep, but they were stimulated by the magic and fear and woke up from hibernation.

Walking in the dark tunnel, he could clearly hear the miserable wailing, the roar of monsters, and the special shaking sounds of various mechanisms when they were activated.

Even... after running randomly for a distance, the ground in front of Ash seemed to have a small but high-frequency vibration.

This made him, who had noticed Philen and the others in front through magic search, subconsciously look up and observe the top of the inclined tunnel.

But he really didn't know until he saw it, because at this moment, a cylindrical crystal that blocked the entire passage was rolling from above.

Philen, Fulilian and Zanze were running with all their might in front of them with very funny and terrified expressions.

"Is this... a magic-sealing stone?"

Ash, whose magic power was restricted, could sense it from a distance and recognized at a glance what the blue crystal that served as a rolling log was.

The large and neat magic-sealing stone was a rare good thing. A fist-sized one could buy a mansion, and this several-meter-sized one was basically enough to build a castle, and it could block magic within a considerable range. That is why, as pure magicians, the three of them could only run for their lives and could not even fly.

"——Run away quickly!!"

Fulilian, who always provoked strange things in the past and ran ahead in the name of exercise, always leaving Philen behind, now ran in front of the three people, and kindly reminded him when passing by.

Philen, the tallest of the three and also used to running away, held his magic wand with a terrified expression and shook his head at him.

Later, as a noble lady and a magician, Zanze, who had never exercised before, looked like she was paddling when she ran, and even looked out of breath.

She seemed exhausted at this moment. She opened her mouth to ask for help but only gasped. She could only look at him in panic with a crying expression.

Since the magic-sealing stone can block the magic around it, and its hardness is the highest among all minerals, normal humans cannot use it at all when magic cannot work.

However, it has huge magic power inside and is difficult to break. Although it is not impossible to break it by brute force, it is estimated that a big explosion will occur.

This made him a little annoyed, and then he carried Ferren who was passing by on his left shoulder, and picked up Zanze with his right hand and clamped him under his right shoulder.

Even with one person on each side, he still walked briskly, and instantly surpassed Fulilian, who was running in front, amid the exclamations of the two girls.

"Ah..." Fulilian, who was walking without stopping, followed the three people unconsciously. After a brief moment of daze, she shouted "Hey——!" and pounced on Ash at the bottom of the slope. She grabbed his neck and looked back at him speechlessly: ".... What are you doing?"

"I'll die if I fall!" Fulilian hugged his neck and responded expressionlessly.

"You are so good at running away, and you will fall? After all, I have never seen you fall."

"If there is a chance, it will always be bad."

Although Ash was very depressed, Fulilian refused to let go, just hanging on his neck like a pendant, believing that even if she might fall, he would definitely not fall.

In this way, Ash was forced to become the means of transportation for the three people with a helpless sigh.


Chased by the rolling magic-sealing stone, Ash ran for a considerable distance before coming to a fork in the road.

The moment Ash rushed into the fork in the road, the three girls watched the magic-sealing stone continue to roll down, and they all breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

"...Luckily I met Ash, otherwise I wouldn't know if I would have a chance to turn at the fork in the road~ Even if I really fell, I might be crushed. Hmm... This maze even has this thing, it's really interesting~!"

Flyllian, who got off Ash, patted her skirt and gave him a thumbs up. Although her face showed a sense of surviving a disaster, she was more excited.

"....I don't think it's fun at all. If you are crushed to death without any resistance, it would be too tragic, right?"

Even though he was out of danger, Philen's fingers were still trembling slightly.

Zanze, who was like a doll, let him hold her waist and looked at her hand, and was also full of gratitude for surviving the disaster:

"I have the same idea... As expected, this is still an unconquered maze, and there are things for magicians; although as an empire in the period of great unification, it is not surprising that the king's tomb has such things..."

"When you came down, you said... As a first-level magician, you can overturn it even in more troublesome and desperate situations. In the end, you didn't escape with us? Didn't you have to rely on Lord Ash to save you?" Philen couldn't help but look at Zanze with full resentment when she heard it. After all, this examination room was designated by her.

".... Although I say that, after meeting Master Ash, I often encounter things that even a first-level magician can never do."

Thinking of Ash's previous request and the situation of the magic-sealing stone, Zanze returned to his expressionless demeanor, looked up at the girl on Ash's shoulder, and said seriously: "And you have always been by Master Ash's side, right? So it's better to just listen to this kind of words."

"... Zanze, you have grown up." Hearing this, Ash couldn't help but cast a gratified look at the girl under his command.

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