Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 227: Win at the starting line

Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu walked towards the room. Zhang Zhi was very happy. He thought Li Lingqiu wanted to experience new movements with him.

Li Lingqiu is still shy at noon, now for scientific research. Verify her idea, let go.

Zhang Zhi returned to the room, and he saw a pair of simulated robots in the living room.

Zhang Zhi recognized at a glance that this is a robot, that is what the robot does very realistically, but they have no life magnetic field fluctuations.

This robot is not like dough, with a slight expression on its face, and a cold expression on its face. The design of their team is obviously different from that of Yan Jiliang.

Zhang Zhi saw the robot, he knew he wanted to go. Li Lingqiu didn't have that idea.

Li Lingqiu pointed at the simulated robot, and excitedly said to Zhang Zhi: "Brother Zhang, this is a simulated human system robot developed by our biological laboratory. It can perfectly simulate various stimuli received by humans and human stress effect."

"The organ of this robot, using the simulation materials we developed and artificial organ cells, together constitute its various systems."

Li Lingqiu proudly said: "Brother Zhang, is the most difficult brain experience, this robot can be perfectly simulated."

Zhang Zhi was surprised when he heard this. The human brain is too mysterious. The current technical level of Xingyu Technology is far from the level of replicating an active brain.

Li Lingqiu led the scientific researchers in the biological laboratory and used to experiment with gorillas.

They cloned the gorilla's brain and exchanged the gorilla's brain with the cloned brain.

This is because there are human experiment records obtained from Mossad, and the scientific research platform solves some brain puzzles.

The two brains of the gorilla are exactly the same, and the location of each cell is exactly the same.

The experiment failed. The gorilla did not recover his mind. It could only live like a plant orangutan.

Zhang Zhi raised his tone and asked in surprise: "Ling Qiu, have you already cloned the human brain, how is its intelligence."

Zhang Zhi was very excited, and now people's lifespan is limited by neuronal cells. It can break through, and mankind is immortal.

Li Lingqiu shook his head and said, "Brother Zhang, you misunderstood, we can't start with the brain now. This system can only simulate the damage to the brain."

Li Lingqiu looked at the robot and she said confidently: "After hearing your suggestion, we have gone through research. For the experiment of new drugs, we have established three detection mechanisms."

"The first one is routine animal experiment detection, the second one is to use independent artificial organs to detect the damage of drugs to the organs. The third one is this simulated robot, which is a systematic detection."

Zhang Zhi walked next to the simulated robot. He pinched the robot and asked suspiciously: "Lingqiu, you are a robot for detecting drugs. What do you do when you get the room back?"

Li Lingqiu approached the simulated robots, started them, and connected them to the quantum network. Let the quantum server analyze their status.

After Li Lingqiu started, she and Zhang Zhi said: "Brother Zhang, I will use it to verify the set of actions I created. I think I should find its specific principle."

"After my discussion with you, I found that fixed movements are better. It can mobilize the biological magnetic field of the human body to the greatest extent. I guess this is not the limit, and I want to find a better combination."

Li Lingqiu stared at Zhang Zhi with admiring eyes and said, "Brother Zhang, your athletic talent is very good. The movements I think of will have a magical effect when you change them. You design the movements and I will verify them."

Li Lingqiu wanted to find better results than radio gymnastics. Zhang Zhi knew that this was very difficult. This set of actions of future technology was developed under the guidance of advanced science.

The current technology is only a superficial understanding of the human body. The technological difference is too great, the principles of application are different, and the success is slim.

Zhang Zhi could not explain to Li Lingqiu, so she had to follow her meaning. This method will not work, Li Lingqiu will give up.

Li Lingqiu believes that he learns fast because he has been exposed to radio gymnastics in advance, and he knows nothing about it.

Zhang Zhi thought of a way to use exhaustion. Quantum server has huge computing power. Designing several actions is easy to achieve.

Zhang Zhi began to let Xinglan use radio gymnastics as a model, and Li Lingqiu decomposed the biomagnetic field information as the basis to start designing movements.

The simulated robot stands motionless inside the house, but its body runs at high speed.

The simulated robot accepts the information of Xinglan, and after verification, transmits the information back to Xinglan.

Every action, almost a real carbon atom vibrates once, and verification is completed in such a short time.

Zhang Zhigang sat down and talked with Li Lingqiu, and heard the alarm sound of the simulated robot.

"The cells of the artificial organs have been consumed, please add them quickly."

After Li Lingqiu heard it, she asked the dough robot to replenish the artificial organ cells.

Li Lingqiu said in surprise: "How the human body system has been destroyed, the material in us is a year's weight, and it is still used 24 hours a day."

"Let's see the result." Zhang Zhi opened the light curtain and showed the result.

Seeing this result, Zhang Zhi was very afraid, and he was not curious. Did not try to improve radio gymnastics myself.

The icy record on the light curtain is the result of this experiment. It seemed to emit a cold cold light.

The number of deaths was 196 trillion.

Severely disabled, seven or six trillion trillion times.

Slightly disabled, 700 billion times.

60 billion injuries.

The human body is intact, twelve times.

Exceed the benchmark action group, zero.

Zhang Zhi cold sweat left, he saw a long list of numbers above, only twelve times in good health combination.

Seeing this result, Li Lingqiu blurted out: "How could this happen, I was so genius, and the actions I thought of casually turned out to be a very safe combination. I think the biomagnetic field is not so good to change, it is too dangerous."

Zhang Zhi thought: "At that time, the future world will use products that are far beyond our imagination to develop products."

Zhang Zhi and they continued to do experiments. After an afternoon of hard work, Li Lingqiu's ideas were finally realized.

She really found out how the deep biological magnetic field works in this set of actions.

Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu have sorted out and found two biological magnetic field energy trajectories.

One is to strengthen the body and the other is to change the genetic genes of sperm and egg cells.

Li Lingqiu got this result ~ www.readwn.com ~ She was surprised.

"Brother Zhang, I didn't expect it to be able to optimize genetics in addition to being fit and healthy. This is really a surprise."

What did Li Lingqiu suddenly think of? It used professional equipment to sweep Zhang Zhi and herself.

Seeing the result, Li Lingqiu's complexion changed slightly, pursing his mouth, revealing a depressed look.

"Brother Zhang, I'm right. The biological magnetic field energy of our body is killing the original genetic cells and stimulating the generation of new genetic cells. We want children, it is estimated that it will take a long time."

Zhang Zhi comforted: "Ling Qiu, you have to think about the benefits. After our child was born. His IQ is very high and his body is very healthy. This is not a good thing."

After Li Lingqiu heard that, she showed a happy smile, and the gloomy color swept away.

Zhang Zhi thought that with this technological achievement, not only his own child won at the starting line.

All Chinese children will win at the starting line. Promote the self-evolution of the Chinese nation.

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