Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 228: Shocking news

Zhang Zhi looked at the complex set of movements on the screen, as long as he made them in order. Will promote a certain kind of biological magnetic field energy to follow a certain trajectory.

Biological magnetic field energy can change people's physique, although it can't do the magic in fantasy novels. But if the body stays healthy, the enhanced cell activity can still be achieved.

Zhang Zhi saw this complex set of movements. It has nine movements each, and it is effective to practice only a single movement.

Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu discussed, "Ling Qiu, if we want to make this set of actions public, we should simplify them. It is best to integrate them into daily life."

"Through the stimulation of the biological magnetic field, exercise their bodies a little bit, which can also weaken the progress of improving genetic genes, without affecting pregnancy."

Li Lingqiu said with approval: "Brother Zhang, this should be the case. People who practice this set of movements cannot have children. We don't know how long it will last."

"Besides, after public actions, people are curious. They change their actions indiscriminately, and the death and disability rate is very high. This is not suitable for promotion."

Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu continued to improve, mainly to simplify actions. Let people walk and sit down to take effect. Weakening the effect of biological magnetic field energy.

As long as it is guided by a special biological magnetic field, the biological magnetic field energy can be allowed to run in a certain trajectory in the body. It can be stopped at any time without affecting people.

Finally, Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu were very happy to see their results.

Zhang Zhi and them quickly finished their meal. Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu logged into the virtual world and watched the news hookup.

CCTV also purchased bright pupil cameras, and their shooting effect is very good in the virtual world.

The images of the virtual world are almost the same as their experience on site.

The first news broadcast by CCTV is the movement of national leaders.

They attended collectively, the inauguration ceremony of Sinopec's large-scale vinyl land in Tangshan. A large ethylene base with an annual production capacity of 10 million tons.

The chairman met with Zhang Shenghai, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is a scientist who studies the method of converting carbon dioxide to ethylene. Academician Yang Jinghan, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Encourage them to continue to work hard for the country to get rid of the lack of oil.

The camera uses an overhead lens to photograph the entire chemical plant. At the same time, it is introduced that this is the world's largest ethylene plant. Eight chemical plants of the same size will be completed.

Later, the news introduced the technology of carbon dioxide conversion to ethylene, and its significance for industrial production.

It can help Huaxia get rid of its dependence on oil to a great extent. The price of ethylene is no longer linked to oil, and it drops to only about one tenth of the original price after it is put into production.

The moderator said with his magnetism: "The mature application of this technology allows us to reduce oil imports by one-fifth every year. This is a major step for our country to reduce its dependence on oil."

Zhang Zhi saw this news, and the content of the news was very short. But its gold content is very high.

Li Lingqiu asked in doubt: "Brother Zhang, it is not that the ethylene project is put into production. These few projects are put into production. Our ethylene production accounts for more than half of the world's production."

"China is the world's largest industrial country, and this is a normal phenomenon. The leaders of all countries have gone."

Zhang Zhi said seriously: "This is not as simple as it seems. The biggest black swan in the capital market has flown out in recent years. The economic crisis is not far away."

"This is China and the United States are competing for world leadership, and the world pattern of the second superpower is coming. This is the country's official sword towards the petrodollar."

Li Lingqiu asked worriedly: "Will we be involved in the war code? Can the United States sit still and die?"

Zhang Zhi said very seriously: "If we can't fight, we are not much different from the US military. The most important thing is that the US now has no money."

Zhang Zhi's voice just fell, and the news continued to be broadcast.

Under the leadership of Vice Chairman Qu Weilong of the Military Commission, the President of the State visited the newly established experimental unit and unmanned weapon combat unit.

The first exposure in the news, the performance of the unmanned fighter 20 aircraft, super stealth performance, global 24-hour cruise, Mach 4 flight speed.

Covered by quantum networks, operations can be commanded in real time. It was also mentioned for the first time that the aircraft conducts global cruises from time to time.

When Zhang Zhi heard the news, he said to Li Lingqiu: "Lingqiu, we can't fight. We are already showing muscles. The United States will naturally perceive the meaning."

"It is estimated that there are at most trade wars and financial wars, and even trade frictions at the most. The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is too large. If the people at the bottom lose the supply of cheap Chinese goods. That will greatly affect the stability of American society.

After Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu finished speaking, they went to experience new movements in depth.

The most sensitive to the world situation is the international financial field.

Since the news became public, the stock price of Sinochem has continued to rise. Driven by it, the China stock market rose simultaneously. In particular, chemical companies, under the favorable stimulus, rose rapidly.

Huaxia investors and investors in Huaxia are very happy. Their wealth has increased a lot.

The response of international futures prices was the most sensitive, and the price of oil was quickly cut to below $ 40. Most investors have not reacted yet. They are already blood loss.

Stock prices of US stocks and petrochemical-related companies continue to decline. Driven by them, investor confidence has been hit hard, and the entire market is falling.

Affected by US stocks, the stock markets of major global economies, except for China. Are plunging.

New York, London, Tokyo. There are bankrupt financial investors who jumped up the building.

OPEC member countries, they immediately convened an oil economic meeting to study and respond to the severe situation.

Russia and Iran laughed and said nothing. They had signed an oil supply agreement with Huaxia. The use of Huayuan to settle oil does not worry about the impact of dollar fluctuations.

US President Trump got the news and called a working meeting urgently.

The meeting is still in preparation, and the bad news comes one after another.

Oil prices plummeted, U.S. stocks collapsed, the dollar fluctuated sharply, and China opened new weapons.

Seeing the staff arrive, Trump knocked on the table and asked, "Everyone talks about what to do. The US stock market collapses and we can't let it go."

The Secretary of State said: "The most critical thing now is to stabilize the stock market ~ www.readwn.com ~ The stock market crash has hurt us the most."

Trump spread his hand and shook his head and said, "How can the government save the city if the government has no money."

The Secretary of State smiled visibly and said, "President, don't use us to let the island countries, South Korea, and Germany pay. Use their money to save the market."

Trump nodded and said, "That's it. Except for some difficulties in Germany, those two are our economic colonies. It's time to supply blood to us."

Trump turned his head to look at Defense Secretary Cooks, "Can we defeat Huaxia in a local war?"

Cooks confidently said: "President, our army is the best. But now China's unmanned fighter is very powerful. Only if we develop the same fighter, can we win with a high probability."

"Now we are taking air control first, and our aircraft has fallen behind. We need $ 800 billion in special funds to develop new weapons."

Trump also asked many experts, and finally concluded: "First save the market, I will talk to the heads of the three companies. Don't mention the military expenses, we have no money now. Let the diplomatic department protest China."

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