Seeing that luoye ghost eagle can easily take Bai miserable, but luoye ghost Eagle unexpectedly retreated.


Countless yakha strongmen watching the war in the air were confused, "how did you retreat?"

Don't talk about them. The head of yecha didn't understand for a while.

"It seems that you have some skills. Your green eyes should have helped you."

Bai miserably smiled.


Luo Ye ghost Eagle put away his contempt and couldn't help a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

If I had just shot, I would face a storm like attack.

Even if you have a powerful killing move, you are expected to be defeated.

Through the eye of ghost eagle, luoye ghost eagle can directly see the power of Bai miserable's soul.

If the soul power of the ten powerful is comparable to that of the lake, then the soul power of the white and miserable is comparable to that of the sea, or the Starry Sea.

"This guy, he can ignore my ghost eagle's eye."

"Also, why is this guy's soul as thick as a sea of stars?"

"Maybe he has a special constitution, strong soul and insufficient strength."

Think about it, luoye ghost eagle will fully form a defense against the soul power of the three ghosts, so as to prevent being attacked by Bai miserable with the soul power like the sea of stars.

After making full preparations this time, luoye ghost Eagle shot again.

The yecha ghost phase of luoye ghost eagle is larger and full of ghost potential than the genius who fought against Bai miserable before.

"Yecha eagle claw hand!"

Luoye ghost Eagle directly chooses to attack Bai miserable in close range. His hands are like eagle claws. He easily tears the space of the heaven ghost world and grabs Bai miserable with unparalleled power.

"Sword of soul!"

Bai miserable directly displays the powerful soul attack of soul refining formula.

Looking at the soul sword of white tragedy shrouding the sky, luoye ghost eagle was very dignified.

In the face of soul attack means, in addition to fighting with the same means of soul attack, you can only use the power of soul to defend, or use soul defense treasures to resist.

But luoye ghost Eagle has no such treasure, and his ghost power is far less powerful than Bai miserable's soul power. Choosing soul attack and resistance is undoubtedly a fool's behavior.

Therefore, luoye ghost eagle had to defend with the power of ghost.

Bang bang!

The powerful soul sword constantly makes a huge noise on the three ghost defense of luoye ghost eagle.

Only luoye ghost eagle can hear the sound, which outsiders can't feel.

"What a powerful soul attack skill. You can't fight for a long time. You have to take him as soon as possible!"

Luo Ye ghost Eagle endured the ghost shock, quickly flashed to Bai miserable, and grabbed Bai miserable with an eagle claw.

Although Bai miserable has thunder eyes and can see the attack of luoye ghost eagle, his attack speed is too fast, and Bai miserable's body can't react.


Bai miserable's shoulder was immediately grabbed a large piece of meat, and the bones were also scratched to pieces.


The strong man of the yecha clan burst into a drink.

Luoye Tianliang saw that luoye ghost Eagle didn't kill Bai miserable, so he didn't stop it and let Bai miserable suffer.

Bai miserable looked at the proud luoye ghost eagle in his eyes and smiled, "I forgot to tell you that in addition to my strong soul attack, my physical recovery ability is even stronger."


Luo Ye ghost eagle looked at Bai miserable shoulder.

I saw that Bai miserable's shoulder injury recovered quickly and soon recovered as before.

"I'll go. Why is this guy's recovery so terrible?"

Luo Ye ghost eagle was very surprised.

He met such a special monster genius for the first time.

The fear of physical recovery and the fear of the power of soul are enough to make him stand out from the crowd.

"No, it looks like a heavy hand!"

Think about it, luoye ghost Eagle makes every effort.

"Yasha eagle claw hand - infinite under the moon!"


For a moment, Bai miserable was surrounded by the shadow of luoye ghost eagle, and these were not illusions.

Countless Eagle claws tore at the white body like heaven and earth.

Bai miserable's hands, feet, shoulders and back were constantly attacked.

In an instant, the mountain where Bai miserable stood was torn and broken. Bai miserable's body was also broken, and even his internal organs were clearly visible.

But Bai miserable didn't hum, nor did he look like a loser.

"This guy has lost his hands and feet. He should have lost the power of World War I?"

Said the elder of yecha clan.

"No! The attack of the ghost Eagle didn't bother him at all."

"You see, his soul attack still hit the ghost Eagle like stars and didn't stop."

Luoye Tianliang is worthy of being the head of the yecha clan. He has extraordinary knowledge.


This can make the strong people of the yecha family open their mouths one by one, and their eyes can't believe it.

At this time, Bai miserable stopped the attack of soul sword and said with a wild smile to luoye ghost Eagle:

"Hahaha... I recognize you. You are not a weak person, you are a strong person. Among the opponents I meet, you are enough to rank in the top three."

"However, your attack at this level can't hurt me. Take out your ghost fork and use your strongest moves. Don't worry about killing me. You can't kill me with your strength, because I'm strong enough!"

Listening to Bai Nai's arrogant declaration, all the yakha strongmen watching the war were angered.

"Ghost eagle, complete him and kill him!"

Luo Ye ghost Eagle looks at Luo Ye. It's cold.

Luo Ye Tianliang nodded to him, indicating that Luo Ye ghost Eagle could kill him!

Therefore, the night ghost eagle, who was completely angered by Bai miserable, took out his ghost fork from the soul space.

"Boy, you are arrogant. I hope you can continue to be arrogant later!"

Seeing Luo Ye's ghost Eagle take out the ghost fork, Bai miserable's eyes coagulate. Whether he can hear Tian Wen's whereabouts depends on this time.

If you still can't hear it, Bai miserable decides to inform the Yinhai overlords and let them all attack the yecha family, overturn the whole yecha family and find Tian Wen!

Think about it, Bai miserable no longer waits for the attack of luoye ghost eagle, but takes the initiative to attack. The purpose is to get close to luoye ghost eagle, and then the soul communicates with his ghost fork.

"Heavenly Sword Fairy!"

Bai miserable uses this move at will to release a wide range of attacks.

But the power is equivalent to the power of the three powerful, which is too weak for luoye ghost eagle.

At the same time, Bai miserable launches his soul attack again, and the overwhelming soul sword breaks through the air and kills the luoye ghost Eagle again.

This makes luoye ghost Eagle confirm that Bai miserable only has a powerful soul attack, and other attack means are weak!

"Hum! Then let you see the real horror of the Yasha Sutra!"

Then, the night ghost Eagle danced the ghost fork with both hands and drank softly, "the night fork is in the sky, the night is the king, return to the night!"

A black ghost fog enveloped the whole mountain.

With a puff, the Black Ghost fog dispersed, and the mountain of nuota turned into powder.

And Bai miserable seems to be directly wiped out by the killing move of luoye ghost eagle.

"Is it over?"

"That white little miserable should be dead!"

"No one can carry the night killing move of the ghost eagle."

The yakha strongmen talked about it one after another.


Luo night ghost Eagle stared at a certain direction underground.

I saw Bai miserable standing there intact. If there was any difference, it was that Bai miserable was naked at the moment.

"How could it be? How did you escape my night?"

Luo night ghost Eagle smacked his tongue and asked.

"Want to know why? I won't tell you, just make your heart itch."

Bai miserable said angrily.


Luo Ye ghost eagle was so angry that he almost said, "this bastard!"

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