Bai miserable uses prison power as his clothes, and then rises in the air.

But Bai miserable didn't attack luoye ghost eagle with the soul sword, because it was unnecessary.

Just now, Bai miserable has communicated with the weapon ghost fork of luoye ghost eagle and learned that Tian Wen is no longer in the yecha family.

As for where Tian Wen is, only the Eight Generals of the yecha family know.

The Eight Generals of yecha family are all famous people in the heaven ghost world, and they are qualified to attack the eternal realm.

The reason why they haven't impacted is to continue to refine their Taoist heart until the last moment of their life.

"Yecha clan leader, I want to see you eight generals of yecha clan!"

Bai miserable suddenly said.


The strong men of yecha clan were stunned one by one.

"Boy, don't think you're lawless because you have some skills. Did you say you saw it?"

Shouted an old yecha.

Luo yetian squints at Bai miserable.

Is this guy's real purpose not to trade with my yakha clan, but to meet the Eight Generals of my yakha clan?

After thinking about it, Luo yetian said in a bad tone, "boy, why do you want to see my eight hidden ancestors of yecha family?"

"The reason is very simple. The descendant of emperor Gao who you let the ghost sword family catch is my friend. I'll save her!"

Bai miserable said directly.


The strong people of the yecha clan are confused.

After a long time, the boy came to the yecha family to save people.

"Clan leader, don't worry about the sale of Shuiyin pig. Take him, directly ask the nest of Shuiyin pig, and then kill him!"

The Yaksha strongmen roared one after another.

"The ten powerful men will round him up together. Don't let him run away. The others will disperse."

Luo yetian ordered directly.

So, including luoye Tianliang and luoye ghost eagle, seven ten powerful people surrounded Bai miserable.

"It seems that if you want to see your eight generals, you have to beat you first."

Bai miserable said fearlessly.

"Hum! Talk big, boy. I advise you to arrest yourself and suffer less flesh and blood."

A yecha strongman in the realm of ten potential strongmen sneered.

Before Luo ye and Tianliang started, Bai miserable took out a Tongyin stone and directly contacted the overlord of the Yin sea, "I want you to attack the yecha clan!"


Yin Hai Ba masters were speechless for an instant.

Attacking one of the top ten ghost families is a big event that will disturb the whole ghost world.

Moreover, the yecha clan has many means. Don't think that the innumerable strong in the Yinhai sea can defeat the yecha clan. Maybe they will lose.

"Sorry, little brother, the yecha clan is no small matter. We can only help you frighten them, but we won't really attack the yecha clan."

Bai miserably also knows that the yecha clan probably has ghost weapons or eternal realm guarding forces, and the overlords of the Yin sea dare not take risks.

"OK, no problem. Just cheer me on!"

After that, Bai miserable directly exerted his soul sword and took the initiative to attack the strong ones in the ten potential realm of the seven yecha clan.

For a time, it was dark, the space collapsed and the earth sank.

Storms that can wipe out the eight powerful can be seen everywhere.

The thunder turned into a black dragon and swept away.

The yakha ghost practitioners who watched the war retreated wildly.

In this kind of war at the level of ten powerful people, they will die if they touch it.

Luo yeruoji and other elders were surprised that the young man named Bai xiaomiserable could fight with the patriarch for so long.

In fact, Bai miserable is crazy to be blasted, but Bai miserable's soul sword is also crazy to cut into the seven top ten strong ones.

"Patriarch, it's weird. This guy doesn't seem to be able to kill!"

Said an old yecha shocked.

Just now, he accidentally pierced Bai miserable's heart and should have destroyed Bai miserable's origin.

But Bai miserable didn't even look at the wound. He was still crazy to attack his soul.

Of course, luoye Tianliang and luoye ghost Eagle also noticed.

"This monster!"

Luo Ye Tianliang tried to imprison Bai miserable several times just now, but he couldn't imprison Bai miserable's soul at all, but his flesh at most.

And once Bai miserable's body was imprisoned, a rabbit burst out to perform a terrible explosion move.

Fortunately, luoye ghost Eagle found it in advance and reminded them to retreat, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

After each explosion, Bai miserable inexplicably lifted the imprisonment, and then continued to frantically attack his soul.

In this way, luoye Tianliang and other strong people confirmed that Bai miserable hid a rabbit Ji monster in the realm of ten potential strong people.

Since the means of imprisonment can not win Bai miserable, it can only directly erase Bai miserable.

"Don't keep your hand, just kill him!"

Luo yetian's cold killing intention broke out and said.

Subsequently, the seven great and ten powerful people began to frequently use killing moves to directly erase Bai miserable.

When Bai miserable fought with the head of the yecha clan, the Yinhai changed dramatically!

Thousands of Yin sea overlords collectively emerged from the Yin sea, and behind them were sea monsters that could not see the end.

These sea monsters, like huge waves in the sky, follow the overlords to the Yasha clan.

Where they passed, all the ghosts fled madly.

"Run! The evil beast of the Yin sea has gone wild."

These tens of billions of sea monsters spread all the way.

The sky is covered by their huge bodies.

The strong smell of sea monsters can even be smelled by the strong men of the Yasha clan.

When the strong man of yecha family learned that countless sea monsters in the Yin sea were attacking them, he immediately turned pale with fear.

"Roar! Clan leader, the big thing is bad. The Yin sea monsters are coming to our yecha clan. Look at their posture. It seems that they are coming to war with us."

A nine powerful man shouted at Luo Ye Tianliang.


Luo yetian, who was struggling to poke white and miserable head, flew up in cold shock and roared: "how can the sea monsters in the Yin sea attack our yecha family? Damn it, what's going on?"

At this time, Bai miserable burst into laughter and said, "Yasha clan leader, don't stop. I'm not dead yet. Continue to stab me in the head. You can't kill me. When I break your soul defense with soul attack, I'll kill you."


Luo yetian is cold. Now he doesn't want to entangle with Bai miserable, an immortal monster.

"Ghost eagle, you entangle him, and the others follow me to prepare for war!"

Five ten strong men hurried to prepare for the war with Luo Ye Tianliang.

It's no small matter that Yinhai monsters sent out to come to the Yasha clan.

If the preparation is not sufficient, it is difficult to say that the Yasha clan will suffer heavy losses!

Luoye ghost eagle had to cover this area with ghost fog, and he was far away from white misery.

In this way, the night ghost eagle can launch a long-range attack against Bai miserable. Although its power is much weaker, it is enough to limit Bai miserable's flesh.

Moreover, he will not be attacked by the white soul sword.

Bai miserable was not in a hurry. He let Luo Ye ghost Eagle attack. Anyway, when the Yin sea tyrants came, naturally, he could get out of trouble and force the Eight Generals of yecha family!

"Xiong shengshu and Lu Yinxi, you can also prepare. When the Yin sea overlords come, you will follow my instructions."

Bai miserable said to another tone stone.

"Yes, young master!"

Xiong shengshu and luyinxi go directly to a place in the yecha clan's territory and wait for Bai miserable's order.

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