After solving the two major events of the Luocha family, Bai miserable decides to practice well for a period of time. There is more than a year left. The 10000 year competition between the young generation of the top ten ghost families is about to begin.

In other words, Bai miserable still has one year to practice.

Bai miserably remembered that his cultivation could lead to changes in the trend of heaven and earth.

So Bai miserable went directly to luochage.

At this time, the Luocha pavilion was put into the Luocha Temple by Lao an of the Luocha family. For the time being, the most talented disciples of the Luocha family went to practice.

Only in this way can Luocha quickly cultivate a group of powerful disciples.

After Bai miserable arrived, everyone in the Luocha Pavilion stopped practicing and looked at Bai miserable like a God, ready to listen to Bai miserable's teachings.

"Don't look at me. I'm all at ease. I'm just here to practice for a year to see how the Luocha Pavilion works."

Bai miserable said at will.

Everyone was moved.


This is the lucky General of Luocha nationality.

Even if the Bai leader brings the holy land of cultivation for the Luocha nationality, he should personally test the situation of the holy land of cultivation.

If you get this patriarch, what do you want?

Subsequently, these Luocha talents accompanied Bai miserable and practiced seriously in Luocha Pavilion.

Sure enough!

As soon as Bai miserable practiced, the potential of heaven and earth was inspired, so that these geniuses could clearly feel the potential of heaven and earth, so as to improve their potential.

Of course, Luocha Pavilion can't compare with the fire tower of the fire refining gate in the martial world the day before yesterday. It can only improve the potential and strengthen the absorption of ghost power, and can't quench the heart of the Tao.

If you want to harden the heart of the Tao, I'm afraid it can only be done in the holy land of the other ten ghost families.

But the insight that can obviously improve the rising trend is enough to surprise these top talents of Luocha nationality.

So Bai miserable practiced here for a year.

Originally, the Luocha people always wanted Bai miserable to use cultivation resources, but Bai miserable refused on the grounds that his constitution could not absorb these cultivation resources.

If the people didn't believe it, Bai miserable had to show his soul state and peak state, which made them dispel their doubts.

It turns out that the Bai nationality leader is really physical cultivation.

That's it!

At this time, Chi Tianhe and other ten powerful people left the customs ahead of time and gathered in the Luocha Temple because the battle of the younger generation of the ten ghost families was about to begin.

When they learned that Bai miserable acted as the chief of the clan, they were stunned after solving the two most difficult problems of the Luocha clan.

If Bai miserable hadn't been practicing in luochage, I'm afraid they would have gone straight to kiss Bai miserable's thigh.

Later, the old clan told them that Bai miserable cultivation could also lead to changes in the potential of heaven and earth, which could significantly improve the understanding potential of the disciples practicing in Luocha Pavilion.

In a short period of one year, the young generation of disciples practicing in luochage have generally reached the level of the six powerful.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that in a short time, Luocha will have many talented disciples in the realm of ten powerful people.

This can control the excitement of strong people such as Tianhe, and no longer run to luochage regardless of the image.

"Bai chief, I miss you so much."

Holding heaven and calling the lover's name tremblingly as if he hadn't seen his lover for a long time.

Bai Pang, who had been walking out of the Luocha Pavilion in high spirits, immediately excited his spirit when he heard this strange sound and hurriedly made a defensive posture, "what's the matter? In broad daylight, where are the special lovers?"

The strong men who accompanied Bai Nai out one by one were covered with black lines and embarrassed: "cough! Bai leader, listen to the voice, it seems that it is the leader of the great clan."


Bai miserable was speechless.

Sure enough, when Chi Tianhe and others came, they rushed frantically to Bai miserable as soon as they saw Bai miserable. Bai miserable was so frightened that he almost didn't run back to the Luocha Pavilion.

"Oh, Bai leader, you have worked hard. Come on, sit down and have a rest."

Holding Tianhe didn't know where to get a throne and let Bai miserable sit down.

Several other patriarchs and ten powerful people used the supreme skill to freeze Qiongjiang and lingguo, and then handed them to Bai miserable with a smile.

Looking at this group of top leaders of Luocha nationality, their behavior is so strange. Bai miserable naturally thought that they must have heard that they have solved two major events of Luocha nationality.


Bai miserable shouted and everyone stopped.

Later, Bai Zhenyou said, "you don't have to do this, patriarch. I'm just trying to do something in my job. Besides, these two things are not difficult. There's no need to care so much."


"The events that have plagued us for countless years are not difficult in the view of the Bai leader. This... Is amazing."

The eight clan leaders thought in their hearts and looked at Bai miserable excitedly, "Bai clan leader, do you have a good plan for the Luocha ghost pool?"

Bai miserably turned his eyes. "What good plan do you want? Fight directly, fight to the strongest young generation of the other ten ghost families, raise their hands and surrender, and then directly move the Luocha ghost pool back. It's a piece of cake. I'll take care of it."


Chi Tianhe and others looked at me, I looked at you, and then knelt down to Bai miserable and said, "we respectfully invite the head of the Bai nationality to take the post of chief of the great clan and lead us to the glory of the Luocha nationality."

Others also half knelt down one after another, "please ask the head of the Bai nationality to serve as the chief of the great clan!"


Bai miserable sprayed a mouthful of juice directly.

"Hey! I said, are you trying to get the ducks on the shelf? I just saw that the patriarch and others were injured. I acted as the patriarch temporarily, but I never wanted to be your patriarch."

"Also, my position as the head of Gaodi's line is also temporary. I can't stay in Luocha family all the time. I still have a lot of things to deal with."

"Moreover, having the identity of the chief of the Luocha clan will not be conducive to me to recapture the Luocha ghost pool for you."

"Therefore, this matter has not been discussed. When the Luocha nationality rises, I will handle my affairs. The future of the Luocha nationality depends on you."

All the people smacked their tongue, "this..."

Chi Tianhe and other old strong men who have lived for more than hundreds of thousands of years can naturally see that Bai Zhenzhi is not here.

To get Bai miserable's care is a blessing won by the patriarch of the last generation of emperor Gao.

As long as Bai miserable helps them recapture the Luocha ghost pool, 10000 years will be enough for the rapid rise of Luocha nationality.

At that time, the Luocha people can also start to move towards glory by themselves.

After thinking about it, holding Tianhe took the lead and said, "I understand. In the hearts of our Luocha people, you are the chief of our family for a lifetime. This kindness will never be forgotten!"

Bai miserable was relieved, as long as these guys didn't let themselves be the patriarch.

"Hahaha... Yes, yes, get up! Let's go to the main hall to discuss the big ratio of Luocha ghost pool!"

Then they went to the temple of Luocha to discuss the matter.

Finally, at Bai miserable's suggestion, Chi Tianhe took Bai miserable, the clan elders and others to go, while the other top ten continued to close down and recover from their injuries.

As for the young generation of Luocha talents, they also continue to practice in isolation.

In this way, the subsequent rise plan will not be delayed.

After everything was agreed, Chi Tianhe took a team of clan elders and Bai miserable and began to go to the impermanent clan.

Dabi, the strongest of the younger generation of the top ten ghost families in this session, was held in the impermanent family, which is now the head of the top ten ghost families.

According to Chi Tianhe, the impermanent clan has obtained the right to use the Luocha ghost pool for three consecutive times, and its strength is becoming stronger and stronger.

This time, the younger generation of impermanence clan has produced a monster, black and white impermanence. It is the existence of luoye ghost eagle, a monster genius of yecha clan, which is very powerful.

"Bai leader, can your body really recover indefinitely?"

Chi Tianhe is still a little worried.

"Of course, no one can kill me with my undead body and undead secret method. I'll be the first in this session."

Seeing Bai miserable so confident, holding Tianhe and others completely put down their hearts.

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