When Bai miserable and others rushed to the impermanent family, the other ten ghost families also started to go.

Earth burial clan!

Funkong and others went to bury Duan Geng with a monster genius.

This is a chance for Duan Geng to experience.

After all, the impermanent clan has a monster, black and white impermanence. As long as he is there, no one of the younger generation of the buried clan will be his opponent.

Therefore, burying Kong and others took this Dabi as an opportunity to train Duan Geng.


The clan leader's dead spirit set out with the young generation's strongest monster genius Wujue spirit!

Spirit corpse clan!

Clan feldspar cirrus cloud set out with Shi Sanxiao, the strongest monster genius of the younger generation!

Law clan!

Patriarchal laws and regulations are popular. Start with the strongest monster level genius laws and regulations of the younger generation!

Waste clan!

The patriarch wasted his time and set out with the most powerful monster genius of the young generation!


Clan leader Luo Ye Tianliang sets out with the young generation's strongest monster level genius Luo Ye ghost Eagle!

Soul arrest clan!

The patriarch soul Dan set out with the young generation's strongest monster level genius soul prisoner!

Blood ghost!

The patriarch Xueji set out with xuezhiluo, the strongest monster genius of the younger generation!

The grand competition meeting of the top ten ghost families once every 10000 years naturally attracted the attention of countless forces in the heaven ghost world.

Only those who can watch the war in the territory of impermanent family, the head of the top ten ghost families, are all big ghost families.

Ordinary ghost clan can only wait for battle briefing outside the impermanent clan territory.

Among the countless strong men who went to the impermanence family, there was a mysterious strong woman from the demon world.

The strong woman wore an ice lotus mask, and no one knew her identity.

This woman is the first saint Luo Tianxue in the demon world!

Before the tianwu world disaster, Luo Tianxue was very worried about Bai miserable's safety.

After the tianwu world disaster, Luo Tianxue went to the tianwu world again.

However, in order not to cause a sensation, Luo Tianxue hid her identity and quietly came to inquire about Bai miserable's whereabouts.

When Tiandou Zong Dongli Xiaoyao and others learned that Bai miserable had gone to the heaven ghost world, Luo Tianxue went to the heaven ghost world without saying a word, but he didn't get the exact whereabouts of Bai miserable.

Recently, I heard that there was a mysterious undead strong man in Luocha nationality. He was still a teenager. Luo Tian rushed to Luocha nationality when he was Snowden.

But when Luo Tianxue comes to the Luocha family and shows his identity as Bai miserable's friend, he learns that Bai miserable has set out for the impermanent family.

In desperation, Luo Tianxue had to ask for a tone stone from the Luocha old man and contacted Bai miserable.

Bai miserable was surprised to hear that Luo Tianxue came.

At the thought of Luo Tianxue's strength, many things are easier to do with her.

So Bai miserable asks Luo Tianxue to go directly to the impermanence family and gather there.

After confirming the location of Bai miserable, Luo Tianxue was very happy and hurried to find the man she missed day and night.

Seeing that he was about to reach the impermanent family, Luo Tianxue was stopped by a group of ghost practitioners.

This group of ghosts is the soul arrest clan and others.

The strongest monster level genius soul prisoner of the soul arrest family is a famous bastard in the world of heavenly ghosts.

Almost all the female ghosts he liked would be played with by him.

However, he is also a powerful young clan leader of the soul arrest clan. His identity, status and strength are extremely strong. No one dares to avenge him.

It can be said that the soul prisoner is the evil ghost in the color of all female ghosts in the heaven ghost world!

Fortunately, the soul prisoner's vision is very high. The female ghost practitioners he can see are amazing and gorgeous.

This time, the soul prisoner accidentally found Luo Tianxue.

Although Luo Tianxue wears an ice lotus mask, Luo Tianxue's flawless figure and unique temperament directly attracted him.

A woman with such a figure and temperament is still a demon repair in the demon world. Her appearance is absolutely not bad.

Therefore, the soul prisoner was moved.


He directly stopped Luo Tianxue's way.

The head of the soul arrest clan and others know that the lust of the soul prisoner has been committed.

However, there is still some time before the beginning of Dabi, and there is no hurry.

However, soul Dan still reminded soul prisoners not to create complications, which is more important than others.

But the soul prisoner directly replied, "clan leader, if I get this woman, I will be invincible. Maybe I can defeat black and white impermanence and win the first!"

Seeing that the soul prisoner is like this, the strong such as soul Dan will let it go.

Anyway, the other party is just a banshee. As long as it doesn't hurt his life and cultivation foundation, it's no big deal.

"I didn't expect to meet a woman who makes me excited here. This is fate!"

"Beauty, I'm one of the top ten ghost families in the world of heavenly ghosts, the young patriarch of the ghost family. Let's fight for three days and nights in this wilderness for fate!"

The soul prisoner unscrupulously smiled at Luo Tianxue.

Passing ghost repair strongmen stopped to watch, "Alas, this Banshee repair was favored by the young clan leader of the soul arrest clan. It seems that her reputation is not guaranteed."

Luo Tianxue's eyes were cold for a moment and said faintly, "waste your soul and roll!"


For a moment, all the ghosts were stunned.

"Hiss... Did I hear you right!"

"This Banshee cultivation even let the soul prisoner waste a soul!"

A big ghost clan leader took a breath of air conditioning and said.

The soul prisoner's narrowed eyes suddenly became cruel, "what are you talking about?"

This is the first time someone has been so rude to him.

Still in full view.

This annoys the prisoners.

"Do you have the courage to say it again? Believe it or not, I will directly let everyone see your delicate body."

Soul Dan and others frowned and looked gloomy. They were obviously angered by Luo Tianxue's words.

Just now, the soul prisoner has shown his identity, but the Banshee Xiu still wants the soul prisoner to abolish his soul. What a big tone!

Even the demon king's strong inheritance power dare not speak like this to the monster level genius soul prisoner of the soul arrest family.

Seeing that the soul prisoner dared to speak unkindly, Luo Tianxue said coldly: "I changed my mind."

Soul prisoners and others all turn anger into joy.

It seems that the Banshee Xiu finally reacted and was afraid.

Who knows, Luo Tianxue directly jumped out a sentence, "you're better."


The ghost practitioners who watched directly petrified.

The strong people of the soul arrest family are also collectively ignorant.

At this moment, the soul prisoner was completely angered, the ghost force erupted, and the ghost of arresting the soul suddenly appeared, "Stinky demon girl, I want to take you and mutilate you in front of everyone."

At this time, Luo Tianxue moved. There was no demon force fluctuation and no demon appearance. He directly kicked the soul prisoner with a simple and rough leg.

The soul prisoner thought Luo Tianxue was belittling him and shouted angrily, "look for abuse!"

Then, the soul prisoner's "soul arrest ghost art" runs, and he wants to control Luo Tianxue's demon soul.

But the attack of the soul prisoner was directly kicked away by Luo Tianxue. This is more than that. Luo Tianxue's foot kicked the soul prisoner's chest.

"Lying trough!"

The soul prisoner was shocked and quickly retreated, narrowly avoiding Luo Tianxue's ordinary foot.


To be exact, he didn't completely escape. His sternum was shattered by the golden mysterious force on Luo Tianxue's leg.


The soul prisoner vomited a mouthful of blood, but it was all right.

"Soul prisoner!"

The strong people of the soul arrest clan were shocked.

But I was relieved to see that it was no big deal.


The melon eaters all looked at Luo Tianxue inconceivably.

Soul prisoner is one of the top ten!

Or a monster genius, whose combat power can't be guessed.

How could you be easily kicked by this woman?

As soon as the head of the soul arrest clan saw Luo Tianxue's hand, he knew that Luo Tianxue was not simple. He said politely, "Sir, please don't blame our young clan leader. He just has no words to hide. It's all a misunderstanding. How about stopping now?"

"Self abolishing cultivation, or I'll do it for you!"

Luo Tianxue doesn't give face to the head of the soul arrest clan at all.

"Do you want to go to war with our soul arrest clan? This is the heaven ghost world!"

Soul Dan looked at Luo Tianxue gloomily.

"Then fight!"

Luo Tianxue didn't perform Tai Lian Zu demon Sutra in order to prevent people from discovering that she was the first saint in the demon world.

Instead, it uses the Dharma Sutra mastered at birth, which is also a non upper body cultivation method.

Luo Tianxue instantly turned into a golden female god of war and directly fought the five top ten powerful people of the soul arrest family alone.

This is the beginning of an amazing war.

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