Originally, many ghost practitioners thought that ten powerful people, such as the head of the soul arrest clan, could definitely take this mysterious Banshee in an instant.

But to their dismay, the strong such as soul Dan were suppressed by this strange Banshee repair.

What's more, they were completely suppressed by her and had no resistance.

Ten powerful people of five soul arrest families, such as soul Dan and soul prisoner, were beaten and blasted back.

Other strong people of the soul arrest clan were kicked away by Luo Tianxue and fell to the ground. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.



"She can't be that strong!"

The prisoner is going crazy.

In the TIANYAO world, among the strong young generation, Luo Tianxue, the Lord of Tailian demon mountain and the first saint in the TIANYAO world, will have such combat power.

But the Banshee Xiu in front of her was not Luo Tianxue at all, because she did not show the Tailian ancestor demon Sutra and did not show the Tailian demon phase.

Soul Dan is going crazy.

Obviously, this Banshee cultivation is an individual cultivation, and her strength is the power of the flesh.

"Roar! Don't be hit by her fists and feet, and imprison her demon soul together."

Soul Dan immediately had a response.

However, when the top five and top ten of them jointly display the profound meaning of the soul arrest ghost Sutra and want to arrest Luo Tianxue's soul, they are frightened to find that their profound meaning of soul arrest cannot arrest Luo Tianxue's golden soul.

"How could this happen?"

"Why is her soul as hard as King Kong?"

They are stupid.

It was the first time they had seen such a terrible soul. It was indestructible and could not shake a penny.

Luo Tianxue saw that the five people's skills were so strange that they directly affected her soul.

However, it seems that their attack means are very weak and can't shake their soul at all.

If they know what Luo Tian Xue thinks, I'm afraid they will make complaints about it.

I'm weak, your sister's weak!

You're a pervert!

Therefore, the irritated Luo Tianxue directly turned into a golden light and shadow and danced strangely.

"Golden war dance - silent world!"

After listening to Luo Tianxue's soft drink, the huge golden light formed a silent, like a vacuum golden world.

In this world, soul prisoners and others can't hear a sound.

"How? What's this move?"

They were shocked and wanted to escape the golden world because they perceived great danger.

But it's too late


When the golden light burst, the vacuum world suddenly broke, and even the void was broken.

But strangely, there was still no sound.

The ghost practitioners who watched the war were frightened and retreated again. They couldn't talk to themselves for a long time.


They were stunned.

And the ghost Xiu of the soul arrest family, who is in the realm of the five top ten powerful people shrouded in Luo Tianxue's "silent world", all fell into a coma.

The soul prisoner fainted because the three ghosts were destroyed.

The four of hundan fainted because they were seriously injured.

This is Luo Tianxue's mercy on the four people.

Otherwise, soul Dan and other four powerful people will never survive under Luo Tianxue's killing move.

After defeating the strong one of the soul arrest family, Luo Tianxue turned into golden light and shadow and disappeared.

No one dares to stop Luo Tianxue.

Five big and ten powerful people!

It's still the top combat power of the soul arrest family. It's been moved for a second.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, ghosts wouldn't believe it!

long time!

Yougui Xiu made a strange cry of panic, "the head of the soul arrest clan, they have been defeated!"

In an instant, the news that soul Dan and others of the soul arrest clan were defeated by the mysterious Banshee repair spread crazily all over the sky Ghost World.

For a moment, shocked the whole ghost world!

Countless ghost practitioners can't believe it. Five powerful people, one of the top ten ghost families, can't beat a banshee Xiu!

The other ten ghost families who came to Dabi passed by and quickly came to check.

I was shocked to see the head of the soul arrest clan and others knocked down to the ground.

Subsequently, they quickly treated hundan and others to confirm the situation.

Soul Dan and others soon woke up, but the soul prisoner has been completely abolished.

This made soul Dan roar with surprise and anger, "it's not over!"

They just came to participate in the big comparison of Luocha ghost pool, without ghost tools and guardian forces.

Where would they have thought that they would be so hanged and beaten.

No one would have expected such a thing to happen.

With a knife on the head of the color character, everything is the disaster caused by the soul prisoner.

The soul prisoner has been abolished, and the soul detaining family has suffered heavy losses.

"She must have gone to the impermanence clan. I want her to pay the price!"

Soul Dan vomited blood and said ferociously.

Then, soul Dan asked others to take the soul prisoner back to the soul arrest family for healing, while he went to the impermanence family to find the Banshee.

Of course, soul Dan also contacted the ancestors of the soul arrest clan with a tone stone and asked them to come with ghost tools to help.

At this time, Luo Tianxue has met Bai miserable outside the impermanent family territory.

"Brother Bai, I heard about the tianwu world robbery, but it scared me to death. I wish you were all right."

As soon as we met, Luo Tianxue said shyly.

"I have a special constitution. I won't die if heaven and man die."

Bai Nai smiled back.

"Bai leader, this is..."

Holding Tianhe and others looked at Luo Tianxue puzzled.

Bai miserable whispered to hold Tianhe and others: "patriarch, she is Luo Tianxue, the first saint of the demon world. She is my friend. Don't cry out. Just know."


Chi Tianhe and others are stupid.

She is the legendary invincible first saint Luo Tianxue in the demon world?

Oh, my God!

Luo Tianxue is actually a friend of the Bai leader?

And it seems that Luo Tianxue likes the Bai leader very much. Don't you see that Luo Tianxue's eyes are flooded with the light of love?

Holding Tianhe and others smiled knowingly, "there is a play, there is a play, the Bai nationality is really lucky!"

Then, Bai miserable and others took Luo Tianxue into the impermanence family and took a seat in the seat of Luocha family.

Along the way, many strongmen of the big ghost family were talking about the abolition of the young leader of the ghost family.

Even now there are many strong people pointing at Luo Tianxue.

Bai miserable and others looked confused and forced, "Tianxue, have you ever heard of the soul arrest family on the road?"


Luo Tianxue Meng said.

Along the way, she really hasn't heard of it.

"Well... Then why are they all looking at you?"

Bai miserable wondered.

"It should be that I defeated the ghost cultivation of the soul arrest clan!"

Luo Tianxue still said.


Bai miserable and others didn't react for a while.


Bai miserable and holding Tianhe and others all look at Luo Tianxue.

"What did you just say?"

Bai miserably asked.

"I said they should be saying that I defeated the ghost cultivation of the soul arrest clan."

Luo Tianxue squints and looks at Bai miserable.


"I'll go!"

Bai miserable and others stared at Luo Tianxue.

For a while!

Bai Zhen was shocked and asked, "snow, what's going on?"

So Luo Tianxue told the whole story again, and then asked weakly as if he had done something wrong: "brother Bai, will you blame me for my heavy hand?"

Who knows

"Ah ha ha... Good fight, this scum should beat him!"

Bai miserably laughs and agrees with Luo Tianxue.

Luo Tianxue, who was still worried, immediately smiled, "I like brother Bai best."

But Luo Tianxue's words are very light.

Only Chi Tianhe and others heard.

People looked at Luo Tianxue and Bai miserable strangely, and muttered, "there is a play, this play is still very stable!"

Bai Zhen, who was only laughing, didn't hear it.

Soul Dan, who finally arrived at the place of bizhan of the impermanent family, saw Luo Tianxue wearing an ice lotus mask at a glance.

When he saw Luo Tianxue sitting with the people of the Luocha family, he suddenly showed his startled intention.

"Good! It turns out that the Banshee Xiu has something to do with the Luocha clan!"

It seems that soul Dan is blaming the hatred on the Luocha family.

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