When Luo Tianxue's white, tender, soft, smooth and elastic hands gently held Bai miserable's hands, their bodies trembled slightly at the same time, and a wonderful feeling filled their hearts.

"What are they doing?"

Countless ghost repairs looked at Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue in amazement. They suddenly held hands, as if the beauty was in love with the beast.

At this time, the golden body cultivation power in Luo Tianxue's body was silently transmitted to Bai miserable's body through a strange mark.

If this mark shows up, it will definitely amaze countless strong people.

Because this mark is the invincible mark.

There are only three people in the whole world.

The owner is destined to be the leader in the future.

However, Luo Tianxue's invincible seal is special, which is different from the other two invincible seal owners.

Therefore, outsiders can't notice Luo Tianxue's invincible seal.

Even starlings can't see it.

Soon, Luo Tianxue's physical cultivation strength filled his white body.

"Snow, almost."

Bai miserably warned.

Luo Tianxue stopped the power transmission and said softly, "brother Bai, ask me again after the fight. I just gave you one ten thousandth of the power."

"I'll go!"

Bai miserable stumbled.

Feeling the huge power in the body, this is only one tenth of Luo Tianxue's power?

You know, this is just the power of Luo Tianxue's physical cultivation!

Not counting the power of Luo Tianxue's Dharma cultivation!

How hard is the snow?

Shaking his head, Bai miserable took a deep breath. It's so scary.

There is such a terrible genius in the world. It is worthy of being the first saint in the demon world known as "King level genius".

Looking at Shi Sanxiao still shouting on the stage, Bai miserable jumped directly and gently onto the stage.

Bai miserable fought again.

All the ghost practitioners ridiculed wildly, "I can't help it at last. It seems that he is not a shrinking turtle, ha ha..."

"Hum! Bai miserable, when I have abused you enough, I will naturally throw you out of the battle platform."

Shi Sanxiao sneered at Bai miserable.

"In fact, you all misunderstood."

Bai miserable said softly.


The ghosts looked at Bai miserable in confusion.

"I just feel... With the two major means, I can sweep all Tianjiao in Tiangui world, so I didn't choose to use my physical strength."


All the ghosts repaired the stupid circle, "what's he talking about?"

Bai miserably still said, "you think... Why can I use my undead means frequently? That's because... I have cultivated my body to the extreme under the eternal realm."


Then, Bai miserable's eyes flashed with gold, and his whole body was full of golden strength.



For a moment, all powerful ghost practitioners can feel how powerful Bai miserable's golden power is!

In terms of strength alone, it is no less than ten powerful people!


Shi Sanxiao quickly put away his contempt and tried his best to urge the spirit corpse art. The spirit corpse ghost phase released a special breath.

Then, Shi Sanxiao released a spirit corpse.

A terrible scene appeared. Shi Sanxiao's spirit corpse ghost phase controlled all the spirit corpses. Suddenly, a huge army of spirit corpses appeared on the battle platform.

This is the spirit corpse clan's means to control all corpses.

"Bai miserable, even if your physical strength reaches the level of ten powerful people, I don't believe you can defeat my spirit corpse army."

Shi Sanxiao moved his hands, and the spirit corpse army seemed to have life. He killed Bai miserably madly.

Bai miserable tries to use the soul sword to deal with these spirit corpses and finds it useless.

These are bodies, no souls.

The reason why they can move is that they have been refined by the spirit corpse clan, and then manipulated by the spirit corpse art.

In the six circles, it is said that "one person is an army", which is the strong man of the spirit corpse family.

These spirit corpses are not strong, but they are not afraid of death or injury, and the number is huge.

Either break them or defeat the controller Shi Sanxiao.

Looking at the spirit corpse army that continued to rush and kill, Bai miserable grinned, "let you see how I can break your spirit corpse skill!"

Then, Bai miserable directly cast the white forbidden Art - Tianyu!

Jin Yan turned into a strange shock armor. All the spirit corpses who attacked Bai miserable were inexplicably shocked by a huge counterattack.

In this way, the spirit corpse army became a decoration and could not get close to Bai miserable.

Bai miserable killed Shi Sanxiao so recklessly.

Of course, Shi Sanxiao not only has these spirits and corpses, but also has a collection of the corpses of ten powerful people.

Seeing Bai miserable so fierce, Shi Sanxiao quickly released the body.


The corpse roared, and then roared violently at Bai miserable.

Bai miserably didn't dodge. He directly hit hard with the spirit corpse of the ten powerful people.

Bang Bang

Violent forces collided and a terrible roar broke out.

Those spirit corpses who surrounded the white tragedy were constantly shocked by the strong wave of power.

After fighting with the spirit corpse of the ten powerful people for a while, Bai miserable found that there was no point in fighting with it.

Therefore, Bai miserable flashed the spirit corpse with a "white forbidden Art - Wukong" and directly appeared in front of Shi Sanxiao.


Looking at the sudden white tragedy, Shi San smiled and said, "so fast!"

However, the spirit corpse clan is not only able to "spirit corpse art". When they are close to their opponents, the spirit corpse clan will show another means "human corpse replacement".

When Bai miserable blows at Shi Sanxiao, suddenly, Shi Sanxiao and the spirit corpse of the ten powerful people exchange positions.


Bai miserably blew up the spirit corpse of the ten powerful people with one punch, then turned and looked at Shi San with a smile, "unexpectedly, the spirit corpse family can still play!"


Seeing that his strongest spirit corpse is not Bai miserable's opponent, Shi Sanxiao dignified, "Bai miserable, I didn't expect you to be so strong. Luoye ghost Eagle didn't lose wrongly, but I won't easily admit defeat."

With that, Shi Sanxiao directly received the spirit corpse army and the spirit corpse of the ten powerful people, then changed his technique and shouted, "the mystery of spirit corpse Art - transforming corpses!"

I saw that Shi Sanxiao's spirit corpse ghost phase was integrated with Shi Sanxiao. This is the "corpse melting" means that the special ghost of the spirit corpse family can do.

The spirits of the spirit corpse clan are: corpse spirits, dead spirits and ghosts. With the spirit corpse technique, you can turn your body into a spirit corpse for a short time, and your strength has soared, which is comparable to the strong in the field.


Shi Sanxiao, who turned into a monster like corpse, looked like a ghost, and his body was like a ghost beast. The huge corpse ghost force swept the whole battle platform.

The big ghost families watching the war and other ghost repair all exclaimed, "there are no weak people in the top ten ghost families!"

Facing Shi Sanxiao at the moment, Bai miserable decides to use soul refining formula and "white forbidden art" together.

Although Shi Sanxiao is slightly better in strength, he will be the loser!

Then, Bai miserable and Shi Sanxiao collided with each other, like two barbarians fighting each other.

It's just that Bai miserable's soul sword constantly impacts the three ghosts of Shi Sanxiao.

Although Shi Sanxiao turned into a corpse, he was not too afraid of soul attack.

However, if the power of the ghost is consumed greatly, he cannot continue to maintain this "corpse" state.

After more than ten days of hard work, Shi Sanxiao couldn't support it.

He can't suppress Bai miserable, kill Bai miserable once, and blow him out of the battle platform.

So he lost

The black and blue face who was hit by the white tragic explosion lost, and there was no longer the roaring sound of the previous roar.

Some were on the stage, holding their heads and pleading: "don't hammer, I think... Lose..."

Finally, the head of Lingshi clan came forward. Bai miserable stopped and returned to his seat.

The power Luo Tianxue gave him has consumed 7788. Bai miserable can only find Luo Tianxue to supplement it again.

At this time, the impermanence family is dignified again.

They thought Bai miserable was weak and could be targeted by rules. Now it seems that this is not the case!

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