Even Shi Sanxiao, who performed the profound meaning of the spirit corpse clan's spirit corpse art, is not Bai miserable's opponent. Then black and white impermanence will be consumed by Bai miserable nine times out of ten.

Blood impermanence had to rethink countermeasures.

The power of Bai miserable's physical cultivation has reached its peak, which means that almost no one in his generation can beat him.

In that case, as long as Bai miserable can't participate in the next battle, it's OK.

As for how to make Bai miserable lose his qualification to participate in the war, we need to find some ways.

Therefore, blood impermanence let black and white impermanence play again. First defeat the genius of the soul arrest family, and then play with the monster genius of the snow ghost family. Try to play longer, so that the impermanence family can have more time to come up with countermeasures.

Black and white impermanence thinks there's no need to be so troublesome. He doesn't believe that he won't win the war.

But he dared not disobey the order of the patriarch.

Because the patriarch is his father!

Later, black-and-white impermanence came to the battle platform to challenge the genius of the soul arrest family, but the soul arrest family directly conceded defeat. Their young family leaders were abandoned by Luo Tianxue, and other geniuses were not the opponent of black-and-white impermanence, so there was no need to go up and find abuse.

Subsequently, black and white impermanence declared war on snow ghost monster level genius snow Zhiluo.

Xueji, the leader of the snow ghost clan, naturally understands the idea of the impermanent clan.

So Xueji asked xuezhiluo to fight.

The inheritance skill of snow ghost family is ice ghost spell.

As soon as xuezhiluo got on the stage, she performed the ice ghost spell, turning it into a huge ice ghost and turning it into a land of ice and frost.

Weak people can only shiver with cold.

Black and white impermanence has no waves, and has fought a long war with xuezhiluo.

Taking advantage of this time, the impermanent family gave full play to its strength as the head of the top ten ghost families, and asked people to investigate the origin of Bai miserable.

Bai miserable's previous performance is very similar to that of the legendary Immortal King Bai miserable in the tianwu world. As long as you can prove that this Bai miserable is the other Bai miserable, you can.

Soon, most of the ghost world forces were secretly mobilized.

Whether it's going to ghost city to collect intelligence or sending people to tianwu world to collect intelligence, the results will come out in less than a month.

An impermanent old man whispered a few words to blood impermanence, and then gave blood impermanence a detailed information.

Blood impermanence looked at the information, showed a successful smile, and then signaled that black-and-white impermanence could end the competition.

Although black and white impermanence and Xue Zhiluo played for nearly a month, their battle was extremely wonderful.

It didn't annoy the ghost Xiu watching the war.

On the contrary, it helped black and white impermanence gain a wave of reputation of loving and cherishing jade.

After receiving his father's signal, black and white impermanence strongly beat xuezhiluo out of the battle platform and won the victory.

So far, only impermanence and Luocha are left in the contest of monster level talents among the top ten ghost families.

The ghost practitioners outside the impermanent clan's territory knew that black-and-white impermanence and Bai miserable were about to decide the outcome, which immediately caused a huge noise.

Some support black and white impermanence, and some support white tragedy.

When black and white impermanence went down and recovered, blood impermanence went to the stage again and announced loudly: "before the decisive battle, I have a great event to announce to you."


Everyone looked at the blood impermanence suspiciously.

Luocha people are dignified.

Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue also squint and stare at the blood impermanence.

Because blood impermanence cannot announce things for no reason, it must be against them.

Sure enough!

Blood impermanence directly held up the information in his hand and said loudly: "in today's era, many strong people in the six circles think it is the era of the four kings, and the four kings widely rumored in the six circles are: Luo Tianxue, the first saint in the demon world, Bai miserable, the descendant of the little Vajra sect, the mysterious little prophet in the divine world, and the mysterious woman associated with the little prophet, which is said to be called Chu Yunxi."


Countless ghosts still don't understand what the chief of the impermanent clan wants to announce.

"What I want to announce next is about the white tragedy of the heirs of the little King Kong sect."

"Bai miserable has the means of immortality, thunder eyes, four major white forbidden techniques, etc. it is also physical cultivation."

"The Luocha's war genius, also known as Bai miserable, also has the means of immortality. He fought with Shi Sanxiao in the war. If I'm right, he's the" white prohibition technique "

"As like as two peas of the Luo Cha people, the most important thing is that the little King Kong's descendant is miserable.

"Therefore, Bai miserable, the war genius of Luocha nationality, is the undead king of tianwu world, Bai miserable!"

"This is the evidence!"

Said, the blood impermanence released the appearance of white tragedy, which is no different from the present white tragedy.


All the ghosts looked at Bai miserable.

"It turns out that he is one of the four king level geniuses. No wonder he is so powerful!"

"Luocha clan has found powerful foreign aid!"

"Yes, in order to recapture the Luocha ghost pool, the Luocha people seem to be in a desperate situation. They also admire them for finding Bai miserable to support them."

Listening to the comments of countless ghost practitioners, Chi Tianhe and others changed their faces.

"No! Impermanence clan wants to deprive Bai miserable of his right to fight!"

Then, xueimpermanence's crafty dialogue with Bai miserably said with a smile: "Bai miserably, as a king level genius, it's disgraceful for you to bully our monster level genius descendants in the heaven ghost world. Moreover, this is the matter of the top ten ghost families in the heaven ghost world. You don't interfere anymore!"

Then, blood impermanence looked at Chi Tianhe and said like a good man, "Chi Tianhe clan leader, don't say that we are impermanent and unjust. We allow you Luocha to choose a genius again to continue the final decisive battle."

In addition to the ground burial clan and yecha clan, the other ten ghost families agree one after another.

Other strong forces of the ghost clan who learned Bai miserable's identity also agreed one after another and asked the Luocha clan to re select talents to join the war!

For a time, almost all ghost practitioners stood on the side of the impermanent family, causing great pressure on Chi Tianhe and others.

They want to refute, but they can't.

At this time, Bai miserable patted holding Tianhe on the shoulder, indicating that he was at ease.

Then, Bai miserable got up directly, clapped his hands, smiled and said, "the impermanent patriarch is really powerful. He got my information so soon."

When the ghosts saw Bai miserable speak, they all calmed down.

"Bai miserable, you are also worthy of the name of the king. You are also capable of pressing many of our talents in the heaven and ghost world."

Blood impermanence smiled proudly.

"Although I'm not from the heaven ghost world, my adoptive father is from the Luocha family, and I'm also a member of the Luocha family now. If I remember well, I didn't say that the young generation of the top ten ghost families can only participate in the event if I'm not from the heaven ghost world. I'm a member of the Luocha family, and I'm also in line with my age. Why can't I participate? Does the chief of impermanent want to change the rules?"

Bai miserable argued.

"The rules are never perfect. If we find a loophole, we will naturally make up for it. We have not directly deprived the Luocha nationality of the right to participate in the war. The Luocha nationality can choose another disciple to fight. This is not only the opinion of our impermanent nationality, but also the opinion of countless ghost nationalities."

Blood impermanence said with the winning ticket in hand.

"Yes, Luocha people can choose other talents to join the war, but Bai miserable can't. Bai miserable's participation in the war is bullying people. I'm afraid the older generation of strong people can't compete."

Countless ghosts agree.

Bai miserable was not angry and said with a faint smile: "in that case, I Luocha people are not arrogant and unreasonable. If I step back alone, I can retreat from the war, but I have to let this friend around me play instead of me. How about it?"

Countless ghost practitioners look at Luo Tianxue.

Once the head of the arresting clan saw it, he immediately exclaimed in his heart that it was not good.

He watched all the white battles.

But compared with the masked woman, Bai miserable is just a child.

The real horror is the woman.

Soul Dan was trying to remind blood impermanence. Unexpectedly, blood impermanence agreed without thinking.


Soul Dan sighed. In this way, the Luocha ghost pool was destined to fall back into the hands of the Luocha family.

Black and white impermanence is extremely powerful.

But compared with the woman wearing ice lotus mask, it's an unarmed child. Facing the big King Kong with a King Kong hammer, hit a hammer!

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