To say that the most tragic explosion of the alchemy mountain was the broken corner City Lord, who suffered a great disaster for no reason and suffered heavy losses.

But you can't find someone to investigate the responsibility. The alchemy mountain exploded. It's estimated that the successor of the medicine sect also hung up.

This is really dumb. I can't say how bitter it is to eat Coptis chinensis.


A door!

The immortal sect leader looked at the ancient city in the direction of a treasure city.

"What's the matter, old fairy?"

The sect leader asked curiously.

"It's nothing. The place where I inherited the alchemy was exploded. It seems that the ninth generation despised my alchemy."

The immortal sect leader smiled.

"There are more and more unpredictable things now. I wonder if we can wait until the ninth generation bureau is completed."

The ghost sect leader is worried.

"I have a new plan, which may speed up the completion of the layout of the ninth generation."

The demon sect leader suddenly said.

"Oh? Tell me."

The five gate masters are interested.

"Set up the Seventh Gate and let the ninth generation be the Seventh Gate master!"

Said the demon sect leader Shi Tianjing.

"The seventh door?"

The five main gate owners were all surprised.

"Now the six realms are at the cusp of the storm. The abyss family suddenly allied with the Tianzhi family, intercepted the strange behavior of the tiandaochang, and eight tiandaozi who are missing."

"The prophecy given to us by the reincarnation emperor deviated, the world is changing, and we have to deploy and change accordingly."

"The seventh door must be opened, just after the ninth generation came to a door."

"With the talent and strength that no one in nine generations can match, at that time, he will graduate from the avenue realm, and master Han will recommend him to come to a school to assess prospective students."

The demon sect leader said firmly.

"When the Seventh Gate appears, the heavenly family will certainly take action. They are also afraid that before their heavenly son grows up, the six realms will change and a great emperor will be born again!"

"At that time, they will take great action against the ninth generation. This law is feasible, and I agree."

Master Wu nodded.

After some discussion, the six main gates passed unanimously. When Bai miserable comes, create the Seventh Gate and inform the whole endless world!


A college!

Bai miserable, who returned to the temple of heaven, was finally relieved.

Emma, it's breathtaking.

If the strongman of Baocheng learns that he has ruined Baocheng, I'm afraid he can't afford to sell himself.

"Little stone duck, you have to keep your mouth shut about this. Don't reveal a word."

Bai miserable explained.

"Brother Bai, you know me. My mouth is very strict. I just need some treasures, Baodan or something. Stop my mouth."

Looking at the little stone duck's look of taking advantage of the fire, Bai miserable knew that the little stone duck was going to benefit.

"You little bastard, you didn't learn well with the chief of the courtyard. You learned very well when you took advantage of the opportunity."

With that, Bai miserably took out many Tiancai and Dibao to block the mouth of the little stone duck.

"Thank you, brother Bai. I knew I had a great chance to follow brother Bai."

The little stone duck returns to the cultivation room to practice.

Bai miserable also hurried to his own cultivation room to refine natural materials and earth treasures. This cultivation room not only has the power of heaven and earth, but also can survive here.

When Bai miserable refined all the cultivation resources obtained in the treasure city, he successfully survived the thunder disaster and improved his cultivation to the middle level of the eight double heaven in the path realm.

Then Bai miserable took out the supreme treasure pill, swallowed it and began refining.

half a month later!

The terrible thunder and lightning in the cultivation room dispersed, and Bai miserably vomited a mouthful of turbid Qi.

"Finally, they have reached the middle stage of the nine heavy heaven."

Bai miserable couldn't help sighing the horror of the supreme treasure pill.

A cultivation pill has made him break through a great realm in a row. If he turns into someone else, it is estimated that he can directly reach the avenue realm.


There is a power fluctuation at the outlet of the cultivation room. Someone knocked at the door!

Bai miserable ends his cultivation and leaves the cultivation room.

At this time, the training room had already been destroyed by the white and miserable thunder robbery.

Fortunately, the chief of the college promised Bai miserable that if the practice room was damaged, the loss would be borne by the college.

Of course, Bai miserable not only destroyed his own practice room, but also affected and destroyed dozens of practice rooms close to Bai miserable.

These talented disciples complained again and again.

But when they learned that it was the damage caused by Bai miserable, they suddenly lost their temper and just hoped that the college would repair it as soon as possible.

Considering the destructive power of Bai miserable, the college decided to arrange an independent place for Bai miserable.

At least it won't involve anyone else.

It is Xiao Shiya who came to call Bai miserable. He came to inform Bai miserable that the first training task of the disciples of the heaven hall is about to begin.

Bai miserable and little stone duck went to the mobilization meeting.

This time, the training task arranged by the college for tiandian disciples is also a place divided into nine difficulties, and the disciples choose their own tasks.

Bai miserable looks directly at the most difficult nine star task.

When seeing that Zhu Yan's heaven also had experience missions, Bai miserable directly chose a mission to clear the fire scale mountain fire and entangle the mountain fire spirit beast.

Of course, for this task, only the person who receives the task token can Daoshi see the specific content of the task, which others cannot know.

Bai miserable chose this task because he can complete the experience task and get corresponding rewards. Secondly, he can inquire about Dangdang's whereabouts in advance.

Seeing that Bai miserably took Zhu Yan's task in the sky, little stone duck also took a nine star task in Zhu Yan's sky.

Emperor Yi was happy, his eyes were burning, and he had an idea in his heart.

Zhu Yan Tianyu is the home of his imperial family. Bai miserable chose to go there for training. In case something happened, it would be difficult for the college to find out.

Therefore, Diyi also took a nine star task from Zhu Yan's heaven.

After the other disciples of tiandian received their tasks, the Taoist master announced to start!

It's normal to experience casualties, but it's allowed within the scope of the mission.

If something happens outside the scope of the mission, the strong college who is secretly responsible for protection will help.

The strong man who is responsible for following Bai miserable is mo Xiaoxian, who became the Taoist priest of tiandian after supporting the return of Taiqing Tianyu.

When the light of the transmission array surged up, all the disciples who chose Zhu Yan's mission in the sky were transmitted to this battlefield.

Then these disciples ran towards the task.

Emperor Yi secretly stuffed a note to a soldier of the imperial family with primitive techniques.

After the soldier got the note, he went to report it to the former general of the imperial family.

After reading a note, the imperial monument frowned.

It's not a small matter that Keng kills the descendants of the king of the five elements Avenue. He is also the strongest genius in the college.

Once found out, anyone involved in this matter will be severely punished or even executed.

If an ordinary talented disciple of the imperial family wants to do so, he will definitely refuse immediately and even reprimand him severely.

However, it was the imperial family who asked to kill eight seven in the pit. His talent was comparable to that of the first ancestor, Emperor I, which had to be valued by him.

Therefore, the emperor stele quickly reported the matter to the great God of the ancestor emperor and let the ancestor decide.

After reading the note, the emperor's great God Jun chuckled, "emperor I is a good child, but he is a little jealous and vindictive."

Then, the emperor ordered:

"Eighty seven is a peerless genius in the six realms. You can't kill it."

"However, he openly robbed the woman that emperor Yi liked. I have to teach him a lesson. It should be the training for August 7th. You can do it. Don't let the Taoist priest of the college find out."

"Yes, Zhan Shuai!"

After the monument of the former general emperor retreated, the Emperor God looked into the distance.

"Several talents of the college come to me to experience, but there can't be an accident. You have to stare at the guy Zhu Yantian."

Then, the emperor's great God, the emperor's power, rolled and the whole army was on standby. He wanted to shock Zhu Yantian's army and let them focus on themselves.

In this way, it will be much safer for the college disciples to experience in this battlefield.

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